This is some of the thoughts that keep floating through my head. I thought if I wrote them down, maybe I could clear my mind.
This past week or so has been a little melancholy for me. Last week, after we returned from vacation, I had to go to Virginia for my Aunt Katherine's funeral. My nickname for Aunt Katherine is "Flossy." Only I am allowed to use it.
Anyway, after I came home from the funeral, I've felt kind of down and out. Yet, I still rejoice in knowing that Flossy is with Jesus and someday, so will I.
We go back to school next Monday, August 4th. Yes, the 4th!!! I'm looking forward to working again - I really miss my paychecks. But, August 4th is ridiculously early.
My seven year old son is obsessed with Jamie Lynn Spears - oh, woe is me!!! Why couldn't he be obsessed with one of those little starlets that has NOT been in the headlines for having a baby at age 16?? Of course, he is only seven and all he sees is the "Zoey 101" show on Nick.
Dear Lord, please don't let this be a glimpse into the future of my son. Amen.
A sweet little lady in our church died Sunday after a long battle with cancer. I wish I had known her better.
My parents are on vacation in Shipshewana, Indiana. It's an Amish community. I looked it up on the internet and it looks lovely. Wish I was with them.
My dream vacation would be a complete tour of all the Civil War sights in the state of Virginia.
I've always wanted to write and publish a book. I'm still praying for the talent to do so.
I spend too much money.
My cousin's son is getting married this weekend in San Antonio, Texas. I would love to go. It would be great to go to the wedding on Saturday, then visit John Hagee's church on Sunday.
But, since we have to go back to school on Monday, it's not possible for me to go.
I should take better care of myself.
OK - I have wallowed in my own muddy thoughts long enough. I feel better. Thanks for your support!
Show me Your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior and my hope is in you all day long. Psalm 25:4-5
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
We're Back
We're back from vacation. Had a wonderful time. Didn't want to come home! We started out in Charleston. It's such a beautiful place. I adore Southern history. I especially love to see places where "The War of Northern Agression" took place.
I would love to see Charleston during a time of the year when it's not 500 DEGREES IN THE SHADE. Maybe late fall.

Of course, as usual, I was in the middle of saying something.
Then we moved on to the beach. Love the beach. Don't care for the ocean. Love the beach. As a rule, I don't go into the water above my knees. Frank and Jacob, on the other hand have a crazy desire to stand NECK DEEP in the water. I do not, and never will, share that desire. Guess I've seen too many shark movies. The pool is another story - love the pool. We had a waterpark at our resort too. That was a lot of fun.

See what I mean?

Jacob really enjoyed digging in the sand. Don't even know what he was doing in this one.

It was a really fun week. Did not want to come home. Oh, said that already.
Well, there's a little glimpse into our vacation. It was a wonderful week. Actually, I don't remember being that relaxed in a long time. Did I mention that I really wasn't ready to come home?
Anyhoo - now that I am home - guess it's back to the same old stuff. I'll treasure the memories of that wonderfully relaxed week.(Sigh)
I would love to see Charleston during a time of the year when it's not 500 DEGREES IN THE SHADE. Maybe late fall.

Then we moved on to the beach. Love the beach. Don't care for the ocean. Love the beach. As a rule, I don't go into the water above my knees. Frank and Jacob, on the other hand have a crazy desire to stand NECK DEEP in the water. I do not, and never will, share that desire. Guess I've seen too many shark movies. The pool is another story - love the pool. We had a waterpark at our resort too. That was a lot of fun.

See what I mean?

Jacob really enjoyed digging in the sand. Don't even know what he was doing in this one.

