Just a quick post to wish everyone a wonderful New Year!! My prayer is that each of you will have a joyous and prosperous 2008. I pray for your good health and that you will experience God in every moment of every day.
God Bless you - from our house to yours!!
Show me Your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior and my hope is in you all day long. Psalm 25:4-5
Monday, December 31, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Our Christmas
Well, another Chistmas has come and gone. Of course, the Spirit of Christmas is alive and well in our daily lives - PTL!!
Actually, I am glad that all the rushing around is over. I am so exhausted by Christmas day that I usually don't enjoy it as much as I could. Yesterday, at my parents house, I fell asleep on the couch. I was a bit embarrassed but I just couldn't help it. Thankfully, the family was very understanding and didn't chastise me for it. They were also very merciful and didn't do anything mean to me while I lay there. LOL But, we had been running for several days doing the family things. My little guy had a birthday last Friday (the 21st). He was 7 years old. I can hardly believe he is 7 already. So, we went out to dinner and then had family over for cake and ice cream. Saturday morning we headed to my sister-in-law's house (2 hours away) for her family get-together. We got home at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. Missed church. Then, I had to do some last minute shopping and hit the grocery store.
Monday, we had to drive to my aunt's house for lunch with my Dad's side of the family, back home for Christmas Eve with Frank's family. Of course, then I had to come home to fix things for the next morning (Santa). So, on Christmas morning, I got up early to start preparing my food items to take to my parents house. Meanwhile, the kids came over to open gifts with us and have breakfast. They don't go to my parents with us anymore - they have grown up and flown the coop. So, we were at my parents (45 minutes away) by 12:30 for lunch. I was in such a tizzy I forgot one of my Mom's gifts and the plate of deviled eggs I had prepared. See what I mean??
Now, don't get me wrong, we had a wonderful Christmas. Jacob really hit the motherlode in toys. Plus, Granny and Papaw bought him a new bicycle. Last year, they bought him a four-wheeler. I warned them about buying vehicle-type gifts for him - when he is 16 he will expect a new car. LOL
But, I am really glad that he enjoyed himself so much. He went to the jewelry store with his Daddy to buy me a beautiful silver bracelet. The links are hearts and each heart has a letter spelling M-O-M. I love it. But, what I really enjoyed about it was the excitement on his face as he gave it to me. He was so proud and could hardly wait for me to get it open. It was a very sweet moment, for me anyway.
My darling husband purchased himself a Christmas gift - well for both of us - a new truck. He deserves it - he works hard and the old truck was 12 years old. Definately time for a new one.
Well, that catches everyone up on the last few days. It has been a whirlwind of activity and personally, I am glad to have the next few days to chill. I received a couple of new books and a copy of the Archealogical Bible. So, I've got me some good reading ahead of me. Tonight, I am going to watch all three dvd's of the television epic - John Jake's "North and South." It just don't get much better than that.
Hope ya'll had a great Christmas!! Let me know how it went for you.
Actually, I am glad that all the rushing around is over. I am so exhausted by Christmas day that I usually don't enjoy it as much as I could. Yesterday, at my parents house, I fell asleep on the couch. I was a bit embarrassed but I just couldn't help it. Thankfully, the family was very understanding and didn't chastise me for it. They were also very merciful and didn't do anything mean to me while I lay there. LOL But, we had been running for several days doing the family things. My little guy had a birthday last Friday (the 21st). He was 7 years old. I can hardly believe he is 7 already. So, we went out to dinner and then had family over for cake and ice cream. Saturday morning we headed to my sister-in-law's house (2 hours away) for her family get-together. We got home at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. Missed church. Then, I had to do some last minute shopping and hit the grocery store.
Monday, we had to drive to my aunt's house for lunch with my Dad's side of the family, back home for Christmas Eve with Frank's family. Of course, then I had to come home to fix things for the next morning (Santa). So, on Christmas morning, I got up early to start preparing my food items to take to my parents house. Meanwhile, the kids came over to open gifts with us and have breakfast. They don't go to my parents with us anymore - they have grown up and flown the coop. So, we were at my parents (45 minutes away) by 12:30 for lunch. I was in such a tizzy I forgot one of my Mom's gifts and the plate of deviled eggs I had prepared. See what I mean??
Now, don't get me wrong, we had a wonderful Christmas. Jacob really hit the motherlode in toys. Plus, Granny and Papaw bought him a new bicycle. Last year, they bought him a four-wheeler. I warned them about buying vehicle-type gifts for him - when he is 16 he will expect a new car. LOL
But, I am really glad that he enjoyed himself so much. He went to the jewelry store with his Daddy to buy me a beautiful silver bracelet. The links are hearts and each heart has a letter spelling M-O-M. I love it. But, what I really enjoyed about it was the excitement on his face as he gave it to me. He was so proud and could hardly wait for me to get it open. It was a very sweet moment, for me anyway.
My darling husband purchased himself a Christmas gift - well for both of us - a new truck. He deserves it - he works hard and the old truck was 12 years old. Definately time for a new one.
Well, that catches everyone up on the last few days. It has been a whirlwind of activity and personally, I am glad to have the next few days to chill. I received a couple of new books and a copy of the Archealogical Bible. So, I've got me some good reading ahead of me. Tonight, I am going to watch all three dvd's of the television epic - John Jake's "North and South." It just don't get much better than that.
Hope ya'll had a great Christmas!! Let me know how it went for you.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Guess I should start decorating for Christmas
I am so ashamed to admit this - but I have not started my Christmas shopping yet. Yes, I know how that sounds and I definately know what that says about me. Nevertheless, it is the truth. Sadly, I just haven't been in the mood. This is a very unusual thing for me - every year, I get so excited over Christmas and all the little details that surround it. But, this year, I just haven't been able to get myself excited over it.
Well, that is, until tonight. Tonight, our church had the annual "Secret Pal Dinner." Each year, the women of the church put our names into a basket, then draw one out. We keep it secret (hence, Secret Pals, duh)and send cards, remember birthdays, anniversaries or other special occasions and of course, the holidays throughout the year. It's really alot of fun. Then, on the first Saturday in December, we have our annual dinner. The men cook the dinner and we have a program, then reveal our Secret Pals and exchange gifts. It's a wonderful occasion.
Now, to be truthful - this morning, I was dreading the whole thing. I just didn't want to go. And, I had not purchased my Pal's gift until today. But, I did a quick trip to the mall this morning and found a beautiful red, silk pajama set and a soft robe to match. I bought her some fuzzy slippers and wrapped it all up in a pretty bag with a big gold bow. Yet, I still wasn't in the mood for Christmas.
UNTIL - during the program at the dinner - a friend of mine stood up and read the story of Christ's birth from the book of Luke. As Terri read, suddenly, my spirits began to lift and I began to look forward to preparing for Christmas.
You see, it hit me - the shopping, the decorating, the baking, the wrapping - all of this is a gift of sorts. It is my gift to my family. The things that I do every year to get ready are as much a gift as the presents I buy. These are the things that make Christmas time feel like Christmas time at our house. In doing all of these things, I can help make a way to bring the true meaning into the season.
Is it just me, or do you get the feeling that God is smiling down, saying, "Now you get it."
Maybe, I'm just crazy - but that's what happened. And, I feel more like getting ready for Christmas. So, tomorrow after church, the three of us are having a decorating party at our house. Frank and Jacob are in charge of getting the tree up and we will all decorate it together. I will bring out the Christmas linen and the Christmas dishes to use for the next few weeks. The lights will go in all the windows and the wreath on the door. My collection of Christmas carolers will come out of the closet and the stockings will be hung on the mantle. Then, tomorrow night, after dinner - we will all sit in the light of the tree and maybe watch Polar Express for the umteenth time (and love every minute of it.)
Another one of my favorite Christmas movies is The Bishop's Wife (with Cary Grant) so that is a possibility.
But, it all sounds so wonderful now. I am actually looking forward to some serious shopping this week.
God is so cool. I am always amazed at His ways. I am so blessed to have a Heavenly Father who loves me and never gives up on me.
Oh, by the way - what are your favorite Christmas movies?? I would love to know.
