May 2009 bring many blessings, much prosperity, and peace beyond understanding.
God bless and keep you in everything you do.
Let's make 2009 a year for Jesus!
In Christ,
Show me Your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior and my hope is in you all day long. Psalm 25:4-5
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Looking Forward to a Wonderful New Year!!
Wow - I can not believe that three months has gone by since I last posted on this blog. Oh, well, not much I can do to change that now - so, I move forward.
Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. 2009 is just a few hours away. I must admit, thankfully to our gracious Lord, 2008 was rather uneventful. I like uneventful. Turmoil and dissention upset me terribly. Nothin' I hate more than for my nice peaceful boat to get rocked.
I am looking forward to this new year. I have thoughtfully planned my resolutions for this year. They are as follows:
1st goal - I'm not calling them resolutions. They are goals. I have set myself a few goals for this year. And, I am humbly asking for any and all assistance that anyone would like to give.
2nd goal - I am joining Beth Moore and the LPM team in memorizing scripture this year. BM has asked anyone who wants to join in to memorize two scriptures per month - we check in with each other on the 1st and 15th of each month. How great is that. By the end of the year we will have memorized at least 24 scripture.
3rd goal - Since I have been chosen as Sunday School Superintendent for 2009, I have decided to take this job very seriously and put forth all my effort to help build up our SS program at our church. Our pastor has proclaimed 2009 as a "Year of Evangelism" at our church - so our efforts should go hand in hand. The main here is Glory to God!!!
4th goal - I have got to (GOT TO) stop smoking. That's all I'm going to say about that for now.
5th goal - To be more faithful in my blogging.
So, for now, these are the goals for my new year. I'm looking forward to input from you. But, please be kind or at least be tactful.
God bless you with a terrific 2009. May all of His blessings be yours.
See you soon.
Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. 2009 is just a few hours away. I must admit, thankfully to our gracious Lord, 2008 was rather uneventful. I like uneventful. Turmoil and dissention upset me terribly. Nothin' I hate more than for my nice peaceful boat to get rocked.
I am looking forward to this new year. I have thoughtfully planned my resolutions for this year. They are as follows:
1st goal - I'm not calling them resolutions. They are goals. I have set myself a few goals for this year. And, I am humbly asking for any and all assistance that anyone would like to give.
2nd goal - I am joining Beth Moore and the LPM team in memorizing scripture this year. BM has asked anyone who wants to join in to memorize two scriptures per month - we check in with each other on the 1st and 15th of each month. How great is that. By the end of the year we will have memorized at least 24 scripture.
3rd goal - Since I have been chosen as Sunday School Superintendent for 2009, I have decided to take this job very seriously and put forth all my effort to help build up our SS program at our church. Our pastor has proclaimed 2009 as a "Year of Evangelism" at our church - so our efforts should go hand in hand. The main here is Glory to God!!!
4th goal - I have got to (GOT TO) stop smoking. That's all I'm going to say about that for now.
5th goal - To be more faithful in my blogging.
So, for now, these are the goals for my new year. I'm looking forward to input from you. But, please be kind or at least be tactful.
God bless you with a terrific 2009. May all of His blessings be yours.
See you soon.
Monday, October 6, 2008
A Month Later and a Few Questions
I'm loving my job. Praise to the Lord for placing me in a great school with great people to work with. I stay very, very busy though. I don't mind.
The last month (since my last post)has been filled with all kinds of things going on. I won't go into a lot of them but those particular incidents have opened up a few questions.
Question #1 - At what point in life does one pass from "Miss" to "Ma'am"? Standing in line at WalMart the other day a fellow behind me says, "Excuse me, Miss." Naturally, I turned around and moved to the side to let him pass. Much to my chagrin, he was not talking to me.
Question #2 - Why is that kids can sit through episode after episode of SpongeBob and Drake and Josh and then watch the reruns of the same episodes but complain when we parents want to watch five minutes of the election coverage?
Question #3 - Why can't that one dirty glass appear in the sink before the dishes are done?
Question #4 - Where do the sock mates really go?
These are just a few things I've been wondering. You can even say that some recent personal events have triggered these questions. I would love to hear some ideas on these important issues.
The last month (since my last post)has been filled with all kinds of things going on. I won't go into a lot of them but those particular incidents have opened up a few questions.
Question #1 - At what point in life does one pass from "Miss" to "Ma'am"? Standing in line at WalMart the other day a fellow behind me says, "Excuse me, Miss." Naturally, I turned around and moved to the side to let him pass. Much to my chagrin, he was not talking to me.
Question #2 - Why is that kids can sit through episode after episode of SpongeBob and Drake and Josh and then watch the reruns of the same episodes but complain when we parents want to watch five minutes of the election coverage?
Question #3 - Why can't that one dirty glass appear in the sink before the dishes are done?
Question #4 - Where do the sock mates really go?
These are just a few things I've been wondering. You can even say that some recent personal events have triggered these questions. I would love to hear some ideas on these important issues.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Very Brief Update
The last month or so has been a roller coaster ride for me. I can't remember all the tiny little details but here's the nutshell version.
August 1 - We went to Dollywood for the day. It was a wonderful day and we were absolutely tuckered out when we got home.
August 2 - Back at home, randomly checking voice mail on the home phone gave me a devastating shock. A message from the school board office informed me that I had been transferred to a different school. There was no explanation just the transfer orders. I called my principal to find out what was going on. She informed me it was a mistake and I should report to my regular job on Monday.
August 4 - First day of school. Went to work at regular school as usual. At about 10:00 a.m. Principal informs me that I have indeed been transferred. Again, devastation and many tears, though not actually in front of anyone.
August 5 - No school today (don't know the logic in that) but I went to see my Mom. Needing comfort in regards to my current job status.
August 6 - Report to new school - 15 miles away from my boy who is still at other school. Right off, I don't like it. Although, the people are very nice and the new Principal tries very hard to make the transition easier.
I stayed at the new school for the first three weeks of school. I did my job to the best of my ability. I was heartbroken that I was not actually placed in a classroom, but I still worked hard. I heard of another position in another school, right across the street from my old school. So, I applied and waited. The new position is a step up from my old position and is in the middle school. While I waited for a decision to be made, I continued to work at new school. I began to get very discouraged but kept trying to praise my way through it. All during this time, I knew that God was (and is) in control. Never once did I doubt that He had a plan. The discouragement that I was feeling was from the fact that I don't wait very well. Learning about that one.
Finally, I got word that the position was mine, but the school board was not filling the position until the yearly budget was submitted and passed. So, again, I waited and watched the papers for confirmation that the budget had passed. Finally, the morning papers flashed a headline that the budget had been submitted but rejected. It had to be submitted again. I thought I would scream - but I kept praising God and relying on Him to put me where He wanted me.
So, finally, He gave me the new position. I am now in the 5th grade at the middle school and I LOVE IT. I can take Jacob to school with me in the mornings and a friend picks him up to take him across the street to his school.
The people I work with are great. I'm enjoying all the work (even though it can be hectic at times). It's great!!
So,what did I learn from all this - not much. What did I take from all this - The wonderful, joyous confirmation that My Lord is with me all the time. That He holds me in His hands. That I am precious in His sight and He has great and wonderful plans for me. That I am loved, unconditionally.
Now, I love to tell the story of my transfer because I can tell how the Lord brought me through it. I love to tell others how faithful God is and that I am living proof of His love.
What more could a girl want?
August 1 - We went to Dollywood for the day. It was a wonderful day and we were absolutely tuckered out when we got home.
August 2 - Back at home, randomly checking voice mail on the home phone gave me a devastating shock. A message from the school board office informed me that I had been transferred to a different school. There was no explanation just the transfer orders. I called my principal to find out what was going on. She informed me it was a mistake and I should report to my regular job on Monday.
August 4 - First day of school. Went to work at regular school as usual. At about 10:00 a.m. Principal informs me that I have indeed been transferred. Again, devastation and many tears, though not actually in front of anyone.
August 5 - No school today (don't know the logic in that) but I went to see my Mom. Needing comfort in regards to my current job status.
August 6 - Report to new school - 15 miles away from my boy who is still at other school. Right off, I don't like it. Although, the people are very nice and the new Principal tries very hard to make the transition easier.
I stayed at the new school for the first three weeks of school. I did my job to the best of my ability. I was heartbroken that I was not actually placed in a classroom, but I still worked hard. I heard of another position in another school, right across the street from my old school. So, I applied and waited. The new position is a step up from my old position and is in the middle school. While I waited for a decision to be made, I continued to work at new school. I began to get very discouraged but kept trying to praise my way through it. All during this time, I knew that God was (and is) in control. Never once did I doubt that He had a plan. The discouragement that I was feeling was from the fact that I don't wait very well. Learning about that one.
Finally, I got word that the position was mine, but the school board was not filling the position until the yearly budget was submitted and passed. So, again, I waited and watched the papers for confirmation that the budget had passed. Finally, the morning papers flashed a headline that the budget had been submitted but rejected. It had to be submitted again. I thought I would scream - but I kept praising God and relying on Him to put me where He wanted me.
So, finally, He gave me the new position. I am now in the 5th grade at the middle school and I LOVE IT. I can take Jacob to school with me in the mornings and a friend picks him up to take him across the street to his school.
The people I work with are great. I'm enjoying all the work (even though it can be hectic at times). It's great!!
So,what did I learn from all this - not much. What did I take from all this - The wonderful, joyous confirmation that My Lord is with me all the time. That He holds me in His hands. That I am precious in His sight and He has great and wonderful plans for me. That I am loved, unconditionally.
Now, I love to tell the story of my transfer because I can tell how the Lord brought me through it. I love to tell others how faithful God is and that I am living proof of His love.
What more could a girl want?
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Random Thoughts
This is some of the thoughts that keep floating through my head. I thought if I wrote them down, maybe I could clear my mind.