It was a really fun week. Did not want to come home. Oh, said that already.
Well, there's a little glimpse into our vacation. It was a wonderful week. Actually, I don't remember being that relaxed in a long time. Did I mention that I really wasn't ready to come home?
Anyhoo - now that I am home - guess it's back to the same old stuff. I'll treasure the memories of that wonderfully relaxed week.(Sigh)
Friday, July 4, 2008
True Freedom
A quick post for now - more later.
I'm sitting here watching the local 4th of July parade on television. We are not patriotic enough to actually go downtown and sit in the heat - especially since we can see it so much better here at home in air conditioned comfort.
But, as I sit here watching and listening to the comments from the news people, I again realize the sad state of our country.
Our nation has placed its faith in the human abilities of the military to maintain our freedom. But, the pursuit of True Freedom in Christ has been tossed to the wayside. For those of us who have True Freedom in Christ, we understand the importance of keeping Christ first. We know that accepting Christ as Savior and having a personal relationship with Him is the only TRUE Freedom we can ever have. Freddom in Christ can never be taken away. It doesn't have to continuiously be fought for - once it is received, it is forever.
My heart breaks for our nation. I grieve the fact that Christ is not welcome in so many places and in so many hearts.
So, my prayer, especially on this day is for our nation. I pray that across the US, people will come to realize that the only True Freedom is in Christ. I will continue to pray for our military and the freedom they fight for. But, without Freedom in Christ, there will never be complete freedom in these United States.
I'm sitting here watching the local 4th of July parade on television. We are not patriotic enough to actually go downtown and sit in the heat - especially since we can see it so much better here at home in air conditioned comfort.
But, as I sit here watching and listening to the comments from the news people, I again realize the sad state of our country.
Our nation has placed its faith in the human abilities of the military to maintain our freedom. But, the pursuit of True Freedom in Christ has been tossed to the wayside. For those of us who have True Freedom in Christ, we understand the importance of keeping Christ first. We know that accepting Christ as Savior and having a personal relationship with Him is the only TRUE Freedom we can ever have. Freddom in Christ can never be taken away. It doesn't have to continuiously be fought for - once it is received, it is forever.
My heart breaks for our nation. I grieve the fact that Christ is not welcome in so many places and in so many hearts.
So, my prayer, especially on this day is for our nation. I pray that across the US, people will come to realize that the only True Freedom is in Christ. I will continue to pray for our military and the freedom they fight for. But, without Freedom in Christ, there will never be complete freedom in these United States.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Whew! What a week . . . and it's only Wednesday!
I'm pooped!! This has been a very busy week and it's only Wednesday. I'm needing me a little Beth Moore about right now!
Here's the scoop.
VBS was a lot of fun. We had 20 children (good number for us) and the youth (well, six of them) were on had to help out. They are an amazing group of teens. They are loving the Lord with all thier hearts.
The kiddoes made some really awesome t-shirts in craft class. They memorized two memory verses and could repeat the stories almost verbatim.
The music was a hit, too. We used the VBS kit from LifeWay, Outrigger Island (incase anyone might recognize it). They loved the songs. We practiced as much as a one day VBS would allow. Then on Sunday, all the kids wanted to perform thier songs (complete with sign language) for the church. It was so wonderful. God was truly present in VBS.
Yeah, our church is small but we are big in the LORD!!
After VBS, we headed to a local swimming pool to celebrate my niece, Jane Ann's 3rd birthday. It was hot, but the kiddoes had a blast. And thankfully, pizza was served, so I didn't have to worry about dinner.
Sunday, after church, we took Aunt Sharon (aka, Nena) out to lunch for her birthday last week. We started at our favorite italian restaurant here in town. After waiting for one hour to be seated - yes to be seated - we moved to Chili's across the street.
We were seated upon entering and had our food within twenty minutes of pulling into the parking lot. Guess we should have started there.
Then it was home for a much needed Sunday afternoon nap while the guys went to the farm to check on the bull.
Monday, started out as a usual Monday - dishes, laundry, picking up stuff around the house - you know the drill. Then my Mom called from Virginia (about 35 miles away) to tell me that my Great Aunt Katherine is in the hospital and is not expected to live. So, I take Jacob to stay with Dad while Mom and I go to the hospital. Aunt Katherine is in really bad shape. She is full of fluid, her organs are giving out and she can hardly breathe.
We were there until about 10:00 p.m.
On Tuesday, my Aunt Gloria and I drove 200 miles up into Virginia to pick up my Great Aunt Etta, Aunt Katherine's sister. She wanted to be with Aunt Katherine and can no longer drive. So, over 400 miles in a car was tiring but we really had a good time with Aunt Etta. She told us tales about my mom and her siblings when they were young. She also told me some things about my grandfather whom I never knew because he died when I was four months old. It was so nice.