Well, that is, until tonight. Tonight, our church had the annual "Secret Pal Dinner." Each year, the women of the church put our names into a basket, then draw one out. We keep it secret (hence, Secret Pals, duh)and send cards, remember birthdays, anniversaries or other special occasions and of course, the holidays throughout the year. It's really alot of fun. Then, on the first Saturday in December, we have our annual dinner. The men cook the dinner and we have a program, then reveal our Secret Pals and exchange gifts. It's a wonderful occasion.
Now, to be truthful - this morning, I was dreading the whole thing. I just didn't want to go. And, I had not purchased my Pal's gift until today. But, I did a quick trip to the mall this morning and found a beautiful red, silk pajama set and a soft robe to match. I bought her some fuzzy slippers and wrapped it all up in a pretty bag with a big gold bow. Yet, I still wasn't in the mood for Christmas.
UNTIL - during the program at the dinner - a friend of mine stood up and read the story of Christ's birth from the book of Luke. As Terri read, suddenly, my spirits began to lift and I began to look forward to preparing for Christmas.
You see, it hit me - the shopping, the decorating, the baking, the wrapping - all of this is a gift of sorts. It is my gift to my family. The things that I do every year to get ready are as much a gift as the presents I buy. These are the things that make Christmas time feel like Christmas time at our house. In doing all of these things, I can help make a way to bring the true meaning into the season.
Is it just me, or do you get the feeling that God is smiling down, saying, "Now you get it."
Maybe, I'm just crazy - but that's what happened. And, I feel more like getting ready for Christmas. So, tomorrow after church, the three of us are having a decorating party at our house. Frank and Jacob are in charge of getting the tree up and we will all decorate it together. I will bring out the Christmas linen and the Christmas dishes to use for the next few weeks. The lights will go in all the windows and the wreath on the door. My collection of Christmas carolers will come out of the closet and the stockings will be hung on the mantle. Then, tomorrow night, after dinner - we will all sit in the light of the tree and maybe watch Polar Express for the umteenth time (and love every minute of it.)
Another one of my favorite Christmas movies is The Bishop's Wife (with Cary Grant) so that is a possibility.
But, it all sounds so wonderful now. I am actually looking forward to some serious shopping this week.
God is so cool. I am always amazed at His ways. I am so blessed to have a Heavenly Father who loves me and never gives up on me.
Oh, by the way - what are your favorite Christmas movies?? I would love to know.
Friday, November 23, 2007
And now, on to Christmas!!
Thanksgiving was a blast! The weather was cold and dreary outside - but the atmosphere was warm and cheery inside. The food was wonderful - Paula Deen didn't have anything on us yesterday.
We ventured all the way next door to Frank's Aunt Sharon's house. Forty-six of Tennessee's finest graced our table(s). The kiddoes had a blast playing outside - even though the high was 44 degrees. Of course, Jacob managed to fall into the creek along the edge of the yard. And, of course, he was wearing his school shoes. And, of course, I had to trek back to our house for clean (and dry) socks and shoes.
Oh, it was a lovely day.
Several of the cousins were making big plans last night for thier annual "Black Friday" shopping adventures. Me? Oh No!! I don't get out of my house on Black Friday. I'm afraid!! The stories I've heard are scary!! People snatching and grabbing. The arguing and the fighting over that last do-ma-jiggy. The running around in the wee hours of the morning for THAT bargain. Nope! Not me!!
I'm a firm believer that 4:00 a.m. is made for some serious sleeping.
However, I have the greatest respect for those of you who dare to catch those unbelievable deals. As a matter of fact, you have my prayers, too.
I just happen to be very traditional. I go shopping with my list - pay the regular prices and of course, it's usually at the last possible minute. I love everything about Christmas EXCEPT the shopping. Oh, how I wish there wasn't such an emphasis on the "perfect purchased gift." We've already been given the most perfect gift of all - shouldn't we simply rejoice in the birth of Christ? Shouldn't we enjoy the true meaning of the season? Oh, how I wish!!! But, I am just as guilty. I want my family and friends to love the gifts I give. I love to see the look on my son's face when he rushes down the steps on Christmas morning to see what Santa has delivered. I adore the sights, the sounds, the smells, the feeling of Christmas - I love it all. But, I love my Jesus more. I adore Him for coming to this earth on that first blessed Christmas night. I cherish, yet am humbled by His love for me - that He would love me enough to die for me. Oh, my wonderful Savior! You are Christmas. You ARE Christmas! Maybe that is why I love Christmas all year long - because I love my Jesus all year long; every day; every hour; every minute. He is everything to me.
So, even though I will still have to go shopping. I am going to do my best to share the love of my Jesus a lot more than usual this Christmas season. That is the truly the best gift to give. And, anything that makes it home in a shopping bag to get wrapped in pretty paper and placed under the tree can be counted as a bonus.
As we embark on yet another Christmas season - I pray that each of you will be blessed with the true meaning of the season. I pray that the Spirit of Jesus will be on you every moment. Many, many wishes for a blessed, happy and safe Christmas season.
We ventured all the way next door to Frank's Aunt Sharon's house. Forty-six of Tennessee's finest graced our table(s). The kiddoes had a blast playing outside - even though the high was 44 degrees. Of course, Jacob managed to fall into the creek along the edge of the yard. And, of course, he was wearing his school shoes. And, of course, I had to trek back to our house for clean (and dry) socks and shoes.
Oh, it was a lovely day.
Several of the cousins were making big plans last night for thier annual "Black Friday" shopping adventures. Me? Oh No!! I don't get out of my house on Black Friday. I'm afraid!! The stories I've heard are scary!! People snatching and grabbing. The arguing and the fighting over that last do-ma-jiggy. The running around in the wee hours of the morning for THAT bargain. Nope! Not me!!
I'm a firm believer that 4:00 a.m. is made for some serious sleeping.
However, I have the greatest respect for those of you who dare to catch those unbelievable deals. As a matter of fact, you have my prayers, too.
I just happen to be very traditional. I go shopping with my list - pay the regular prices and of course, it's usually at the last possible minute. I love everything about Christmas EXCEPT the shopping. Oh, how I wish there wasn't such an emphasis on the "perfect purchased gift." We've already been given the most perfect gift of all - shouldn't we simply rejoice in the birth of Christ? Shouldn't we enjoy the true meaning of the season? Oh, how I wish!!! But, I am just as guilty. I want my family and friends to love the gifts I give. I love to see the look on my son's face when he rushes down the steps on Christmas morning to see what Santa has delivered. I adore the sights, the sounds, the smells, the feeling of Christmas - I love it all. But, I love my Jesus more. I adore Him for coming to this earth on that first blessed Christmas night. I cherish, yet am humbled by His love for me - that He would love me enough to die for me. Oh, my wonderful Savior! You are Christmas. You ARE Christmas! Maybe that is why I love Christmas all year long - because I love my Jesus all year long; every day; every hour; every minute. He is everything to me.
So, even though I will still have to go shopping. I am going to do my best to share the love of my Jesus a lot more than usual this Christmas season. That is the truly the best gift to give. And, anything that makes it home in a shopping bag to get wrapped in pretty paper and placed under the tree can be counted as a bonus.
As we embark on yet another Christmas season - I pray that each of you will be blessed with the true meaning of the season. I pray that the Spirit of Jesus will be on you every moment. Many, many wishes for a blessed, happy and safe Christmas season.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Warning! Too Much Drama Could Cause Gray Hair
Honestly, I did not plan to stay away for so long. There has been so much going on - I feel as if I've been in a whirlwind for the past two weeks.
The rather large nutshell version is this - Jacob has been having stomach issues - mainly vomitting at random. First visit to his doctor yielded zero results - because he (the doctor) did virtually nothing, no tests, nothing. Jacob's blood pressure was elevated and doctor did not seem to be aware of the fact that I was concerned. He didn't even order Jacob's bp to be monitored. I was not happy. Also, doctor just simply said that "sometimes kids just throw up." Well, not my kid!! This very doctor's visit was Jacob's second - yes, second, sick visit in his entire life. So, don't tell me that kids just throw up - my kid doesn't just throw up!! Thank you, very much!!