This past week or so has been a little melancholy for me. Last week, after we returned from vacation, I had to go to Virginia for my Aunt Katherine's funeral. My nickname for Aunt Katherine is "Flossy." Only I am allowed to use it.
Anyway, after I came home from the funeral, I've felt kind of down and out. Yet, I still rejoice in knowing that Flossy is with Jesus and someday, so will I.
We go back to school next Monday, August 4th. Yes, the 4th!!! I'm looking forward to working again - I really miss my paychecks. But, August 4th is ridiculously early.
My seven year old son is obsessed with Jamie Lynn Spears - oh, woe is me!!! Why couldn't he be obsessed with one of those little starlets that has NOT been in the headlines for having a baby at age 16?? Of course, he is only seven and all he sees is the "Zoey 101" show on Nick.
Dear Lord, please don't let this be a glimpse into the future of my son. Amen.
A sweet little lady in our church died Sunday after a long battle with cancer. I wish I had known her better.
My parents are on vacation in Shipshewana, Indiana. It's an Amish community. I looked it up on the internet and it looks lovely. Wish I was with them.
My dream vacation would be a complete tour of all the Civil War sights in the state of Virginia.
I've always wanted to write and publish a book. I'm still praying for the talent to do so.
I spend too much money.
My cousin's son is getting married this weekend in San Antonio, Texas. I would love to go. It would be great to go to the wedding on Saturday, then visit John Hagee's church on Sunday.
But, since we have to go back to school on Monday, it's not possible for me to go.
I should take better care of myself.
OK - I have wallowed in my own muddy thoughts long enough. I feel better. Thanks for your support!
This past week or so has been a little melancholy for me. Last week, after we returned from vacation, I had to go to Virginia for my Aunt Katherine's funeral. My nickname for Aunt Katherine is "Flossy." Only I am allowed to use it.
Anyway, after I came home from the funeral, I've felt kind of down and out. Yet, I still rejoice in knowing that Flossy is with Jesus and someday, so will I.
We go back to school next Monday, August 4th. Yes, the 4th!!! I'm looking forward to working again - I really miss my paychecks. But, August 4th is ridiculously early.
My seven year old son is obsessed with Jamie Lynn Spears - oh, woe is me!!! Why couldn't he be obsessed with one of those little starlets that has NOT been in the headlines for having a baby at age 16?? Of course, he is only seven and all he sees is the "Zoey 101" show on Nick.
Dear Lord, please don't let this be a glimpse into the future of my son. Amen.
A sweet little lady in our church died Sunday after a long battle with cancer. I wish I had known her better.
My parents are on vacation in Shipshewana, Indiana. It's an Amish community. I looked it up on the internet and it looks lovely. Wish I was with them.
My dream vacation would be a complete tour of all the Civil War sights in the state of Virginia.
I've always wanted to write and publish a book. I'm still praying for the talent to do so.
I spend too much money.
My cousin's son is getting married this weekend in San Antonio, Texas. I would love to go. It would be great to go to the wedding on Saturday, then visit John Hagee's church on Sunday.
But, since we have to go back to school on Monday, it's not possible for me to go.
I should take better care of myself.
OK - I have wallowed in my own muddy thoughts long enough. I feel better. Thanks for your support!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
We're Back
We're back from vacation. Had a wonderful time. Didn't want to come home! We started out in Charleston. It's such a beautiful place. I adore Southern history. I especially love to see places where "The War of Northern Agression" took place.
I would love to see Charleston during a time of the year when it's not 500 DEGREES IN THE SHADE. Maybe late fall.

Of course, as usual, I was in the middle of saying something.
Then we moved on to the beach. Love the beach. Don't care for the ocean. Love the beach. As a rule, I don't go into the water above my knees. Frank and Jacob, on the other hand have a crazy desire to stand NECK DEEP in the water. I do not, and never will, share that desire. Guess I've seen too many shark movies. The pool is another story - love the pool. We had a waterpark at our resort too. That was a lot of fun.

See what I mean?

Jacob really enjoyed digging in the sand. Don't even know what he was doing in this one.

It was a really fun week. Did not want to come home. Oh, said that already.
Well, there's a little glimpse into our vacation. It was a wonderful week. Actually, I don't remember being that relaxed in a long time. Did I mention that I really wasn't ready to come home?
Anyhoo - now that I am home - guess it's back to the same old stuff. I'll treasure the memories of that wonderfully relaxed week.(Sigh)
I would love to see Charleston during a time of the year when it's not 500 DEGREES IN THE SHADE. Maybe late fall.

Then we moved on to the beach. Love the beach. Don't care for the ocean. Love the beach. As a rule, I don't go into the water above my knees. Frank and Jacob, on the other hand have a crazy desire to stand NECK DEEP in the water. I do not, and never will, share that desire. Guess I've seen too many shark movies. The pool is another story - love the pool. We had a waterpark at our resort too. That was a lot of fun.

See what I mean?

Jacob really enjoyed digging in the sand. Don't even know what he was doing in this one.

It was a really fun week. Did not want to come home. Oh, said that already.
Well, there's a little glimpse into our vacation. It was a wonderful week. Actually, I don't remember being that relaxed in a long time. Did I mention that I really wasn't ready to come home?
Anyhoo - now that I am home - guess it's back to the same old stuff. I'll treasure the memories of that wonderfully relaxed week.(Sigh)
Friday, July 4, 2008
True Freedom
A quick post for now - more later.
I'm sitting here watching the local 4th of July parade on television. We are not patriotic enough to actually go downtown and sit in the heat - especially since we can see it so much better here at home in air conditioned comfort.
But, as I sit here watching and listening to the comments from the news people, I again realize the sad state of our country.
Our nation has placed its faith in the human abilities of the military to maintain our freedom. But, the pursuit of True Freedom in Christ has been tossed to the wayside. For those of us who have True Freedom in Christ, we understand the importance of keeping Christ first. We know that accepting Christ as Savior and having a personal relationship with Him is the only TRUE Freedom we can ever have. Freddom in Christ can never be taken away. It doesn't have to continuiously be fought for - once it is received, it is forever.
My heart breaks for our nation. I grieve the fact that Christ is not welcome in so many places and in so many hearts.
So, my prayer, especially on this day is for our nation. I pray that across the US, people will come to realize that the only True Freedom is in Christ. I will continue to pray for our military and the freedom they fight for. But, without Freedom in Christ, there will never be complete freedom in these United States.
I'm sitting here watching the local 4th of July parade on television. We are not patriotic enough to actually go downtown and sit in the heat - especially since we can see it so much better here at home in air conditioned comfort.
But, as I sit here watching and listening to the comments from the news people, I again realize the sad state of our country.
Our nation has placed its faith in the human abilities of the military to maintain our freedom. But, the pursuit of True Freedom in Christ has been tossed to the wayside. For those of us who have True Freedom in Christ, we understand the importance of keeping Christ first. We know that accepting Christ as Savior and having a personal relationship with Him is the only TRUE Freedom we can ever have. Freddom in Christ can never be taken away. It doesn't have to continuiously be fought for - once it is received, it is forever.
My heart breaks for our nation. I grieve the fact that Christ is not welcome in so many places and in so many hearts.
So, my prayer, especially on this day is for our nation. I pray that across the US, people will come to realize that the only True Freedom is in Christ. I will continue to pray for our military and the freedom they fight for. But, without Freedom in Christ, there will never be complete freedom in these United States.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Whew! What a week . . . and it's only Wednesday!
I'm pooped!! This has been a very busy week and it's only Wednesday. I'm needing me a little Beth Moore about right now!
Here's the scoop.
VBS was a lot of fun. We had 20 children (good number for us) and the youth (well, six of them) were on had to help out. They are an amazing group of teens. They are loving the Lord with all thier hearts.
The kiddoes made some really awesome t-shirts in craft class. They memorized two memory verses and could repeat the stories almost verbatim.
The music was a hit, too. We used the VBS kit from LifeWay, Outrigger Island (incase anyone might recognize it). They loved the songs. We practiced as much as a one day VBS would allow. Then on Sunday, all the kids wanted to perform thier songs (complete with sign language) for the church. It was so wonderful. God was truly present in VBS.
Yeah, our church is small but we are big in the LORD!!
After VBS, we headed to a local swimming pool to celebrate my niece, Jane Ann's 3rd birthday. It was hot, but the kiddoes had a blast. And thankfully, pizza was served, so I didn't have to worry about dinner.
Sunday, after church, we took Aunt Sharon (aka, Nena) out to lunch for her birthday last week. We started at our favorite italian restaurant here in town. After waiting for one hour to be seated - yes to be seated - we moved to Chili's across the street.
We were seated upon entering and had our food within twenty minutes of pulling into the parking lot. Guess we should have started there.
Then it was home for a much needed Sunday afternoon nap while the guys went to the farm to check on the bull.
Monday, started out as a usual Monday - dishes, laundry, picking up stuff around the house - you know the drill. Then my Mom called from Virginia (about 35 miles away) to tell me that my Great Aunt Katherine is in the hospital and is not expected to live. So, I take Jacob to stay with Dad while Mom and I go to the hospital. Aunt Katherine is in really bad shape. She is full of fluid, her organs are giving out and she can hardly breathe.
We were there until about 10:00 p.m.
On Tuesday, my Aunt Gloria and I drove 200 miles up into Virginia to pick up my Great Aunt Etta, Aunt Katherine's sister. She wanted to be with Aunt Katherine and can no longer drive. So, over 400 miles in a car was tiring but we really had a good time with Aunt Etta. She told us tales about my mom and her siblings when they were young. She also told me some things about my grandfather whom I never knew because he died when I was four months old. It was so nice.
Then, we went back to the hospital to find that Aunt Katherine has been moved from ICU to a private room so the family can be with her. And, much to our amazement, she was awake and breathing somewhat easier. She even perked up enough to recognize each one of us. Then, oh my goodness, then, she told everyone to close our eyes and she prayed a prayer of thanks over all of us there in the room. Talk about feeling the presence of God.