Then, we went back to the hospital to find that Aunt Katherine has been moved from ICU to a private room so the family can be with her. And, much to our amazement, she was awake and breathing somewhat easier. She even perked up enough to recognize each one of us. Then, oh my goodness, then, she told everyone to close our eyes and she prayed a prayer of thanks over all of us there in the room. Talk about feeling the presence of God.
Today, again, it started out like any other day . . . until my husband called to tell me that my step-daughter, Amanda was on her way to the emergency room. She was scheduled to have her gall bladder removed in two weeks, but she is in so much pain they are going to take it out tomorrow morning. So, Jacob, Andy (Amanda's husband), Robin (Amanda's Mom) and I sat in the ER waiting room for six hours while they did some tests and tried to find a room for her.
Like I said - I'm pooped. But, I'll sleep a while tonight and start again tomorrow.
Next week - IF all goes well, I will be preparing for our vacation. I am READY. I can hardly wait to hit that beach and just chill out for a few days. Mmmmm, I can almost smell that ocean air. I might even visit the spa and get myself a massage. I have never had a massage. I have always wanted one but just haven't taken the time. I love to have my back rubbed but that doesn't happen much around here. Oh, Frank is willing - he's just no good at it. I don't get it either. How can such a big strong man have such a soft touch? I like a deep back rub. I want to feel it to the bone. But, when Frank rubs my back, I can barely feel it. It just doesn't make any sense.
Oh well, it gives me something to look forward to.
So, for now, I'm going to rest. See you later.
Here's the scoop.
VBS was a lot of fun. We had 20 children (good number for us) and the youth (well, six of them) were on had to help out. They are an amazing group of teens. They are loving the Lord with all thier hearts.
The kiddoes made some really awesome t-shirts in craft class. They memorized two memory verses and could repeat the stories almost verbatim.
The music was a hit, too. We used the VBS kit from LifeWay, Outrigger Island (incase anyone might recognize it). They loved the songs. We practiced as much as a one day VBS would allow. Then on Sunday, all the kids wanted to perform thier songs (complete with sign language) for the church. It was so wonderful. God was truly present in VBS.
Yeah, our church is small but we are big in the LORD!!
After VBS, we headed to a local swimming pool to celebrate my niece, Jane Ann's 3rd birthday. It was hot, but the kiddoes had a blast. And thankfully, pizza was served, so I didn't have to worry about dinner.
Sunday, after church, we took Aunt Sharon (aka, Nena) out to lunch for her birthday last week. We started at our favorite italian restaurant here in town. After waiting for one hour to be seated - yes to be seated - we moved to Chili's across the street.
We were seated upon entering and had our food within twenty minutes of pulling into the parking lot. Guess we should have started there.
Then it was home for a much needed Sunday afternoon nap while the guys went to the farm to check on the bull.
Monday, started out as a usual Monday - dishes, laundry, picking up stuff around the house - you know the drill. Then my Mom called from Virginia (about 35 miles away) to tell me that my Great Aunt Katherine is in the hospital and is not expected to live. So, I take Jacob to stay with Dad while Mom and I go to the hospital. Aunt Katherine is in really bad shape. She is full of fluid, her organs are giving out and she can hardly breathe.
We were there until about 10:00 p.m.
On Tuesday, my Aunt Gloria and I drove 200 miles up into Virginia to pick up my Great Aunt Etta, Aunt Katherine's sister. She wanted to be with Aunt Katherine and can no longer drive. So, over 400 miles in a car was tiring but we really had a good time with Aunt Etta. She told us tales about my mom and her siblings when they were young. She also told me some things about my grandfather whom I never knew because he died when I was four months old. It was so nice.
Then, we went back to the hospital to find that Aunt Katherine has been moved from ICU to a private room so the family can be with her. And, much to our amazement, she was awake and breathing somewhat easier. She even perked up enough to recognize each one of us. Then, oh my goodness, then, she told everyone to close our eyes and she prayed a prayer of thanks over all of us there in the room. Talk about feeling the presence of God.
Today, again, it started out like any other day . . . until my husband called to tell me that my step-daughter, Amanda was on her way to the emergency room. She was scheduled to have her gall bladder removed in two weeks, but she is in so much pain they are going to take it out tomorrow morning. So, Jacob, Andy (Amanda's husband), Robin (Amanda's Mom) and I sat in the ER waiting room for six hours while they did some tests and tried to find a room for her.
Like I said - I'm pooped. But, I'll sleep a while tonight and start again tomorrow.
Next week - IF all goes well, I will be preparing for our vacation. I am READY. I can hardly wait to hit that beach and just chill out for a few days. Mmmmm, I can almost smell that ocean air. I might even visit the spa and get myself a massage. I have never had a massage. I have always wanted one but just haven't taken the time. I love to have my back rubbed but that doesn't happen much around here. Oh, Frank is willing - he's just no good at it. I don't get it either. How can such a big strong man have such a soft touch? I like a deep back rub. I want to feel it to the bone. But, when Frank rubs my back, I can barely feel it. It just doesn't make any sense.
Oh well, it gives me something to look forward to.
So, for now, I'm going to rest. See you later.
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