So, I did what any calm, cool and collected mother would do - I took Jacob to another doctor . . . a woman doctor!!! And, she is awesome. She listened, she asked questions, she answered questions, she ran tests and more tests. AND, the pinnacle - she called me at home when she got the blood test results. I am so glad that we found this doctor. She is very thorough - just what a mother wants in her son's doctor.
The test results showed that Jacob has H Pylori bacteria in his stomach. It is the type of bacteria that, left untreated, can cause ulcers or eventually cancer. So, Praise the Lord that it can be treated. Jacob is on two antibiotics (first time ever for him) and Prilosec for the next fourteen days. Then, he'll go back to be rechecked to see if the bacteria is gone.
As if that isn't enough to keep me up at night - this past weekend my Mom and Dad were travelling to Richmond, VA (about six hours away) and were involved in a car accident. By God's grace and mercy, no one was hurt. But, the car was damaged and they were unable to drive it home. So, my darling husband, Frank and my sweet stepson Alex, hitched up the trailer to the back of the Dodge and went to Richmond to rescue Mom and Dad.
Can ya'll see the Hand of God in all this??? He is all over it - every little element shows His love and His protection.
So, I'm tired and I haven't felt like blogging lately. But, I hope the holidays will bring me lots of good news to share. I'm really looking forward to the Christmas season. Jacob was born just a few days before Christmas, which just makes the season more special. This year we are reading Lisa Whelchel's book, "The ADVENTure of Christmas." I recommend it for anyone with children or grandchildren. There are so many wonderful things to do for the Advent season. You can find it here or here or other places.
I know this may sound awful - but, I'm really not a big fan of Thanksgiving. I don't need one day a year set aside to remind me to be thankful. It's a daily event in our house. But, Christmas - oh, my - I just adore Christmas.
For now, I pray blessings to all two of you who will read this blog and special blessings to all those who will never know this blog exists!
Good night!
The rather large nutshell version is this - Jacob has been having stomach issues - mainly vomitting at random. First visit to his doctor yielded zero results - because he (the doctor) did virtually nothing, no tests, nothing. Jacob's blood pressure was elevated and doctor did not seem to be aware of the fact that I was concerned. He didn't even order Jacob's bp to be monitored. I was not happy. Also, doctor just simply said that "sometimes kids just throw up." Well, not my kid!! This very doctor's visit was Jacob's second - yes, second, sick visit in his entire life. So, don't tell me that kids just throw up - my kid doesn't just throw up!! Thank you, very much!!
So, I did what any calm, cool and collected mother would do - I took Jacob to another doctor . . . a woman doctor!!! And, she is awesome. She listened, she asked questions, she answered questions, she ran tests and more tests. AND, the pinnacle - she called me at home when she got the blood test results. I am so glad that we found this doctor. She is very thorough - just what a mother wants in her son's doctor.
The test results showed that Jacob has H Pylori bacteria in his stomach. It is the type of bacteria that, left untreated, can cause ulcers or eventually cancer. So, Praise the Lord that it can be treated. Jacob is on two antibiotics (first time ever for him) and Prilosec for the next fourteen days. Then, he'll go back to be rechecked to see if the bacteria is gone.
As if that isn't enough to keep me up at night - this past weekend my Mom and Dad were travelling to Richmond, VA (about six hours away) and were involved in a car accident. By God's grace and mercy, no one was hurt. But, the car was damaged and they were unable to drive it home. So, my darling husband, Frank and my sweet stepson Alex, hitched up the trailer to the back of the Dodge and went to Richmond to rescue Mom and Dad.
Can ya'll see the Hand of God in all this??? He is all over it - every little element shows His love and His protection.
So, I'm tired and I haven't felt like blogging lately. But, I hope the holidays will bring me lots of good news to share. I'm really looking forward to the Christmas season. Jacob was born just a few days before Christmas, which just makes the season more special. This year we are reading Lisa Whelchel's book, "The ADVENTure of Christmas." I recommend it for anyone with children or grandchildren. There are so many wonderful things to do for the Advent season. You can find it here or here or other places.
I know this may sound awful - but, I'm really not a big fan of Thanksgiving. I don't need one day a year set aside to remind me to be thankful. It's a daily event in our house. But, Christmas - oh, my - I just adore Christmas.
For now, I pray blessings to all two of you who will read this blog and special blessings to all those who will never know this blog exists!
Good night!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Stuff Just Keeps Happening
Well, I love my job! O.K. I know I've only been there two days but it is just wonderful. Dr. Principal is so sweet. She worked out my schedule so that I can still substitute one day a week if I want to. She said she wanted to give me the opportunity to earn a little extra money. How sweet is she?? And, how good is God to give me a boss like Dr. Principal? All, the teachers are so nice. They have been most helpful and seem so excited to have me in the classrooms.
During the morning, I travel from class to class. I begin my day in 3rd grade classes and then move on to the 4th grades. I assist with the kids who are struggling. So, I'm actually having the opportunity to teach. I'm so excited.
Then, after my lunch break, I go to the kindergarten for the rest of the day. I just love those little guys. And, Mrs. W, the teacher is such a good Christian. We had the best discussion today about our favorite Bible teachers and books we've read. We have so much in common, we are already good friends. Also, I've discovered that many of the teachers and staff throughout the school are Christians. The teacher's lounge is always abuzz about church events and Bible studies. It is just a great place to work.
I am praising, praising, praising!
Then, there is a little bit of other stuff going on. My bff, Lezley may be moving away. Notice, may be moving. Her husband is a regional manager for a credit company and was offered a position in Louisville, Kentucky. That is 6 1/2 hours away. They went there Monday for the interview. Brian said it went very well and he should know something by next Monday. If he is offered and takes the position, they have to be in Louisville by December 1st.
I'm having a little bit of trouble wrapping my mind around the whole thing. You see, Lezley and I have been friends for about 4 years, but it feels as if we have been friends all our lives. We are as different as night and day - but we compliment each other. We are sisters and I love her dearly. She is such a rock for me. But, there are so many good things for thier family if this move happens. Money, for one. Brian will be making more money - we all know how handy that can be. And, Lezley wants to go to Asbury Seminary, which is close to Louisville.
I hope and pray for the best for them and I'm especially praying for God's will to be done. But, the selfish part of me really wants them to stay.
But, I have to wonder if God has provided me with this fantastic new job to help me get through if they do move. I mean, my God is such and awesome God and He loves me so much that He doesn't want me to hurt. So, it makes sense that He would be preparing me ahead of time to make the transition easier.
So, for now, we wait - and pray - and know that God is Good all the time!
During the morning, I travel from class to class. I begin my day in 3rd grade classes and then move on to the 4th grades. I assist with the kids who are struggling. So, I'm actually having the opportunity to teach. I'm so excited.
Then, after my lunch break, I go to the kindergarten for the rest of the day. I just love those little guys. And, Mrs. W, the teacher is such a good Christian. We had the best discussion today about our favorite Bible teachers and books we've read. We have so much in common, we are already good friends. Also, I've discovered that many of the teachers and staff throughout the school are Christians. The teacher's lounge is always abuzz about church events and Bible studies. It is just a great place to work.
I am praising, praising, praising!
Then, there is a little bit of other stuff going on. My bff, Lezley may be moving away. Notice, may be moving. Her husband is a regional manager for a credit company and was offered a position in Louisville, Kentucky. That is 6 1/2 hours away. They went there Monday for the interview. Brian said it went very well and he should know something by next Monday. If he is offered and takes the position, they have to be in Louisville by December 1st.
I'm having a little bit of trouble wrapping my mind around the whole thing. You see, Lezley and I have been friends for about 4 years, but it feels as if we have been friends all our lives. We are as different as night and day - but we compliment each other. We are sisters and I love her dearly. She is such a rock for me. But, there are so many good things for thier family if this move happens. Money, for one. Brian will be making more money - we all know how handy that can be. And, Lezley wants to go to Asbury Seminary, which is close to Louisville.
I hope and pray for the best for them and I'm especially praying for God's will to be done. But, the selfish part of me really wants them to stay.