Today, again, it started out like any other day . . . until my husband called to tell me that my step-daughter, Amanda was on her way to the emergency room. She was scheduled to have her gall bladder removed in two weeks, but she is in so much pain they are going to take it out tomorrow morning. So, Jacob, Andy (Amanda's husband), Robin (Amanda's Mom) and I sat in the ER waiting room for six hours while they did some tests and tried to find a room for her.
Like I said - I'm pooped. But, I'll sleep a while tonight and start again tomorrow.
Next week - IF all goes well, I will be preparing for our vacation. I am READY. I can hardly wait to hit that beach and just chill out for a few days. Mmmmm, I can almost smell that ocean air. I might even visit the spa and get myself a massage. I have never had a massage. I have always wanted one but just haven't taken the time. I love to have my back rubbed but that doesn't happen much around here. Oh, Frank is willing - he's just no good at it. I don't get it either. How can such a big strong man have such a soft touch? I like a deep back rub. I want to feel it to the bone. But, when Frank rubs my back, I can barely feel it. It just doesn't make any sense.
Oh well, it gives me something to look forward to.
So, for now, I'm going to rest. See you later.
Here's the scoop.
VBS was a lot of fun. We had 20 children (good number for us) and the youth (well, six of them) were on had to help out. They are an amazing group of teens. They are loving the Lord with all thier hearts.
The kiddoes made some really awesome t-shirts in craft class. They memorized two memory verses and could repeat the stories almost verbatim.
The music was a hit, too. We used the VBS kit from LifeWay, Outrigger Island (incase anyone might recognize it). They loved the songs. We practiced as much as a one day VBS would allow. Then on Sunday, all the kids wanted to perform thier songs (complete with sign language) for the church. It was so wonderful. God was truly present in VBS.
Yeah, our church is small but we are big in the LORD!!
After VBS, we headed to a local swimming pool to celebrate my niece, Jane Ann's 3rd birthday. It was hot, but the kiddoes had a blast. And thankfully, pizza was served, so I didn't have to worry about dinner.
Sunday, after church, we took Aunt Sharon (aka, Nena) out to lunch for her birthday last week. We started at our favorite italian restaurant here in town. After waiting for one hour to be seated - yes to be seated - we moved to Chili's across the street.
We were seated upon entering and had our food within twenty minutes of pulling into the parking lot. Guess we should have started there.
Then it was home for a much needed Sunday afternoon nap while the guys went to the farm to check on the bull.
Monday, started out as a usual Monday - dishes, laundry, picking up stuff around the house - you know the drill. Then my Mom called from Virginia (about 35 miles away) to tell me that my Great Aunt Katherine is in the hospital and is not expected to live. So, I take Jacob to stay with Dad while Mom and I go to the hospital. Aunt Katherine is in really bad shape. She is full of fluid, her organs are giving out and she can hardly breathe.
We were there until about 10:00 p.m.
On Tuesday, my Aunt Gloria and I drove 200 miles up into Virginia to pick up my Great Aunt Etta, Aunt Katherine's sister. She wanted to be with Aunt Katherine and can no longer drive. So, over 400 miles in a car was tiring but we really had a good time with Aunt Etta. She told us tales about my mom and her siblings when they were young. She also told me some things about my grandfather whom I never knew because he died when I was four months old. It was so nice.
Then, we went back to the hospital to find that Aunt Katherine has been moved from ICU to a private room so the family can be with her. And, much to our amazement, she was awake and breathing somewhat easier. She even perked up enough to recognize each one of us. Then, oh my goodness, then, she told everyone to close our eyes and she prayed a prayer of thanks over all of us there in the room. Talk about feeling the presence of God.
Today, again, it started out like any other day . . . until my husband called to tell me that my step-daughter, Amanda was on her way to the emergency room. She was scheduled to have her gall bladder removed in two weeks, but she is in so much pain they are going to take it out tomorrow morning. So, Jacob, Andy (Amanda's husband), Robin (Amanda's Mom) and I sat in the ER waiting room for six hours while they did some tests and tried to find a room for her.
Like I said - I'm pooped. But, I'll sleep a while tonight and start again tomorrow.
Next week - IF all goes well, I will be preparing for our vacation. I am READY. I can hardly wait to hit that beach and just chill out for a few days. Mmmmm, I can almost smell that ocean air. I might even visit the spa and get myself a massage. I have never had a massage. I have always wanted one but just haven't taken the time. I love to have my back rubbed but that doesn't happen much around here. Oh, Frank is willing - he's just no good at it. I don't get it either. How can such a big strong man have such a soft touch? I like a deep back rub. I want to feel it to the bone. But, when Frank rubs my back, I can barely feel it. It just doesn't make any sense.
Oh well, it gives me something to look forward to.
So, for now, I'm going to rest. See you later.
Friday, June 27, 2008
A big weekend
Tomorrow is going to be a very big day. Our little country church is having a one day Vacation Bible School. We begin at 10:00 and will end somewhere around 3:00. Afterwards we will have a picnic to celebrate. Since our church is so small - we will be lucky to have about 20 kids attending. I know it sounds very small in comparison to other churches - but even with our small numbers - our love for God is BIG!!
My job will be to direct the music. Which is completely hilarious to those who know me. I can't sing!!!! Oh, I love to try - but even my son tells me that he would rather listen to the radio.
So, tonight, my darling Frank brought a projector from his office for me to use with my laptop to project the words to the songs onto a large screen. Isn't he brilliant?
So, (and the kiddoes will thank us) all I have to do is put in the CD and point to the verses. Oh, the joys of technology!!
One of the songs that we will be learning tomorrow is called "Jesus Is"
Not the one you hear on the radio all the time. This one is part of the VBS material that the VBS director purchased.
Anyway - I just fell in love with this song. I pray that the kids will like it too.
The chorus is as follows:
Jesus is Messiah
Jesus is my Savior
Jesus is the promise of our God
Jesus is amazing
Jesus is worth praising
Jesus is the only perfect love
And I'm so glad I know who He is
And I want the whole world to know
Who Jesus is.
Isn't that beautiful?
I'd love to sing a little bit of it for you - but, well, you can thank me later.
My job will be to direct the music. Which is completely hilarious to those who know me. I can't sing!!!! Oh, I love to try - but even my son tells me that he would rather listen to the radio.
So, tonight, my darling Frank brought a projector from his office for me to use with my laptop to project the words to the songs onto a large screen. Isn't he brilliant?
So, (and the kiddoes will thank us) all I have to do is put in the CD and point to the verses. Oh, the joys of technology!!
One of the songs that we will be learning tomorrow is called "Jesus Is"
Not the one you hear on the radio all the time. This one is part of the VBS material that the VBS director purchased.
Anyway - I just fell in love with this song. I pray that the kids will like it too.
The chorus is as follows:
Jesus is Messiah
Jesus is my Savior
Jesus is the promise of our God
Jesus is amazing
Jesus is worth praising
Jesus is the only perfect love
And I'm so glad I know who He is
And I want the whole world to know
Who Jesus is.
Isn't that beautiful?
I'd love to sing a little bit of it for you - but, well, you can thank me later.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
A Little on the Lonely Side
My little sweetie has gone to spend a few days with Granny and Papaw. Needless to say, it is a little quiet around here. Oh, I'm glad he loves to visit his grandparents. That is a very special time for them and I wouldn't take it away from them for anything. So, he can spend the next few days getting spoiled - having his way in everything - eating anything or nothing and having complete control of the remote. What more could a little boy want???
So, today after a visit to my doctor (blood pressure is still elevated), I spent the day window shopping. Well, I actually bought a few things - but mostly I just browsed. It was different - but nice.
I ran into a girlfriend from high school. I dearly love her and it was wonderful to see her and two of her four children.
A funny thing happened to me after I ran into my friend. Karrie has four children (the youngest is three) and is still a size six. I realized just how much I have neglected my health and the condition of my body. Now, I don't want to be a size six, I am much too tall for that (5'9") a size 10 is just fine with me. The problem is that I'm out of shape. Now, Karrie and her twin sister Kellie have always been very conscience of thier health. They have been very active and have always eaten a healthy diet. I have not!
So, I am on the road to a better body and a healthier lifestyle. It'll take a while but so far I'm enjoying it. I'm also hoping that it will help lower my blood pressure.
I guess it's just taken me a little longer to understand the consequences of what I do to my body. Oh, well, better late than never.
So, today after a visit to my doctor (blood pressure is still elevated), I spent the day window shopping. Well, I actually bought a few things - but mostly I just browsed. It was different - but nice.
I ran into a girlfriend from high school. I dearly love her and it was wonderful to see her and two of her four children.
A funny thing happened to me after I ran into my friend. Karrie has four children (the youngest is three) and is still a size six. I realized just how much I have neglected my health and the condition of my body. Now, I don't want to be a size six, I am much too tall for that (5'9") a size 10 is just fine with me. The problem is that I'm out of shape. Now, Karrie and her twin sister Kellie have always been very conscience of thier health. They have been very active and have always eaten a healthy diet. I have not!
So, I am on the road to a better body and a healthier lifestyle. It'll take a while but so far I'm enjoying it. I'm also hoping that it will help lower my blood pressure.
I guess it's just taken me a little longer to understand the consequences of what I do to my body. Oh, well, better late than never.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
There's No "I" in Steward
This morning in church, Preacher really hit some nails right on the head. What an awesome service. Sometimes I just come out of there with my mouth hanging open. All the sermons are wonderful and truly God-inspired, but sometimes they hit a little closer to home.
The message today was taken fom Luke 10:25-37, The Parable of the Good Samaritan. The difference is that Preacher adapted this much taught parable to The Parable of the Good Steward.
After reading the scripture, Preacher asked us "What makes a good steward?" He explained that Stewardship is: Using God given abilities for taking care of God given resources for God ordained results. Powerful stuff!!