But, I have to wonder if God has provided me with this fantastic new job to help me get through if they do move. I mean, my God is such and awesome God and He loves me so much that He doesn't want me to hurt. So, it makes sense that He would be preparing me ahead of time to make the transition easier.
So, for now, we wait - and pray - and know that God is Good all the time!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
It's Been a Crazy Week But Full of God!!
I have had the craziest week - but crazy good! It all started last Sunday night. I was browsing through some of my favorite websites - you know, just checking to see if there was anything new going on. I clicked on the website for the local school system to check job postings (something I try to do on a fairly regular basis.) Lo, and behold, there were several new listings for a State Instructional Aide in the elementary schools - one in my son's school. So, I promptly printed out an application, typed me up a resume and a nice cover letter.
On Monday morning, I dropped Jacob off at school and made my way to the school board office. I talked to God on the way over there asking Him to show me His will and that whatever was His plan, I am good with that! So, I waltzed into the office, politely handed my application and stuff to the lady at the desk and asked if I could speak to the director of Human Resources. She kind of looked at me like I had asked her for all her money - but she went into the inner office to forward my request. Mrs. R came out to meet me. Now, let me interject a very important little tidbit here - Mrs. R is not a friendly person. Yeah, I know, she is the Director of Human Resources and works with people all day long - but that does not make her a personable person, not by any means.
So, in her very stoic way - she stood and stared at me while I rambled on about how I appreciate the opportunity to apply for this job. How lame can I be??
Anyhoo - she thanked me - shook my hand and disappeared back into her inner santum. So, I left. What else could I do? The rest was in the Lord's hands. I'm good with that.
Tuesday afternoon, there was a voice mail on my home phone letting me know that I had an interview scheduled for Wednesday morning. So, on Wednesday morning, I dressed as professionally as my closet would allow and waltzed back to the School Board office. When I was finally called in for my interview I had the nicest surprise waiting on me. The principal from Jacob's school was sitting in on the interview. Talk about relief!! Did I mention that Mrs. R has zero personality?? I was really feeling some anxiety about interview with her - but with Dr. Principal sitting there - I relaxed a ton. Dr. Principal is a wonderfully warm, Christian lady who has become a good friend. Now, having her in there was just God - He was taking such good care of me.
My interview went very well. I felt really good about it. As I was leaving the building, I just felt in my heart that I was going to get the position. Mrs. R had told me they would make a decision by noon and only the successful candidate would be notified. So, I went home and waited. At five minutes to noon - yes, FIVE minutes to noon - the phone rang. Mrs. R called to let me know that I was selected for the position. Well, I did some serious praising!!
Maybe I haven't made clear the importance of this position. I've been substitute teaching since the beginning of the school year - but it's a feast or famine situation. I might get five calls one day and then none for the rest of the week. Hard to earn a paycheck that way, you know what I mean?
So, this position will give me a steady paycheck AND a position in the school system that could lead to bigger and better things later on.
Can ya'll see God in all this??? He is all over it!! I needed a steady job - He provided it. I wanted a position, either in my son's school, or very near by - He provided it IN my son's school. Is God cool, or what??!!! I LOVE HIM!!!
Now, more God. While I was at the School Board office waiting to go into my interview, I was reading "In Touch" magazine. Dr. Stanley wrote an article about waiting on God (something I have a LOT of trouble doing.) And, I really felt God telling me to slow down for a while. I believe God wants me to slow down regarding graduate school for right now. I don't think He wants me to give up - just wait a little bit longer. Why do I think this? Well, I'm not sure the school I had chosen is the one God has chosen for me. The whole grad school application process has been very frustrating for me. So, I'm going to sit still and wait. And, you know what? I feel really good about it. Hey, I might be growing a little bit here! How cool is that?
Well, there's my week FULL of God and I am still so excited about it. I hope you have had a week full of God too. It's a great and wonderful thing.
On Monday morning, I dropped Jacob off at school and made my way to the school board office. I talked to God on the way over there asking Him to show me His will and that whatever was His plan, I am good with that! So, I waltzed into the office, politely handed my application and stuff to the lady at the desk and asked if I could speak to the director of Human Resources. She kind of looked at me like I had asked her for all her money - but she went into the inner office to forward my request. Mrs. R came out to meet me. Now, let me interject a very important little tidbit here - Mrs. R is not a friendly person. Yeah, I know, she is the Director of Human Resources and works with people all day long - but that does not make her a personable person, not by any means.
So, in her very stoic way - she stood and stared at me while I rambled on about how I appreciate the opportunity to apply for this job. How lame can I be??
Anyhoo - she thanked me - shook my hand and disappeared back into her inner santum. So, I left. What else could I do? The rest was in the Lord's hands. I'm good with that.
Tuesday afternoon, there was a voice mail on my home phone letting me know that I had an interview scheduled for Wednesday morning. So, on Wednesday morning, I dressed as professionally as my closet would allow and waltzed back to the School Board office. When I was finally called in for my interview I had the nicest surprise waiting on me. The principal from Jacob's school was sitting in on the interview. Talk about relief!! Did I mention that Mrs. R has zero personality?? I was really feeling some anxiety about interview with her - but with Dr. Principal sitting there - I relaxed a ton. Dr. Principal is a wonderfully warm, Christian lady who has become a good friend. Now, having her in there was just God - He was taking such good care of me.
My interview went very well. I felt really good about it. As I was leaving the building, I just felt in my heart that I was going to get the position. Mrs. R had told me they would make a decision by noon and only the successful candidate would be notified. So, I went home and waited. At five minutes to noon - yes, FIVE minutes to noon - the phone rang. Mrs. R called to let me know that I was selected for the position. Well, I did some serious praising!!
Maybe I haven't made clear the importance of this position. I've been substitute teaching since the beginning of the school year - but it's a feast or famine situation. I might get five calls one day and then none for the rest of the week. Hard to earn a paycheck that way, you know what I mean?
So, this position will give me a steady paycheck AND a position in the school system that could lead to bigger and better things later on.
Can ya'll see God in all this??? He is all over it!! I needed a steady job - He provided it. I wanted a position, either in my son's school, or very near by - He provided it IN my son's school. Is God cool, or what??!!! I LOVE HIM!!!
Now, more God. While I was at the School Board office waiting to go into my interview, I was reading "In Touch" magazine. Dr. Stanley wrote an article about waiting on God (something I have a LOT of trouble doing.) And, I really felt God telling me to slow down for a while. I believe God wants me to slow down regarding graduate school for right now. I don't think He wants me to give up - just wait a little bit longer. Why do I think this? Well, I'm not sure the school I had chosen is the one God has chosen for me. The whole grad school application process has been very frustrating for me. So, I'm going to sit still and wait. And, you know what? I feel really good about it. Hey, I might be growing a little bit here! How cool is that?
Well, there's my week FULL of God and I am still so excited about it. I hope you have had a week full of God too. It's a great and wonderful thing.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
A Tribute to Miss Grace
Every once in while someone will cross our path and truly impact our life. If we are lucky, we will have the opportunity to spend time with this person and get to know them.
In my life, there have been many extraordinary people. All of them have impacted me in some way - once or twice not necessarily for good. But, in recent years, there was Miss Grace. Miss Grace can only be described as a sweet, gentile lady. Her entire life revolved around her love for God and her family and friends. She is known as a matriarch, a pillar, a cornerstone and even and icon in our church family. My husband has known Miss Grace his entire life - she and his grandmother were friends from childhood. He can never remember a time when Miss Grace lost her temper, said an unkind word or raised her voice. She has taught Sunday School for so many years that nearly everyone in our church has been in her class.
Miss Grace lost her husband many years ago and her three children live away. But, she never complained and she never faultered in her dedication to the church and church family.
A few years ago, at the age of 90, Miss Grace gave up her driver's license. Not because she was forced to do so - she became ill and decided she didn't want to drive anymore. Over the last four years, her health became increasingly worse. She could only come to church on occasion and was bound to her home - mostly her bed.
Tonight, my husband and I visited Miss Grace for the last time - at the funeral home. She went home to be with the Lord, peacefully in her sleep two nights ago. She was home, where she wanted to be, surrounded by her family and friends. What a blessed way to be called Home.
I am saddened by the loss of Miss Grace - but I am so blessed having known her. I still have the little coat and hat that she made for my son when he was born. I will treasure it forever. I will treasure the lovely memories of Miss Grace - her smile, her dedication, her determination and her sweet, gentle ways.
There are just some people who pass through our lives that leave such sweet memories. Miss Grace is that person for me. I pray that you have someone in your life that will touch you in the same way. I pray that you have someone to bring only love and blessings to you simply by their presence.
May God bless and keep you, Miss Grace. I will see you again.
In my life, there have been many extraordinary people. All of them have impacted me in some way - once or twice not necessarily for good. But, in recent years, there was Miss Grace. Miss Grace can only be described as a sweet, gentile lady. Her entire life revolved around her love for God and her family and friends. She is known as a matriarch, a pillar, a cornerstone and even and icon in our church family. My husband has known Miss Grace his entire life - she and his grandmother were friends from childhood. He can never remember a time when Miss Grace lost her temper, said an unkind word or raised her voice. She has taught Sunday School for so many years that nearly everyone in our church has been in her class.
Miss Grace lost her husband many years ago and her three children live away. But, she never complained and she never faultered in her dedication to the church and church family.
A few years ago, at the age of 90, Miss Grace gave up her driver's license. Not because she was forced to do so - she became ill and decided she didn't want to drive anymore. Over the last four years, her health became increasingly worse. She could only come to church on occasion and was bound to her home - mostly her bed.
Tonight, my husband and I visited Miss Grace for the last time - at the funeral home. She went home to be with the Lord, peacefully in her sleep two nights ago. She was home, where she wanted to be, surrounded by her family and friends. What a blessed way to be called Home.
I am saddened by the loss of Miss Grace - but I am so blessed having known her. I still have the little coat and hat that she made for my son when he was born. I will treasure it forever. I will treasure the lovely memories of Miss Grace - her smile, her dedication, her determination and her sweet, gentle ways.
There are just some people who pass through our lives that leave such sweet memories. Miss Grace is that person for me. I pray that you have someone in your life that will touch you in the same way. I pray that you have someone to bring only love and blessings to you simply by their presence.
May God bless and keep you, Miss Grace. I will see you again.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
And Now, I Pronouce That You Are Man and Wife . . .
The newlyweds left this morning for thier wedding trip. Yes, my step-daughter, Amanda, was married to her beloved Andy yesterday. This should explain my semi-absence from Blogville the last few weeks.
The wedding was wonderful and the weather was perfect. It was a clear and sunny fall day here in East Tennessee. The trees are so full of color - it was as if God tailor made the day just for Amanda and Andy.
As I think back to all the hard work we've all poured into making this day happen, it was more than worth it to see her lovely face shine with love as she said her vows. Oh, and speaking of faces - darling Andy had a little surprise for all of us. Andy wears a full beard - a bushy, full beard - until yesterday that is. He left the rehearsal dinner Friday with a beard - but he showed up at the ceremony clean shaven. We were all stunned - but he is so handsome. Andy is a darling person. We like to refer to him as "Jacob's favorite toy." Jacob adores Andy and he is so good with Jacob. He won my heart by the way he loves my son.
Here are a few pictures from the Big Day.

It was a very blessed day and as you can see, we are very happy parents.
The wedding was wonderful and the weather was perfect. It was a clear and sunny fall day here in East Tennessee. The trees are so full of color - it was as if God tailor made the day just for Amanda and Andy.
As I think back to all the hard work we've all poured into making this day happen, it was more than worth it to see her lovely face shine with love as she said her vows. Oh, and speaking of faces - darling Andy had a little surprise for all of us. Andy wears a full beard - a bushy, full beard - until yesterday that is. He left the rehearsal dinner Friday with a beard - but he showed up at the ceremony clean shaven. We were all stunned - but he is so handsome. Andy is a darling person. We like to refer to him as "Jacob's favorite toy." Jacob adores Andy and he is so good with Jacob. He won my heart by the way he loves my son.
Here are a few pictures from the Big Day.

It was a very blessed day and as you can see, we are very happy parents.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Another Answered Prayer
A few weeks ago I wrote about finally earning my bachelors degree. I also wrote that I couldn't get my diploma because I still owed money to the university. At that time, I wasn't too stressed over the situation because I believe that God is in control. Well, I was right.
This past weekend, my darling husband sold six of our cattle. They were old and ready for market. Frank gave me enough of the money from the sale to pay the entire tuition bill. I went to the university on Monday, paid the bill and received my diploma. The hold on my transcripts was also released so now, I can apply to grad school. Can I get a "Praise the Lord?" Because that's exactly what I'm doing.
I am so glad I left that request at the feet of my wonderful Father. He is so good and with Him, I have nothing to worry about.
How awesome it is to serve such a loving God. I am always amazed at how much He loves me. I certainly don't deserve it yet He continues to show me His unfailing gracy and mercy.
So, now that this part of my detour is behind me, I look forward to the road ahead. For now, God is allowing me to work as a substitute teacher to help with the bills. I love being in the classroom, but my true dream is to be a Media Specialist (librarian). There is a position opening at the end of this year in the middle school in our neighborhood. I would love to have that position, but I want only what God has planned. I know that whatever He has in store for me will be more than I could ever dream.
The future looks so bright and I'm excited to walk with my Lord.
This past weekend, my darling husband sold six of our cattle. They were old and ready for market. Frank gave me enough of the money from the sale to pay the entire tuition bill. I went to the university on Monday, paid the bill and received my diploma. The hold on my transcripts was also released so now, I can apply to grad school. Can I get a "Praise the Lord?" Because that's exactly what I'm doing.
I am so glad I left that request at the feet of my wonderful Father. He is so good and with Him, I have nothing to worry about.
How awesome it is to serve such a loving God. I am always amazed at how much He loves me. I certainly don't deserve it yet He continues to show me His unfailing gracy and mercy.
So, now that this part of my detour is behind me, I look forward to the road ahead. For now, God is allowing me to work as a substitute teacher to help with the bills. I love being in the classroom, but my true dream is to be a Media Specialist (librarian). There is a position opening at the end of this year in the middle school in our neighborhood. I would love to have that position, but I want only what God has planned. I know that whatever He has in store for me will be more than I could ever dream.
The future looks so bright and I'm excited to walk with my Lord.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Shrimp and Chonda
This past Saturday (September 29th) several of us church ladies took off to see Chonda Pierce. But first, we made a stop at the local Red Lobster for the "All you can eat" shrimp special. It was a fabulous night. We go every year to see Chonda - it's our annual "girls night out." Here we are at the Red Lobster completely stuffed. Can you tell how happy we all are? (I'm the one in the pink shirt)

Then, we headed off to the concert. We were so excited to see Chonda again. If you have never seen her in concert, or at least seen one of her video's I recommend you do one or the other as soon as possible. She is so funny and has a beautiful voice. But, most of all - she loves the Lord with all her heart.
O.K. here we are in our seats - ON THE FRONT ROW!!!!! Yep, after that first time in the balcony - we decided it was only the first row for us. So, this is our 7th year and we have been on the first row every year. The only draw back to this is that we have to be at the ticket office by 5:00 a.m. on the day tickets go on sale or we miss out. But, we have a lot of fun doing that too.

We weren't allowed to take pictures of Chonda during the concert - so I managed to get a few snapshots of her afterwards. She was so kind and gracious - she just sat down on the edge of the stage and talked to her fans. I remembered to take my copy of her book "Laughing in the Dark" and she kindly autographed it for me.
If you would like to learn more about Chonda or get her concert schedule you can check it out here.

Oh, and another really cool thing that happened - Chonda's brother, Mike Courtney asked me and my friend, Vickie to help pass out pamphlets for World Vision at the intermission. So, we did - it was fun - and he gave us a complementary copy of Chonda's video "Combo Platter." That was so nice. You see, good things happen to those on the front row!!

Then, we headed off to the concert. We were so excited to see Chonda again. If you have never seen her in concert, or at least seen one of her video's I recommend you do one or the other as soon as possible. She is so funny and has a beautiful voice. But, most of all - she loves the Lord with all her heart.