He then went on to explain that good stewardship really boils down to two things - our heart and our attitude.
At this point in the message, I was beginning to feel it pretty deep. I kept thinking and asking myself "What is my attitude?" Am I a good steward or do I just do things because I know I'm supposed to?" I think I was beginning to squirm a little bit in my seat.
Some of the things that kept going through my mind were, my house is a mess, there are dishes in the sink, laundry that needs to be done, etc. Then, it really began to sink in - Am I the best parent that I can be? Do I truly lead Jacob in the way of Christ? Do I pray over him constantly? Wow - that really began to hurt.
Then Preacher moved over to the Book of Malachi in the third chapter. This passage teaches on tithing. He asked us "Are you robbing God?" Oh, right in the gut!!!
Here is how it ties in to the passage in Luke.
In the Parable of the Good Samaritan we see three types of people.
1. The Robber - This attitude is: What is yours is mine and I'm going to take it.
2. The Levite/Pharisee - What's mine is mine and I'm going to keep it.
3. The Samaritan - What's mine is yours and I will gladly share it.
These three represent each of us as stewards to what God has graciously blessed us with. How do we handle it? Do we give with the right heart and attitude? Not just money but our time, our prayers, ourselves?
This one really gave me alot to think about. I have so much to consider. Am I robbing God by being a poor steward over the many blessings He has given me?
First thing in the morning - we start cleaning. Not just because I know it's the right thing to do but because I really feel in my heart that I want to be a good steward. Now, don't get the wrong idea - my flesh is screaming "no, don't make me, the mess really isn't that bad - this is summer vacation, chill out." But, my heart is saying, "oh, how nice the house will feel and look - not to mention how pleasing it will be to God that you obey Him." So, which one do you think I should follow - my flesh or my heart? I choose to follow my heart because that is where God is.
As for being a good steward over Jacob - well that will take more than a few days to ensure. I can get the house cleaned in a few days - but Jacob will require the rest of my life - and I gladly give it. After all, he is the greatest resource God has entrusted me with. Oh, it's an awesome responsibility but I'm up for the job. It should be a grand adventure.
The message today was taken fom Luke 10:25-37, The Parable of the Good Samaritan. The difference is that Preacher adapted this much taught parable to The Parable of the Good Steward.
After reading the scripture, Preacher asked us "What makes a good steward?" He explained that Stewardship is: Using God given abilities for taking care of God given resources for God ordained results. Powerful stuff!!
He then went on to explain that good stewardship really boils down to two things - our heart and our attitude.
At this point in the message, I was beginning to feel it pretty deep. I kept thinking and asking myself "What is my attitude?" Am I a good steward or do I just do things because I know I'm supposed to?" I think I was beginning to squirm a little bit in my seat.
Some of the things that kept going through my mind were, my house is a mess, there are dishes in the sink, laundry that needs to be done, etc. Then, it really began to sink in - Am I the best parent that I can be? Do I truly lead Jacob in the way of Christ? Do I pray over him constantly? Wow - that really began to hurt.
Then Preacher moved over to the Book of Malachi in the third chapter. This passage teaches on tithing. He asked us "Are you robbing God?" Oh, right in the gut!!!
Here is how it ties in to the passage in Luke.
In the Parable of the Good Samaritan we see three types of people.
1. The Robber - This attitude is: What is yours is mine and I'm going to take it.
2. The Levite/Pharisee - What's mine is mine and I'm going to keep it.
3. The Samaritan - What's mine is yours and I will gladly share it.
These three represent each of us as stewards to what God has graciously blessed us with. How do we handle it? Do we give with the right heart and attitude? Not just money but our time, our prayers, ourselves?
This one really gave me alot to think about. I have so much to consider. Am I robbing God by being a poor steward over the many blessings He has given me?
First thing in the morning - we start cleaning. Not just because I know it's the right thing to do but because I really feel in my heart that I want to be a good steward. Now, don't get the wrong idea - my flesh is screaming "no, don't make me, the mess really isn't that bad - this is summer vacation, chill out." But, my heart is saying, "oh, how nice the house will feel and look - not to mention how pleasing it will be to God that you obey Him." So, which one do you think I should follow - my flesh or my heart? I choose to follow my heart because that is where God is.
As for being a good steward over Jacob - well that will take more than a few days to ensure. I can get the house cleaned in a few days - but Jacob will require the rest of my life - and I gladly give it. After all, he is the greatest resource God has entrusted me with. Oh, it's an awesome responsibility but I'm up for the job. It should be a grand adventure.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
On the Blog Again.
Well, for anyone who may be lurking out there - I did not fall off the face of the earth. Although, there were a few times over the past few weeks that I would have gladly jumped.
So much has been going on.
The last two weeks of school was jam-packed with activities. I went on four field trips in five days (with a pounding headache that would not go away). I was scheduled to go on one more but my blood pressure hit the roof so Dr. Principal sent me home instead. Thank the Good Lord she did. I went to my doctor to try to get something (anything) that would get rid of that blasted headache and discovered that I am in stage 1 of hypertension. The doc can't seem to connect the "why" dots to tell me that one particular thing or another actually caused this condition. A great deal of it is heredity. (Thanks Mom, lol) Nah, there are several factors. No matter what the cause, I have to deal with it now. Good news is that the headache if gone. The BP is still high. It's going down, but still not low enough.
So, the last day of school was Friday, May 23rd. Jacob and I have been resting - alot - this week. I have done very little this week. Doctor's orders. I've also been trying to watch what I eat - stay away from caffeine - stay away from sodas (oh, my beloved Pepsi) - and get plenty of rest. I have been instructed to begin some kind of regular exercise. I love to walk but even that can get boring. I wish we lived in a place where Jacob and I could ride bikes without having to haul them somewhere to do so. The road we live on is much too busy.
Oh,well. We'll do something. Maybe I'll get us a badmitton set. That would be fun.
I'm looking forward to a fun and happy summer.
My first year at the elementary school was great. I worked with some wonderful people. Having great people to work with sure makes going to work every day a lot easier. I count all my new friends as blessings. God is truly good!
My prayer is that each one has a wonderful, safe and fun summer. I'll look forward to seeing them in the fall.
So much has been going on.
The last two weeks of school was jam-packed with activities. I went on four field trips in five days (with a pounding headache that would not go away). I was scheduled to go on one more but my blood pressure hit the roof so Dr. Principal sent me home instead. Thank the Good Lord she did. I went to my doctor to try to get something (anything) that would get rid of that blasted headache and discovered that I am in stage 1 of hypertension. The doc can't seem to connect the "why" dots to tell me that one particular thing or another actually caused this condition. A great deal of it is heredity. (Thanks Mom, lol) Nah, there are several factors. No matter what the cause, I have to deal with it now. Good news is that the headache if gone. The BP is still high. It's going down, but still not low enough.
So, the last day of school was Friday, May 23rd. Jacob and I have been resting - alot - this week. I have done very little this week. Doctor's orders. I've also been trying to watch what I eat - stay away from caffeine - stay away from sodas (oh, my beloved Pepsi) - and get plenty of rest. I have been instructed to begin some kind of regular exercise. I love to walk but even that can get boring. I wish we lived in a place where Jacob and I could ride bikes without having to haul them somewhere to do so. The road we live on is much too busy.
Oh,well. We'll do something. Maybe I'll get us a badmitton set. That would be fun.
I'm looking forward to a fun and happy summer.
My first year at the elementary school was great. I worked with some wonderful people. Having great people to work with sure makes going to work every day a lot easier. I count all my new friends as blessings. God is truly good!
My prayer is that each one has a wonderful, safe and fun summer. I'll look forward to seeing them in the fall.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Just Thoughts
I just read my cousin Selina's blog entry for this week. Her post made me think about a few things. You can read her blog here.
Our kiddoes at school have been in state testing this week. It is a very stressful time for teachers and students. But, praise the Lord, it is over until next spring. The kids can relax and tomorrow they get to relax, have a day of celebration complete with snacks (provided by the teachers) and a good movie to end the week. They have worked very hard and deserve a day to chill.
During the testing, we are not allowed to help them in any way. We aren't allowed to talk to them and we aren't supposed to move around the classroom. So, I found it a great time to catch up on some Bible study. I receive "In Touch" magazine each month (from Dr. Charles Stanley). It has some awesome articles and a daily study included. I just love it. And, it's free. If you are interested, simply go to this website and sign up.
Our school year is quickly coming to a close. Our last day is May 23rd. We have so many things going on in May that we really won't have that many learning days during that time.
Jacob and I are looking forward to our summer break. This will be my first summer in several years that I won't be babysitting. This summer is dedicated to me and Jacob. We are going to just hang out - go to the park - swim - visit the zoo - what ever we think might be fun.
I'm just looking forward to having some time with my son.
Makes me aware of how God feels about me. I'm sure there are too many days that I gety caught up in busy-ness of the day and God says that He is looking forward to having some time with me. On most days, I squeeze in time when I can - pray throughout the day and end up with a slightly empty feeling. Which is why my number one goal for this summer is to have real quality time each morning with my Lord. Everything else will have to wait - the house, laundry, etc. All that will still be there but I am going to have my morning coffee with God. I can hardly wait. For now, I'll keep squeezing out those precious moments every chance I get.
Our kiddoes at school have been in state testing this week. It is a very stressful time for teachers and students. But, praise the Lord, it is over until next spring. The kids can relax and tomorrow they get to relax, have a day of celebration complete with snacks (provided by the teachers) and a good movie to end the week. They have worked very hard and deserve a day to chill.
During the testing, we are not allowed to help them in any way. We aren't allowed to talk to them and we aren't supposed to move around the classroom. So, I found it a great time to catch up on some Bible study. I receive "In Touch" magazine each month (from Dr. Charles Stanley). It has some awesome articles and a daily study included. I just love it. And, it's free. If you are interested, simply go to this website and sign up.