O.K. here we are in our seats - ON THE FRONT ROW!!!!! Yep, after that first time in the balcony - we decided it was only the first row for us. So, this is our 7th year and we have been on the first row every year. The only draw back to this is that we have to be at the ticket office by 5:00 a.m. on the day tickets go on sale or we miss out. But, we have a lot of fun doing that too.

We weren't allowed to take pictures of Chonda during the concert - so I managed to get a few snapshots of her afterwards. She was so kind and gracious - she just sat down on the edge of the stage and talked to her fans. I remembered to take my copy of her book "Laughing in the Dark" and she kindly autographed it for me.
If you would like to learn more about Chonda or get her concert schedule you can check it out here.

Oh, and another really cool thing that happened - Chonda's brother, Mike Courtney asked me and my friend, Vickie to help pass out pamphlets for World Vision at the intermission. So, we did - it was fun - and he gave us a complementary copy of Chonda's video "Combo Platter." That was so nice. You see, good things happen to those on the front row!!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The Stuff that Fall Brings
You Belong in Fall |
Intelligent, introspective, and quite expressive at times... You appreciate the changes in color, climate, and mood that fall brings Whether you're carving wacky pumpkins or taking long drives, autumn is a favorite time of year for you |
I love fall - I think I wrote that in another post. There are so many things I look forward to in the fall. I love the changing of the leaves. Here in the mountains when the leaves are at thier peak, it looks like a beautiful quilt. The air is crisp and clear and even smells cleaner. I love to sleep with the windows open during the fall. Talk about a good sleep!
Fall also brings a new season of my favorite shows. I don't have many - but I look forward to the new episodes. Survivor is my all time favorite. I started watching it from the very first season (I was pregnant with my son). I haven't missed an episode yet. Yep, I've watched every episode in every season. I am always amazed at what people will do for money. I also watch CSI (the original one), Cold Case and Law and Order:SVU. Notice that all these shows come on after Jacob's bed time. I watch these shows during my down time.
But most of all, fall brings me the sense of being closer to God. The brilliant colors, the sweet fresh air and all that goes along with it, I just feel the presence of God to be stronger during this time. Sometimes during my morning walk I feel as if there is no one else around - just me and God. What a comforting feeling.
This fall we have a very special event to look forward to. My daughter Amanda(actually my step-daughter but my real daughter in my heart) is getting married on October 20th. It is an exciting time. I know that she will be happy because she has made a good choice for her husband. Andy is a sweet and loving young man. They make a darling couple. I am happy for both of them.
In thier pre-marital counseling session the other night, they were discussing thier choice of vows. The pastor was going over the traditional vows and mentioned that at a certain point in the ceremony she would ask "who gives this woman in marriage?" She said that her dad would then respond "her mother and I." But Amanda told the pastor that she felt as though there were more people involved in that part - she wanted to include me and her mother's fiance too. She said she has four parents, not two. Isn't that sweet? I was so touched. But, to keep the moment light, I told her we are not giving her away, we are bringing Andy into the family.
We are all so excited.
But, this is the nutshell version of why I love fall. What is your favorite season?
Have a blessed fall!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Welcoming Fall with my "Fall Into Reading 2007" Reading list
I love fall. But, the weather here in East Tennessee is still so stinking hot - it's hard to really believe that fall is finally here.
I am joining the Fall Into Reading 2007 challenge on this blog.
If you love to read, check this site out and join in the fun.
Here's my list:
On the Brink - Rod Parsley
Reposition Yourself - Bishop TD Jakes
The Power of Simple Prayer - Joyce Meyer
Believing God - Beth Moore
Faith of the First Ladies - Jerry MacGregor & Marie Prys
Discovering America's Hallowed Ground - Jeff Shaara
Emma - Jane Austen
Mansfield Park - Jane Austen
Abraham's Well - Sharon Ewell Foster
A Christmas Candle - Max Lucado
A Light in the Window - Jan Karon
Actually, my "want to read" reading list is much, much longer but I think this is enough to get me through the holidays.
I am joining the Fall Into Reading 2007 challenge on this blog.
If you love to read, check this site out and join in the fun.
Here's my list:
On the Brink - Rod Parsley
Reposition Yourself - Bishop TD Jakes
The Power of Simple Prayer - Joyce Meyer
Believing God - Beth Moore
Faith of the First Ladies - Jerry MacGregor & Marie Prys
Discovering America's Hallowed Ground - Jeff Shaara
Emma - Jane Austen
Mansfield Park - Jane Austen
Abraham's Well - Sharon Ewell Foster
A Christmas Candle - Max Lucado
A Light in the Window - Jan Karon
Actually, my "want to read" reading list is much, much longer but I think this is enough to get me through the holidays.
Monday, September 24, 2007
One Very Blessed Shoutin' Sunday
I don't know where to begin with this post. There is so much I want to write and all of it is wrapped up in God's Glory. Bear with me as I try to relate what happened yesterday at church.
Sunday was our Homecoming at our little country United Methodist church. I make a point to tell you that we are a UMC because it may also let you understand that there is not a whole lot of shouting, out loud, stand up praising that goes on in our church. That is, until yesterday. The Holy Spirit was so thick in that service - I thought I was going to walk the pews. It was AWESOME!!!
And it all came from God answering years of prayers by many of us.
Here's the story - my brother-in-law is 72 days sober after 15 years of heavy drinking which often led to barroom brawls and nights in jail, not to mention a few hospital visits that included stitches, concussions and some memory loss. Praise His Holy Name!!
J stood up when the preacher asked for prayer requests and praises. He proceeded to give his testimony and told the congregation everything he had been through over the years. Then J, with tears streaming down his face, thanked God for his beautiful new baby boy, his sweet little girl and his loving wife. He also told us that he knows that God has delivered him from the demon alcohol that held him in bondage for so many years. He also said that although he might still have cravings, he knows it is the devil trying to tempt him back.
Let me tell you, we were standing up, shouting praises to our magnificent God, tears streaming down faces all over the sanctuary and rejoicing all at once. The Holy Spirit was so thick and so very real that no one could have missed it.
When J finished giving his testimony, many of us gathered around to lay hands on him. Even my son, Jacob, went up and prayed over his uncle J. Even my six year old felt the moving of the Spirit.
Sisters, can you say BLESSED??
The beauty of the day did not end there. When J sat back down beside me, I noticed he was carrying his Bible - something I have never seen him do before. During the sermon, J was reading along with the guest pastor and was actually so engrossed in the service he didn't hear the baby cry. Now, that's listening to the Word of God.
When the altar call was given, J went up and had the preacher pray with him.
God is doing miracles in J's life and in the lives of his family. They have struggled for so many years and now, they can rejoice in knowing that God is moving by leaps and bounds.
Sisters, I am still walking on a cloud. I just can't help but shout praises to my King when I think about it.
I pray that you are blessed by what God has done here. And I pray that, if any of you are struggling with something in your life that seems so big that it feels as if you might never get out, remember: God IS Able!! and He IS working. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He LOVES you!
Blessings, my dear sisters.
Sunday was our Homecoming at our little country United Methodist church. I make a point to tell you that we are a UMC because it may also let you understand that there is not a whole lot of shouting, out loud, stand up praising that goes on in our church. That is, until yesterday. The Holy Spirit was so thick in that service - I thought I was going to walk the pews. It was AWESOME!!!
And it all came from God answering years of prayers by many of us.
Here's the story - my brother-in-law is 72 days sober after 15 years of heavy drinking which often led to barroom brawls and nights in jail, not to mention a few hospital visits that included stitches, concussions and some memory loss. Praise His Holy Name!!
J stood up when the preacher asked for prayer requests and praises. He proceeded to give his testimony and told the congregation everything he had been through over the years. Then J, with tears streaming down his face, thanked God for his beautiful new baby boy, his sweet little girl and his loving wife. He also told us that he knows that God has delivered him from the demon alcohol that held him in bondage for so many years. He also said that although he might still have cravings, he knows it is the devil trying to tempt him back.
Let me tell you, we were standing up, shouting praises to our magnificent God, tears streaming down faces all over the sanctuary and rejoicing all at once. The Holy Spirit was so thick and so very real that no one could have missed it.
When J finished giving his testimony, many of us gathered around to lay hands on him. Even my son, Jacob, went up and prayed over his uncle J. Even my six year old felt the moving of the Spirit.
Sisters, can you say BLESSED??
The beauty of the day did not end there. When J sat back down beside me, I noticed he was carrying his Bible - something I have never seen him do before. During the sermon, J was reading along with the guest pastor and was actually so engrossed in the service he didn't hear the baby cry. Now, that's listening to the Word of God.
When the altar call was given, J went up and had the preacher pray with him.
God is doing miracles in J's life and in the lives of his family. They have struggled for so many years and now, they can rejoice in knowing that God is moving by leaps and bounds.
Sisters, I am still walking on a cloud. I just can't help but shout praises to my King when I think about it.
I pray that you are blessed by what God has done here. And I pray that, if any of you are struggling with something in your life that seems so big that it feels as if you might never get out, remember: God IS Able!! and He IS working. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He LOVES you!
Blessings, my dear sisters.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
New Nephew - But No Pictures Yet
Jackson Bo has been born! He is a beautiful baby - but I have no pictures to share at this time. Why? you might ask - because I kept forgetting to take my camera with me to the hospital. Try to remember that I was keeping Jane Ann and my main focus was to make sure we had all her needs when we visited the hospital. And, I just forget things sometimes.
I'll try for those pictures this weekend.
Is anyone enjoying the cooler weather as much as I am? I just love these cooler mornings and evenings. I actually wore a light jacket this morning. Of course, I shed it rather quickly during my morning walk. I just love fall. I love the cool, crisp air. I love the wonderful breeze that blows through my open windows. I love to fix a big pot of homemade vegetable soup for my family or a big pot of soup beans with cornbread and fried potatoes.
This fall is extra special. We are in the midst of preparing for Amanda's wedding on October 20th. It is coming fast and there is still lots to do. But, it's coming along. I know it will be a wonderful day. Her mom and I are giving her a bridal shower on October 6th. We've had a good time planning it.
It is a real blessing to be friends with the mother of my stepchildren. She is a very nice lady and she loves the Lord. She blesses me by telling everyone that Alex and Amanda have two moms. How great is that? It's all God and I am thankful. I can't imagine being in constant battle - that would just be too much to bear.
Life is good here in Tennessee. I have so much to be thankful for. My God is wonderful - I love Him more and more each day. I pray blessings for you, too.
I'll try for those pictures this weekend.
Is anyone enjoying the cooler weather as much as I am? I just love these cooler mornings and evenings. I actually wore a light jacket this morning. Of course, I shed it rather quickly during my morning walk. I just love fall. I love the cool, crisp air. I love the wonderful breeze that blows through my open windows. I love to fix a big pot of homemade vegetable soup for my family or a big pot of soup beans with cornbread and fried potatoes.
This fall is extra special. We are in the midst of preparing for Amanda's wedding on October 20th. It is coming fast and there is still lots to do. But, it's coming along. I know it will be a wonderful day. Her mom and I are giving her a bridal shower on October 6th. We've had a good time planning it.
It is a real blessing to be friends with the mother of my stepchildren. She is a very nice lady and she loves the Lord. She blesses me by telling everyone that Alex and Amanda have two moms. How great is that? It's all God and I am thankful. I can't imagine being in constant battle - that would just be too much to bear.
Life is good here in Tennessee. I have so much to be thankful for. My God is wonderful - I love Him more and more each day. I pray blessings for you, too.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Anticipating the Arrival of Jackson Bo
My very pregnant sister-in-law, Deanna will be bringing my darling niece, Jane Ann over tomorrow night to stay with us for a few days. Jane Ann will be our houseguest while her Mommy goes to the hospital to deliver baby brother, Jackson Bo.
Deanna will be induced Friday morning at 5:00 a.m. Since we have known about this pregnancy since early January, it seems as if she has been pregnant forever!!
We are all excited about the blessed event. Jane Ann, however, doesn't seem to care one way or the other. Her sweet little two year old mind isn't able to comprehend the change that is about to take place in her little world. It will be interesting, to say the least. Having been the center of attention all her short life, I doubt she will want to give up the spotlight easily. Actually, since I get to sit on the sidelines, it might be amusing. That's the beauty of being the aunt - I can laugh over things that don't upset my own world.
We are looking forward to having Jane Ann with us for a few days. I was her babysitter for the last two years, so she feels right at home here. And, she adores Jacob. She calls him "my Jakie." How cute is that?
So, only a day or two more and my baby nephew will be here. Hopefully, I will be able to post a few pictures of him by the weekend.
Have a blessed day!
Deanna will be induced Friday morning at 5:00 a.m. Since we have known about this pregnancy since early January, it seems as if she has been pregnant forever!!
We are all excited about the blessed event. Jane Ann, however, doesn't seem to care one way or the other. Her sweet little two year old mind isn't able to comprehend the change that is about to take place in her little world. It will be interesting, to say the least. Having been the center of attention all her short life, I doubt she will want to give up the spotlight easily. Actually, since I get to sit on the sidelines, it might be amusing. That's the beauty of being the aunt - I can laugh over things that don't upset my own world.
We are looking forward to having Jane Ann with us for a few days. I was her babysitter for the last two years, so she feels right at home here. And, she adores Jacob. She calls him "my Jakie." How cute is that?
So, only a day or two more and my baby nephew will be here. Hopefully, I will be able to post a few pictures of him by the weekend.
Have a blessed day!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Lot's to do!
This was a fun-filled weekend. My husband's family reunion was Saturday. We had a good time even though, I hate to admit this, I really didn't want to go. But, after we got there, we really did enjoy it. The food was wonderful and the place where they have the reunion is beautiful. They always have the reunion back in the hills of Southwest Virginia in an old school that has been refurbished. We have to travel - but the scenery is breathtaking. So, I'm glad that we went.
Then, Sunday was Frank's birthday. The congregation sang "Happy Birthday" to him at church (don't know who might have let that slip out - hmmmm)LOL
After church, Alex and Amanda came for lunch - so all three of Frank's kids were with us. It's always such a nice feeling to have all the kids at the table with us. And, my Mom and Dad joined us to celebrate Frank's birthday and Grandparent's Day. Did ya'll know it was Grandparent's Day yesterday??
So, we've had a busy weekend and the week looks pretty full too.
This afternoon, I am going to Alex and Amanda's mother's house to plan Amanda's Bridal shower. Oh, did I mention that Amanda is getting married in October? It's going to be a lovely wedding. So, Robin and I decided to give her a shower. We are going to get our guest list together, decide what to serve, etc. We need to get it done this week because this wedding is coming quickly.
Now, with all this going on, I am still praising God for all His blessings regarding my financial situation. Although I'm not working today - I have some dates marked for future days. He is in control and I'm not going to worry. I would much rather praise Him and spend my days in worship.
Ever notice that "worry" and "worship" start out the same - "wor" but the ending is different making them totally different words. It's kind of that way with us - we can start out in the "wor" part. We can choose to make it "worship" or we can choose to make it "worry" - it all depends on our attitudes. We can have an attitude of worship or we can have an attitude of worry.
Just a little food for thought on a Monday morning.
Blessings for a worship-filled week.
Then, Sunday was Frank's birthday. The congregation sang "Happy Birthday" to him at church (don't know who might have let that slip out - hmmmm)LOL
After church, Alex and Amanda came for lunch - so all three of Frank's kids were with us. It's always such a nice feeling to have all the kids at the table with us. And, my Mom and Dad joined us to celebrate Frank's birthday and Grandparent's Day. Did ya'll know it was Grandparent's Day yesterday??
So, we've had a busy weekend and the week looks pretty full too.
This afternoon, I am going to Alex and Amanda's mother's house to plan Amanda's Bridal shower. Oh, did I mention that Amanda is getting married in October? It's going to be a lovely wedding. So, Robin and I decided to give her a shower. We are going to get our guest list together, decide what to serve, etc. We need to get it done this week because this wedding is coming quickly.
Now, with all this going on, I am still praising God for all His blessings regarding my financial situation. Although I'm not working today - I have some dates marked for future days. He is in control and I'm not going to worry. I would much rather praise Him and spend my days in worship.