Our school year is quickly coming to a close. Our last day is May 23rd. We have so many things going on in May that we really won't have that many learning days during that time.
Jacob and I are looking forward to our summer break. This will be my first summer in several years that I won't be babysitting. This summer is dedicated to me and Jacob. We are going to just hang out - go to the park - swim - visit the zoo - what ever we think might be fun.
I'm just looking forward to having some time with my son.
Makes me aware of how God feels about me. I'm sure there are too many days that I gety caught up in busy-ness of the day and God says that He is looking forward to having some time with me. On most days, I squeeze in time when I can - pray throughout the day and end up with a slightly empty feeling. Which is why my number one goal for this summer is to have real quality time each morning with my Lord. Everything else will have to wait - the house, laundry, etc. All that will still be there but I am going to have my morning coffee with God. I can hardly wait. For now, I'll keep squeezing out those precious moments every chance I get.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Character Counts
This week, my good friend, Vickie asked me to write a character letter for her. She needed a few letters to let the judge in her upcoming hearing know what a good person and upstanding citizen she is.
Here's the nutshell version: a few weeks ago Vickie was on her way to work, it was a Friday. She was going along, happy and content, looking forward to her day and the upcoming weekend. Suddenly, the car in front of her stopped and she hit it with her car. No one was hurt, but the police were called. While the officer took all the info from the other drive, Vickie waited in her car and drank part of a Mt. Dew (that was all she had to eat or drink at that point). When the officer asked her to step out, she felt dizzy and staggered a bit. The officer asked her if she had been drinking - at 7:30 AM - of course she said no.
Let me interject here, Vickie has never drank, never even as much as tried a cigarette, does not swear (never has). She is the Lay Leader in our church, the Sunday School superintendent, works with the youth, serves on various committees, takes care of her aging parents, goes to the mission fields once a year - the list is endless. She is an awesome person and love God!! That's why when she called to tell me this story - I laughed uncontrollably. I asked her three different times how long it took her to make up this story - she literally had to convince me that it really did happen. I mean - this is Vickie for pete's sake!!
Continue story - Vickie was still a little bit on the unsteady side so the police officer made her take a sobriety test - right there on the side of the street near her office. She did not pass - oh, she did the finger-to-your-nose part o.k. it was the heel-to-toe backwards part that tripped her up (no pun intended).
So, the officer hand-cuffed her and took her to the hospital for a blood test; then on to city jail for booking. Yep, mug shots, fingerprint, the whole ball of wax.
Vickie was mortified. She had to sit in a jail cell for three hours before her parents could bail her out.
So, now she had to appear in court with her attorney to try to straighten this mess out.
We have all had a fun time with it - Vickie has made fun of herself and has really taken the whole thing in stride.
So, when she asked me to write a letter of character for her, I was honored that she would ask me. I gladly wrote her a glowing letter, telling all the wonderful things about her that I could think of. I used lots of lovely words and phrases - I meant them all - but I wanted to be sure that whomever read the letter could know what I know about my friend.
Then, I began to think - what kind of character letter could be written about me? What if I needed a letter of character from God - what could He write about for me?
Would he say that I have been a "good and faithful servant?" Would he say that I am always there for His children? What would He write?
I'm afraid it would be a terribly short letter. So, this experience has made me ponder my character. I need to pay closer attention to the tiny, itsy-bitsy details - you know, the ones that really matter?
If God were to write a character letter for you - what would He write?
Here's the nutshell version: a few weeks ago Vickie was on her way to work, it was a Friday. She was going along, happy and content, looking forward to her day and the upcoming weekend. Suddenly, the car in front of her stopped and she hit it with her car. No one was hurt, but the police were called. While the officer took all the info from the other drive, Vickie waited in her car and drank part of a Mt. Dew (that was all she had to eat or drink at that point). When the officer asked her to step out, she felt dizzy and staggered a bit. The officer asked her if she had been drinking - at 7:30 AM - of course she said no.
Let me interject here, Vickie has never drank, never even as much as tried a cigarette, does not swear (never has). She is the Lay Leader in our church, the Sunday School superintendent, works with the youth, serves on various committees, takes care of her aging parents, goes to the mission fields once a year - the list is endless. She is an awesome person and love God!! That's why when she called to tell me this story - I laughed uncontrollably. I asked her three different times how long it took her to make up this story - she literally had to convince me that it really did happen. I mean - this is Vickie for pete's sake!!
Continue story - Vickie was still a little bit on the unsteady side so the police officer made her take a sobriety test - right there on the side of the street near her office. She did not pass - oh, she did the finger-to-your-nose part o.k. it was the heel-to-toe backwards part that tripped her up (no pun intended).
So, the officer hand-cuffed her and took her to the hospital for a blood test; then on to city jail for booking. Yep, mug shots, fingerprint, the whole ball of wax.
Vickie was mortified. She had to sit in a jail cell for three hours before her parents could bail her out.
So, now she had to appear in court with her attorney to try to straighten this mess out.
We have all had a fun time with it - Vickie has made fun of herself and has really taken the whole thing in stride.
So, when she asked me to write a letter of character for her, I was honored that she would ask me. I gladly wrote her a glowing letter, telling all the wonderful things about her that I could think of. I used lots of lovely words and phrases - I meant them all - but I wanted to be sure that whomever read the letter could know what I know about my friend.
Then, I began to think - what kind of character letter could be written about me? What if I needed a letter of character from God - what could He write about for me?
Would he say that I have been a "good and faithful servant?" Would he say that I am always there for His children? What would He write?
I'm afraid it would be a terribly short letter. So, this experience has made me ponder my character. I need to pay closer attention to the tiny, itsy-bitsy details - you know, the ones that really matter?
If God were to write a character letter for you - what would He write?
Monday, March 24, 2008
Easter 2008
Our Easter Sunday was a very pleasant one, indeed. We began our day with a wonderful church service about our Savior and what He did for us. Glory!!!! Immediately following the service, we had two baptisms - how great is that???
Then we drove 45 minutes to be with our family (my Mom's side) and to eat a most scrumptious meal prepared by some of the South's finest cooks. One thing we can do and do well in our family is cook (and eat). We love us some delicious ham and sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes,corn pudding, green beans, deviled eggs AND pickled eggs. Then we had banana pudding, lemon cheesecake and (my favorite) Dump Cake, hot out of the oven. O-mi-gosh is it wonderful!!! That's not all we had - just the best part!!
Now, on Daddy's side of the family, we cheated a little bit. You see, Daddy's sisters are not what you might call, uh, cooks. They just didn't take to it like Mom's sisters did. So, we all agreed to meet at this wonderful family style restaurant on Saturday to celebrate Easter together. The restaurant is a local favorite and is run by Mennonites. We sat at this huge table and were served our food as if we were at someones home. Big bowls of corn, beans, carrot souffle, cabbage, gravy, pickled green tomatoes, mashed potatoes, country ham, fried chicken and deep fried catfish. Yum-O!!
As you can tell, the last few days of life around here have been centered around a table full of food. 'Tis true! But, even though we have gathered with loved ones around these wonderful meals, the focus of our celebrations was not lost. We gave much thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for His sacrifice and for His gift of salvation that none of us truly deserve.
So, my prayer for each of you is that you have enjoyed a joyous Easter which includes full bellies and even fuller spirits.
God bless you and let us celebrate Easter every day this year.
Then we drove 45 minutes to be with our family (my Mom's side) and to eat a most scrumptious meal prepared by some of the South's finest cooks. One thing we can do and do well in our family is cook (and eat). We love us some delicious ham and sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes,corn pudding, green beans, deviled eggs AND pickled eggs. Then we had banana pudding, lemon cheesecake and (my favorite) Dump Cake, hot out of the oven. O-mi-gosh is it wonderful!!! That's not all we had - just the best part!!
Now, on Daddy's side of the family, we cheated a little bit. You see, Daddy's sisters are not what you might call, uh, cooks. They just didn't take to it like Mom's sisters did. So, we all agreed to meet at this wonderful family style restaurant on Saturday to celebrate Easter together. The restaurant is a local favorite and is run by Mennonites. We sat at this huge table and were served our food as if we were at someones home. Big bowls of corn, beans, carrot souffle, cabbage, gravy, pickled green tomatoes, mashed potatoes, country ham, fried chicken and deep fried catfish. Yum-O!!
As you can tell, the last few days of life around here have been centered around a table full of food. 'Tis true! But, even though we have gathered with loved ones around these wonderful meals, the focus of our celebrations was not lost. We gave much thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for His sacrifice and for His gift of salvation that none of us truly deserve.
So, my prayer for each of you is that you have enjoyed a joyous Easter which includes full bellies and even fuller spirits.
God bless you and let us celebrate Easter every day this year.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Conversation with a Fourth Grader
This is a conversation I had with one of my fourth graders this week.
In the hallway as the fourth grade was changing classes, Jay, a freckled face, red cheeked boy, walked up to me with a wide grin plastered across his face. I could tell he was bursting to tell me something. This is how it went. . .
Jay: "Hi, Mrs. B. Guess what."
Me: "Jay, I can't begin to guess, why don't you tell me?"
Jay: "Casey said she would go out with me."
Me(taken aback a bit): "She did? Well now, just where are you going?"
Jay(obviously perlexed) "What do you mean?"
Me: "Where will you two be going?"
Jay: "I don't know what you mean, but she said she would go out with me."
Me: "I understand that, but you haven't told me where you will be going."
Jay: "Nowhere."
Me: "Oh, then how will you be going out if you aren't actually going anywhere?"
Jay: "We are just going out."
Me: "Right, but where will you be going?"
Jay: "I told you, we are just going out."
Me: "So, you don't have a special place in mind?"
Jay: "A special place for what?"
Me: "To take Casey out."
Jay: "I'm not going to take her anywhere."
Me: "Then, how is that you will be going out if you aren't going to go somewhere?"
By this time, Jay was obviously confused and somewhat defused.
Jay: "Mrs. B, I don't know what you are talking about, but Casey is going out with me."
Me: "Jay, maybe you should explain that to me. If you aren't actually going to go somewhere, how can you possibly be going out?"
Jay: "We just are."
At this point, it was time to go to class. As he walked away, Jay sadly shook his head. Talking with another boy, he looked back at me and said . . .
Jay(to other boy) "I feel sorry for Mrs. B., she has never gone out with anybody."
Boy: "How do you know?"
Jay: "I was just talking to her and she doesn't even know what 'going out' means."
Boy: "Man, that's really sad."
Jay: "Yeah, I wonder if her husband knows?"
At this point, all I could do is return to my math class.
In the hallway as the fourth grade was changing classes, Jay, a freckled face, red cheeked boy, walked up to me with a wide grin plastered across his face. I could tell he was bursting to tell me something. This is how it went. . .
Jay: "Hi, Mrs. B. Guess what."
Me: "Jay, I can't begin to guess, why don't you tell me?"
Jay: "Casey said she would go out with me."
Me(taken aback a bit): "She did? Well now, just where are you going?"
Jay(obviously perlexed) "What do you mean?"
Me: "Where will you two be going?"
Jay: "I don't know what you mean, but she said she would go out with me."
Me: "I understand that, but you haven't told me where you will be going."
Jay: "Nowhere."
Me: "Oh, then how will you be going out if you aren't actually going anywhere?"
Jay: "We are just going out."
Me: "Right, but where will you be going?"
Jay: "I told you, we are just going out."
Me: "So, you don't have a special place in mind?"
Jay: "A special place for what?"
Me: "To take Casey out."
Jay: "I'm not going to take her anywhere."
Me: "Then, how is that you will be going out if you aren't going to go somewhere?"
By this time, Jay was obviously confused and somewhat defused.
Jay: "Mrs. B, I don't know what you are talking about, but Casey is going out with me."
Me: "Jay, maybe you should explain that to me. If you aren't actually going to go somewhere, how can you possibly be going out?"
Jay: "We just are."
At this point, it was time to go to class. As he walked away, Jay sadly shook his head. Talking with another boy, he looked back at me and said . . .
Jay(to other boy) "I feel sorry for Mrs. B., she has never gone out with anybody."
Boy: "How do you know?"
Jay: "I was just talking to her and she doesn't even know what 'going out' means."
Boy: "Man, that's really sad."
Jay: "Yeah, I wonder if her husband knows?"
At this point, all I could do is return to my math class.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
"Whatever you do for one of the least of these . . ."
I rejoice in the love of my Savior Jesus Christ yet my heart is heavy.
This burden on my heart is for the children I am blessed to work with each day at our school.
Here's the short version . . . our community is by no means a wealthy community. Our school is full of children with many needs. However, there are several children that have absolutely captured my heart and fill my prayers.
There are four children within our school - two are sisters, two are brother and sister and then there is the other boy. Three families living in one run down old house. 13 children in all living together. There is reason to believe the adults are into drugs and possibly prostitution. The kids come to school dirty, often smelling as if they have not had a bath in days. Thier clothes are pitiful and desperately needing to be washed. Several churches and other organizations in the area bought new clothes, shoes and coats for all the children at Christmas and provided groceries along with a special holiday meal. It is rumored that the shoes and coats were sold. There is no proof other than none of the children have been seen wearing any of the new items.
Authorities have been called - repeatedly. Reports have been filed - you name it - it's been done. But, no action has been taken. One of the kids came to school with still bleeding wounds from a bicycle wreck the day before - no one bothered to clean or bandage his wounds. His teacher did it - the next morning.
I desperately want to scoop these children up and bring them home with me. I want to give them a bath, dress them in decent clothes, give them a hearty meal and a clean bed. I want to love on them and let them know that someone really cares. But, I can't do that. So, I love on them as much as the law will allow while I'm in the classroom.
Now, those of you who have worked in the public school system much longer than I might have developed a tolerance for this type of situation. I beg you to let down your guard and let your heart ache for these kids. Love them like Jesus. Lift them up in prayer - intercede on thier behalf. If we, as children of God, do not, then who?
In Matthew 25:40, Jesus says, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
The law might limit what I can do physically for these children - but it can not limit how much I can pray for them.
Keep them in your prayers. An old song keeps going through my mind - some of you might remember it.
Bless the Beasts and the Children
For in this world
They have no voice
They have no choice.
Maybe they don't have a choice right now - but if they can begin to see the love of Jesus, then they will have choices they have never dreamed of.
Keep them in your prayers, siestas. Together, we can be thier voice.
God bless you.
This burden on my heart is for the children I am blessed to work with each day at our school.
Here's the short version . . . our community is by no means a wealthy community. Our school is full of children with many needs. However, there are several children that have absolutely captured my heart and fill my prayers.
There are four children within our school - two are sisters, two are brother and sister and then there is the other boy. Three families living in one run down old house. 13 children in all living together. There is reason to believe the adults are into drugs and possibly prostitution. The kids come to school dirty, often smelling as if they have not had a bath in days. Thier clothes are pitiful and desperately needing to be washed. Several churches and other organizations in the area bought new clothes, shoes and coats for all the children at Christmas and provided groceries along with a special holiday meal. It is rumored that the shoes and coats were sold. There is no proof other than none of the children have been seen wearing any of the new items.
Authorities have been called - repeatedly. Reports have been filed - you name it - it's been done. But, no action has been taken. One of the kids came to school with still bleeding wounds from a bicycle wreck the day before - no one bothered to clean or bandage his wounds. His teacher did it - the next morning.
I desperately want to scoop these children up and bring them home with me. I want to give them a bath, dress them in decent clothes, give them a hearty meal and a clean bed. I want to love on them and let them know that someone really cares. But, I can't do that. So, I love on them as much as the law will allow while I'm in the classroom.
Now, those of you who have worked in the public school system much longer than I might have developed a tolerance for this type of situation. I beg you to let down your guard and let your heart ache for these kids. Love them like Jesus. Lift them up in prayer - intercede on thier behalf. If we, as children of God, do not, then who?
In Matthew 25:40, Jesus says, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
The law might limit what I can do physically for these children - but it can not limit how much I can pray for them.
Keep them in your prayers. An old song keeps going through my mind - some of you might remember it.
Bless the Beasts and the Children
For in this world
They have no voice
They have no choice.
Maybe they don't have a choice right now - but if they can begin to see the love of Jesus, then they will have choices they have never dreamed of.
Keep them in your prayers, siestas. Together, we can be thier voice.
God bless you.
Friday, February 15, 2008
A little catching up
I haven't posted anything in such a long time, I don't know if I can get caught up or not.
Yesterday, February 14, 2008, my darling Frank and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. What a wonderful 10 years it has been. What a blessing he is to me. He is absolutely the best person I know.
In honor of our anniversay and Valentine's Day, Frank sent me the most beautiful basket of roses to school. Now, this may not be such a big deal to many of you wives out there - but for me, it was a wonderful surprise. Frank isn't a flower-sender-kind-of-husband. He is far more practical and would rather buy me something useful. Which is o.k. with me - but it was a beautiful gesture and I absolutely wallowed in it all day long.
Over the last few weeks, we have all had "the crud." I can't really say it was one thing or the other - just cruddy, junk to make us feel awful. We've had the sniffles, the sneezes, the coughs, the headaches, the congestion, the runny noses, the watery eyes, the tummy aches, the nausea, the body aches and of course, all that is accompanied by the grumbles - not all at once, but any combination of the aforementioned on varying days or nights. But, we have all kept on keeping on.
It's not just my little family - the school is full of the same stuff going on with staff as well as students. Just that time of year, I suppose.
That is the "nutshell" version of what has been going on. A whole lot of nothing. I am looking forward to the coming month - I love the Easter Season. I love to read and re-read the story of the crucifixion and ponder the unfathomable love that my Jesus has for me. I will probably sit up late a night or two, or three, to watch The Passion of the Christ and cry until I can not cry anymore. I haven't allowed Jacob to watch that movie yet. I don't think he is old enough to understand besides, he can't read the subtitles well enough just yet. But, in a few years, I hope to sit with him and watch it together. I pray it touches him in the same way it does me and causes his heart to ache for more Jesus. I pray that he will yearn for Jesus and seek Him in everything he will ever do.
But, for now, we'll read together from the Holy Word. I just love the Easter Season. I love the spirit of renewal and rebirth. But, isn't it amazing that God's mercies are fresh every day - we don't have to wait for a season in the year. We can start fresh with God every day.
Oh, my Lord, You are amazing and I love you!
Yesterday, February 14, 2008, my darling Frank and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. What a wonderful 10 years it has been. What a blessing he is to me. He is absolutely the best person I know.
In honor of our anniversay and Valentine's Day, Frank sent me the most beautiful basket of roses to school. Now, this may not be such a big deal to many of you wives out there - but for me, it was a wonderful surprise. Frank isn't a flower-sender-kind-of-husband. He is far more practical and would rather buy me something useful. Which is o.k. with me - but it was a beautiful gesture and I absolutely wallowed in it all day long.
Over the last few weeks, we have all had "the crud." I can't really say it was one thing or the other - just cruddy, junk to make us feel awful. We've had the sniffles, the sneezes, the coughs, the headaches, the congestion, the runny noses, the watery eyes, the tummy aches, the nausea, the body aches and of course, all that is accompanied by the grumbles - not all at once, but any combination of the aforementioned on varying days or nights. But, we have all kept on keeping on.
It's not just my little family - the school is full of the same stuff going on with staff as well as students. Just that time of year, I suppose.
That is the "nutshell" version of what has been going on. A whole lot of nothing. I am looking forward to the coming month - I love the Easter Season. I love to read and re-read the story of the crucifixion and ponder the unfathomable love that my Jesus has for me. I will probably sit up late a night or two, or three, to watch The Passion of the Christ and cry until I can not cry anymore. I haven't allowed Jacob to watch that movie yet. I don't think he is old enough to understand besides, he can't read the subtitles well enough just yet. But, in a few years, I hope to sit with him and watch it together. I pray it touches him in the same way it does me and causes his heart to ache for more Jesus. I pray that he will yearn for Jesus and seek Him in everything he will ever do.
But, for now, we'll read together from the Holy Word. I just love the Easter Season. I love the spirit of renewal and rebirth. But, isn't it amazing that God's mercies are fresh every day - we don't have to wait for a season in the year. We can start fresh with God every day.
Oh, my Lord, You are amazing and I love you!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
A Sweet Sunday
When we left for church this morning, the temperature was 15 degrees! Needless to say, it was not a day for a cute skirt - it was a pants day!! But, I love cold weather for the simple reason that I love to be warm and snuggly at home with my family and all that God has blessed us with.
We had a great Sunday School class too. Our class is the adult group that doesn't necessarily fit in with the "young adults" nor do we fit in with the "older adults." The sweet little lady who keeps the attendance records handed us our book this morning and we noticed that she had written "Middle Age Group" on the front. Well, we all got a big kick out of that one. My best friend, Lezley is in there and she is only 29 years old. Then, there is Rosie, who is only 27. So, we teased them a little bit - saying that if they are "middle age" then they are only not going to be here on earth very long. Like I said, we were teasing, because in truth, none of us has the promise of the next breath. We all look forward to the moment when our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ returns to take us home - and that could be any moment.
Anyway, me, being me - decided that we need a different title for our ecclectic little group. So, we came up with "The Misfits." We like that title for it's humor value.
Then, during the sermon - our pastor delivered the second part of the sermon he gave last Sunday. This week the title was "What does God do with Dead Batteries?" It was so good. It really made me think about my walk. Am I doing all that I am supposed to be doing in God's Name? Do I witness as I should? Do I support my church family? Do I reach out to the needy? These are just a few of the thoughts I had as I listened.
After the service, we had our montly "Birthday/Anniversary Lunch." On the third Sunday of each month, we have a potluck lunch after church to celebrate that month's birthdays and anniversaries. It's a lot of fun. One good thing is, if it is your birthday or anniversary month, you don't have to cook - just enjoy!! During the lunch, I looked around the room at those people who have been serving in our church for many years. I thought about the sermon and those people that have certainly shown that they are not "dead batteries" for God. First, there is Miss Jean. She is 75 years old and has more energy than I do most of the time. She teaches Sunday School (my Jacob is in her class), she is the leader for the younger youth group (ages 5-11), she cleans the church every week, she attends committee meetings, she takes food to the shut-ins and the sick, the list is endless. But, she never complains - she never stops. Miss Jean is an awesome example. Miss Liz has hearing difficulties but plays the piano every Sunday. She directs the youth choir and all the plays. Miss Dorothy is the treasurer and can tell you how every single penny is spent. She is the most thorough book keeper I have ever known. Wayne can spend an entire day mowing and trimming the grounds. He loves to make everything look beautiful. These are just a few of the wonderful people that I look up to. But, they are "doing!" They are in God's service and they never tire. They don't ask for anything in return nor do they want any recognition. Aren't those examples of what we are supposed to be doing? Aren't we supposed to go out and "do" in God's name? As children of God, we are supposed to do everything in God's name. Isn't that how we show God's love by doing for others with love? I so want to be a light for God. I hope that God's love shines through me in the things I do for Him and His children. I try to always keep God in the middle of everything - my home, my family, my work, my friends - even mundane activities such as grocery shopping, running errands - everything.
My prayer is:
Dear Father, let me be a vessel for You. I pray Your Light will shine through me. Let me go out and do all things in Your name and for Your glory.
In Jesus' Name,
We had a great Sunday School class too. Our class is the adult group that doesn't necessarily fit in with the "young adults" nor do we fit in with the "older adults." The sweet little lady who keeps the attendance records handed us our book this morning and we noticed that she had written "Middle Age Group" on the front. Well, we all got a big kick out of that one. My best friend, Lezley is in there and she is only 29 years old. Then, there is Rosie, who is only 27. So, we teased them a little bit - saying that if they are "middle age" then they are only not going to be here on earth very long. Like I said, we were teasing, because in truth, none of us has the promise of the next breath. We all look forward to the moment when our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ returns to take us home - and that could be any moment.
Anyway, me, being me - decided that we need a different title for our ecclectic little group. So, we came up with "The Misfits." We like that title for it's humor value.
Then, during the sermon - our pastor delivered the second part of the sermon he gave last Sunday. This week the title was "What does God do with Dead Batteries?" It was so good. It really made me think about my walk. Am I doing all that I am supposed to be doing in God's Name? Do I witness as I should? Do I support my church family? Do I reach out to the needy? These are just a few of the thoughts I had as I listened.
After the service, we had our montly "Birthday/Anniversary Lunch." On the third Sunday of each month, we have a potluck lunch after church to celebrate that month's birthdays and anniversaries. It's a lot of fun. One good thing is, if it is your birthday or anniversary month, you don't have to cook - just enjoy!! During the lunch, I looked around the room at those people who have been serving in our church for many years. I thought about the sermon and those people that have certainly shown that they are not "dead batteries" for God. First, there is Miss Jean. She is 75 years old and has more energy than I do most of the time. She teaches Sunday School (my Jacob is in her class), she is the leader for the younger youth group (ages 5-11), she cleans the church every week, she attends committee meetings, she takes food to the shut-ins and the sick, the list is endless. But, she never complains - she never stops. Miss Jean is an awesome example. Miss Liz has hearing difficulties but plays the piano every Sunday. She directs the youth choir and all the plays. Miss Dorothy is the treasurer and can tell you how every single penny is spent. She is the most thorough book keeper I have ever known. Wayne can spend an entire day mowing and trimming the grounds. He loves to make everything look beautiful. These are just a few of the wonderful people that I look up to. But, they are "doing!" They are in God's service and they never tire. They don't ask for anything in return nor do they want any recognition. Aren't those examples of what we are supposed to be doing? Aren't we supposed to go out and "do" in God's name? As children of God, we are supposed to do everything in God's name. Isn't that how we show God's love by doing for others with love? I so want to be a light for God. I hope that God's love shines through me in the things I do for Him and His children. I try to always keep God in the middle of everything - my home, my family, my work, my friends - even mundane activities such as grocery shopping, running errands - everything.
My prayer is:
Dear Father, let me be a vessel for You. I pray Your Light will shine through me. Let me go out and do all things in Your name and for Your glory.
In Jesus' Name,
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Sledding Counts as Aerobic Exercise
We woke up this morning to a beautiful winter wonderland. Everything was white. It was magnificent. I snuggled into my warm bed feeling as if God had covered us in a white blanket while we slept. So cozy.
The schools were closed today, so Jacob and I had the day off. We just enjoyed the morning doing, pretty much, nothing. I just love sitting in my fluffy pink bathrobe drinking coffee on a cold morning. I love to have the moment to be thankful for all that I've been given.
Anyway, around noon, Jacob and I bundled up and headed out into the snow. We have the "perfect" hill for sledding behind our house. So, we climbed the hill about a dozen times and swooshed back down to the bottom. Before today, I knew I am out of shape - but today proved just how out of shape I really am. My treadmill will be my best friend from now on! I was huffing and puffing - my heart was pounding and, well, you get the picture. But, did we have fun!!!
Then, we had a snowball fight and ended our time outside building a cute little snow man in the front yard. He is waving to the traffic going by.
So, we came inside, changed into some dry clothes and headed to the library. What a wonderful day.
I am so blessed. I'm also beginning to get a little sore. But, that's o.k. I wouldn't have it any other way.
The schools were closed today, so Jacob and I had the day off. We just enjoyed the morning doing, pretty much, nothing. I just love sitting in my fluffy pink bathrobe drinking coffee on a cold morning. I love to have the moment to be thankful for all that I've been given.
Anyway, around noon, Jacob and I bundled up and headed out into the snow. We have the "perfect" hill for sledding behind our house. So, we climbed the hill about a dozen times and swooshed back down to the bottom. Before today, I knew I am out of shape - but today proved just how out of shape I really am. My treadmill will be my best friend from now on! I was huffing and puffing - my heart was pounding and, well, you get the picture. But, did we have fun!!!
Then, we had a snowball fight and ended our time outside building a cute little snow man in the front yard. He is waving to the traffic going by.
So, we came inside, changed into some dry clothes and headed to the library. What a wonderful day.
I am so blessed. I'm also beginning to get a little sore. But, that's o.k. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
A Fight for A Blessing
Ya'll - the devil was in my face this morning. But, it didn't do him any good. He tried so hard to keep me out of church - it isn't funny how hard he tried.
As if I haven't been dealing with enough over the last few days - but isn't that when he likes to try to get us. Too bad - My Lord and Savior won!! I was at church and I got my blessing!!
Here's how it all happened -
Jacob has been sick (you knew that)so, this morning, Frank and I decided that he would stay home with Jacob so I could go to church. He's a sweetie!!
So, I got up, made the coffee, had to iron my clothes and then jumped in the shower. At this point, all is well - HA! So, while I'm in the shower, I dropped my sponge. I bent over to retrieve it before all the body wash was rinsed out of it when BAM! I smacked my head on the side of the shower stall and nearly knocked myself out! I hit that bone right under the eyebrow - you know, directly above the eye - OUCH!! But, I saved that sponge and the soap.
Once I got my senses back, I just looked heavenward and said, "O.K. Lord, I need a little help here." So, after my near death shower - I get dressed and head to the kitchen for a fresh cup of coffee. So, I got my coffee in my favorite "I Love Lucy" cup and I head into the bathroom to put on my makeup when my coffee splashes over the side of the cup on runs down the front of my shirt and my pants. I decided right then and there that I was not going to let the devil win that I was going to church even if I had a knot on my head and coffee stains down my front.
So, I finished getting ready and I head off to church. Now, our church is less than half a mile from our house but, I was late. I didn't care - I was still in time for Sunday School. I ran into our pastor in the hallway and I told him how I had fought to be there this morning. I also told him that I came for a blessing and I wasn't leaving until I got it.
Well, God is good!! Because the sermon our pastor gave this morning was just exactly what I needed to hear. It was awesome. He preached on "Recharging our Spiritual Batteries." I really needed to hear that for more reasons than one. And, let me tell you - the devil has pretty much left me alone for the rest of the day. Praise the Lord!! Now, I know he's lurking and he'll be back - but today's victory belongs to Jesus!!
Here are a few points that our pastor made this morning. I thought you might enjoy them, too.
1. We need to be honest with ourselves. We need to ask, "what is the problem?" "Am I not serving?" "Is something missing?"
2. Take a Spiritual Inventory. Make a connection with God. Have a Spiritual Cleansing - truly repent.
3. Make a committment. Find Christian fellowship and worship, truly worship God. Get involved in the House of God.
4. Express your faith through witness and ministry. Ask, "Am I just taking up space in God's House?" Even the "little" jobs are big in the eyes of God.
Go out in God's name.
Isn't that awesome? I think so. It was really what I needed to hear. I feel so much better. Praise God - His timing is always great!!
Well, Siestas - I hope you have received a blessing from this post - I know I certainly received my blessing today. Even if I did have to fight for it!
In Christ,
As if I haven't been dealing with enough over the last few days - but isn't that when he likes to try to get us. Too bad - My Lord and Savior won!! I was at church and I got my blessing!!
Here's how it all happened -
Jacob has been sick (you knew that)so, this morning, Frank and I decided that he would stay home with Jacob so I could go to church. He's a sweetie!!
So, I got up, made the coffee, had to iron my clothes and then jumped in the shower. At this point, all is well - HA! So, while I'm in the shower, I dropped my sponge. I bent over to retrieve it before all the body wash was rinsed out of it when BAM! I smacked my head on the side of the shower stall and nearly knocked myself out! I hit that bone right under the eyebrow - you know, directly above the eye - OUCH!! But, I saved that sponge and the soap.
Once I got my senses back, I just looked heavenward and said, "O.K. Lord, I need a little help here." So, after my near death shower - I get dressed and head to the kitchen for a fresh cup of coffee. So, I got my coffee in my favorite "I Love Lucy" cup and I head into the bathroom to put on my makeup when my coffee splashes over the side of the cup on runs down the front of my shirt and my pants. I decided right then and there that I was not going to let the devil win that I was going to church even if I had a knot on my head and coffee stains down my front.
So, I finished getting ready and I head off to church. Now, our church is less than half a mile from our house but, I was late. I didn't care - I was still in time for Sunday School. I ran into our pastor in the hallway and I told him how I had fought to be there this morning. I also told him that I came for a blessing and I wasn't leaving until I got it.
Well, God is good!! Because the sermon our pastor gave this morning was just exactly what I needed to hear. It was awesome. He preached on "Recharging our Spiritual Batteries." I really needed to hear that for more reasons than one. And, let me tell you - the devil has pretty much left me alone for the rest of the day. Praise the Lord!! Now, I know he's lurking and he'll be back - but today's victory belongs to Jesus!!
Here are a few points that our pastor made this morning. I thought you might enjoy them, too.
1. We need to be honest with ourselves. We need to ask, "what is the problem?" "Am I not serving?" "Is something missing?"
2. Take a Spiritual Inventory. Make a connection with God. Have a Spiritual Cleansing - truly repent.
3. Make a committment. Find Christian fellowship and worship, truly worship God. Get involved in the House of God.
4. Express your faith through witness and ministry. Ask, "Am I just taking up space in God's House?" Even the "little" jobs are big in the eyes of God.
Go out in God's name.
Isn't that awesome? I think so. It was really what I needed to hear. I feel so much better. Praise God - His timing is always great!!
Well, Siestas - I hope you have received a blessing from this post - I know I certainly received my blessing today. Even if I did have to fight for it!
In Christ,
Saturday, January 12, 2008
The "Blah's"
For the last few days, I have had the "blah's." I don't have any energy - I just want to either just sit around or sleep. I have to make myself get up and go. Even my appetite seems to be gone. I just feel "blah."
I suppose it's the whole "after Christmas" time that is getting me down. I can't pinpoint a specific reason for feeling low. I did have the flu from Christmas until New Years but I'm over that. Jacob has walking pneumonia right now, though. He's in pretty good spirits considering he isn't allowed to do all the fun weekend things he usually does - like go to the farm with his Dad - ride his 4-wheeler - play with his buddy Samuel - you know that kind of stuff little boys love to do on the weekend. Bless his little heart, he has really been a trooper.
I've been entertaining the idea of continuing on with my education. Should I apply to Grad school or not? Should I just be happy to have a job in the school system? Which by the way, I love my job but the money is TERRIBLE and I only get to work part time - full time is not an option.
I don't know what to do. If I were to go on to Grad school and possible get a teaching job or even better a librarian job - then I would be able to earn more than three times what I earn right now. But, I would be obligated to things that would require much more of my time - such as lesson plans, parent-teacher meeting - after school meetings, just to name a few. Then there is the whole continuing education process that all teachers must maintain throughout thier careers.
Oh, well - I just don't know!!
Your prayers are greatly appreciated and desperately needed.
I hope everyone has a great week. Blessings to each of you!!
I suppose it's the whole "after Christmas" time that is getting me down. I can't pinpoint a specific reason for feeling low. I did have the flu from Christmas until New Years but I'm over that. Jacob has walking pneumonia right now, though. He's in pretty good spirits considering he isn't allowed to do all the fun weekend things he usually does - like go to the farm with his Dad - ride his 4-wheeler - play with his buddy Samuel - you know that kind of stuff little boys love to do on the weekend. Bless his little heart, he has really been a trooper.
I've been entertaining the idea of continuing on with my education. Should I apply to Grad school or not? Should I just be happy to have a job in the school system? Which by the way, I love my job but the money is TERRIBLE and I only get to work part time - full time is not an option.
I don't know what to do. If I were to go on to Grad school and possible get a teaching job or even better a librarian job - then I would be able to earn more than three times what I earn right now. But, I would be obligated to things that would require much more of my time - such as lesson plans, parent-teacher meeting - after school meetings, just to name a few. Then there is the whole continuing education process that all teachers must maintain throughout thier careers.
Oh, well - I just don't know!!
Your prayers are greatly appreciated and desperately needed.
I hope everyone has a great week. Blessings to each of you!!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
A Little Talk with Jesus
I had a wonderful time with God yesterday. The guys were at the farm all day, so I had some time alone with God. It was wonderful. There has been so much stuff going on lately that my "talk time with God" has dwindled. So, we talked, laughed, talked some more, I cried - alot - and we talked even more. It was the best day. I had some very deep issues that I had been holding on to. So, I just let it all out. I cried out to the Lord and He heard me. I felt His presence in a way that I haven't felt in quite a while. I've missed that feeling. I hope not to let so much stuff get in the way again.
I just wanted to share that!
I just wanted to share that!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Looking for a simpler 2008
You won't find any New Year's Resolutions here!! Let's just get that out there and on the table. Resolutions are fine for those of you who can actually keep them. As for me - resolutions tend to be short lived.
So, I decided to set myself some goals for 2008. Goals I can live with and possibly, actually, maybe achieve.
Here is the short list:
1. Clean out that front room that has served as storage for the past few years and make a beautiful sitting room.
2a. Clean out ALL the closets and give away (or otherwise get rid of) anything and everything that is not used, worn or in some other way useful.
2b. Get rid of everything that is not in use or hasn't been worn in the last year. (Even if it's not in a closet).
3. Drink more water - which really translates to Drink less Pepsi. Oh, how I love my Pepsi. Remember these are just goals - nothing is set in stone.
4. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. My doctor added this one. I don't remember asking him for imput on my blog post.
Like I said - these are goals - not resolutions. I give myself the entire year to work on these goals. I don't want to set myself up for failure.
I really love the idea of a new year - a clean slate - fresh, clean pages on a brand new calender just waiting for me to fill it in.
I love starting a new journal. There is so much to look forward to. God is so good to give us a fresh new year - just as He gives us a new day only on a bigger scale.
By the end of 2008, I hope to have a simpler way of living in place. I hope my home will be full of "less" and more focused on the really important things. With less things to distract me (us), there will be more room for God. That is what I REALLY want - MORE GOD.
Less stuff - More God. Sounds like a plan!!
Happy New Year!!
So, I decided to set myself some goals for 2008. Goals I can live with and possibly, actually, maybe achieve.
Here is the short list:
1. Clean out that front room that has served as storage for the past few years and make a beautiful sitting room.
2a. Clean out ALL the closets and give away (or otherwise get rid of) anything and everything that is not used, worn or in some other way useful.
2b. Get rid of everything that is not in use or hasn't been worn in the last year. (Even if it's not in a closet).
3. Drink more water - which really translates to Drink less Pepsi. Oh, how I love my Pepsi. Remember these are just goals - nothing is set in stone.
4. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. My doctor added this one. I don't remember asking him for imput on my blog post.
Like I said - these are goals - not resolutions. I give myself the entire year to work on these goals. I don't want to set myself up for failure.
I really love the idea of a new year - a clean slate - fresh, clean pages on a brand new calender just waiting for me to fill it in.
I love starting a new journal. There is so much to look forward to. God is so good to give us a fresh new year - just as He gives us a new day only on a bigger scale.
By the end of 2008, I hope to have a simpler way of living in place. I hope my home will be full of "less" and more focused on the really important things. With less things to distract me (us), there will be more room for God. That is what I REALLY want - MORE GOD.
Less stuff - More God. Sounds like a plan!!
Happy New Year!!
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