Ever notice that "worry" and "worship" start out the same - "wor" but the ending is different making them totally different words. It's kind of that way with us - we can start out in the "wor" part. We can choose to make it "worship" or we can choose to make it "worry" - it all depends on our attitudes. We can have an attitude of worship or we can have an attitude of worry.
Just a little food for thought on a Monday morning.
Blessings for a worship-filled week.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Something to Talk About
Well, God Is Good! All the Time! In my last post, I was between a rock and a hard place - financially. O.K., well, I'm still in that hard place, but God is providing me a way to get out of it. This is so cool! God is sooooooo good!
Yesterday (Wednesday) I went to the school board office to apply for a substitute teaching position. I was interviewed, finger-printed, had a background check (nothing in the local or federal police files, thankyouverymuch) and was immediately approved to substitute in the county. It's all God - nothing I could have done or said would have mattered a hoot if He didn't want me to have this opportunity. But, He does.
Here's the really cool part. After the interview (and approval) I went by my son's school to let them know I am available to substitute and also by the nearby middle school to let them know. The secretary at the middle school gave me work for today and tomorrow. How cool is that?? I substituted for the computer teacher today and will be in the sixth grade science class tomorrow. AND, I have some days already lined up for later on.
I have been so excited and so full of praise for my Father that I have hardly been able to contain myself in the classroom today.
I am so thankful, so grateful and so in love with my Lord. He is so wonderful. He NEVER fails and His timing is always perfect. I just know that He is providing me with a way to pay down this debt. I also know that He has a plan for me and I know the journey is going to be wonderful.
Think I'll go read some of His good Word and sing some praises! Might even dance around the house a few times - uh huh - I feel a shout coming on!!!
Yesterday (Wednesday) I went to the school board office to apply for a substitute teaching position. I was interviewed, finger-printed, had a background check (nothing in the local or federal police files, thankyouverymuch) and was immediately approved to substitute in the county. It's all God - nothing I could have done or said would have mattered a hoot if He didn't want me to have this opportunity. But, He does.
Here's the really cool part. After the interview (and approval) I went by my son's school to let them know I am available to substitute and also by the nearby middle school to let them know. The secretary at the middle school gave me work for today and tomorrow. How cool is that?? I substituted for the computer teacher today and will be in the sixth grade science class tomorrow. AND, I have some days already lined up for later on.
I have been so excited and so full of praise for my Father that I have hardly been able to contain myself in the classroom today.
I am so thankful, so grateful and so in love with my Lord. He is so wonderful. He NEVER fails and His timing is always perfect. I just know that He is providing me with a way to pay down this debt. I also know that He has a plan for me and I know the journey is going to be wonderful.
Think I'll go read some of His good Word and sing some praises! Might even dance around the house a few times - uh huh - I feel a shout coming on!!!
Friday, August 31, 2007
God has set out a roadblock - a really big one!
By now anyone who has read this blog knows that I have just finished my undergrad work and am planning to apply to grad school. Old news!!
But, it seems that God has a different plan. I don't know what it is - but it ain't the one I had. That's o.k. cause His plans are always better than mine anyway.
Here's what happened.
I called the university to find out what to do to get my diploma. I mean, after 13 years, I want that thing on my wall. The nice lady in the graduation office informs me that there is a "hold" on my transcripts. I can not explain the cold chills that went through my body at that moment. I mean, I was finished with all the required courses - f-i-n-i-s-h-e-d!! Done!!
As it turns out, the financial aid didn't cover the entire bill and I still owe about 1000 more dollars. I am crushed. That's alot of money for me not to mention the fact that I thought the entire bill was covered. To top things off, I did not recieve a bill or any type of statement during the time I was actually enrolled in this last semester.
Anyway, since I have to come up with this rather large amount of money before I can get my diploma OR have my transcripts released - I can not apply to grad school.
So, after I regained my composure I remembered that GOD IS IN CONTROL and He has a plan. Actually, this IS His plan. What ever His plan, I am not supposed to apply to grad school at this time. Now, I'm o.k. with that and I'm looking forward to the next step. He will provide a way for me to pay that bill. I know this because He has brought me this far - walked with me step by step - allowed me to learn and complete the courses - and showed me how to get it done. So, I know He will show me how to pay that bill.
This is just a roadblock and where there is a roadblock, there is always a detour - a different road to take to get to the destination. Maybe it's not the road I would have chosen but a better one. I have found that when there is a detour, then the road that is blocked is full of potholes or maybe covered by a landslide. So, the detour might turn out to be a little longer - but much smoother.
"I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not known, I will make darkness light before them, And crooked places straight. These things I will do for them, And not forsake them." Isaiah 42:16
How can I possibly worry - God is in control. I will lean on Him and He will lead me. He promised and He has never let me down.
But, it seems that God has a different plan. I don't know what it is - but it ain't the one I had. That's o.k. cause His plans are always better than mine anyway.
Here's what happened.
I called the university to find out what to do to get my diploma. I mean, after 13 years, I want that thing on my wall. The nice lady in the graduation office informs me that there is a "hold" on my transcripts. I can not explain the cold chills that went through my body at that moment. I mean, I was finished with all the required courses - f-i-n-i-s-h-e-d!! Done!!
As it turns out, the financial aid didn't cover the entire bill and I still owe about 1000 more dollars. I am crushed. That's alot of money for me not to mention the fact that I thought the entire bill was covered. To top things off, I did not recieve a bill or any type of statement during the time I was actually enrolled in this last semester.
Anyway, since I have to come up with this rather large amount of money before I can get my diploma OR have my transcripts released - I can not apply to grad school.
So, after I regained my composure I remembered that GOD IS IN CONTROL and He has a plan. Actually, this IS His plan. What ever His plan, I am not supposed to apply to grad school at this time. Now, I'm o.k. with that and I'm looking forward to the next step. He will provide a way for me to pay that bill. I know this because He has brought me this far - walked with me step by step - allowed me to learn and complete the courses - and showed me how to get it done. So, I know He will show me how to pay that bill.
This is just a roadblock and where there is a roadblock, there is always a detour - a different road to take to get to the destination. Maybe it's not the road I would have chosen but a better one. I have found that when there is a detour, then the road that is blocked is full of potholes or maybe covered by a landslide. So, the detour might turn out to be a little longer - but much smoother.
"I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not known, I will make darkness light before them, And crooked places straight. These things I will do for them, And not forsake them." Isaiah 42:16
How can I possibly worry - God is in control. I will lean on Him and He will lead me. He promised and He has never let me down.
Monday, August 27, 2007
A Great Book
I love to read. Actually, I've been known to let other things in my house go unattended just to finish a book. I will stay up much too late just to read a good book. I just love books. Sometimes, I will have four or five books stacked up waiting to be read and I'll go out and buy some more. I love all kinds of books, but I especially love books about real people.
I also love to watch the Food Network. I usually have it playing in the background on those days that I am not reading a good book and am actually doing my housework. My favorite Food Network personality is Paula Deen. She is a Southern Sister. We speak the same language (in every sense of the word). So, imagine how excited I was to find out that Paula wrote a book - her memoirs. Well, I'm about half way through it and I just can't put it down. I feel as if I'm reading the diary of a dear friend. It is a true tell-all. But, what I've discovered as I read is that I just admire her all the more. She is honest about the most humiliating details, but it's not like a gossipy, tattle-tale story. It is full of feeling and her heart shines through every page. And, her life has not been an easy one. I just want to march myself down to Savannah and give her a big hug. She has literally pulled herself up by her bootstraps.
It really is a great book. I recommend it to everyone who loves a story with a happy ending.
I also love to watch the Food Network. I usually have it playing in the background on those days that I am not reading a good book and am actually doing my housework. My favorite Food Network personality is Paula Deen. She is a Southern Sister. We speak the same language (in every sense of the word). So, imagine how excited I was to find out that Paula wrote a book - her memoirs. Well, I'm about half way through it and I just can't put it down. I feel as if I'm reading the diary of a dear friend. It is a true tell-all. But, what I've discovered as I read is that I just admire her all the more. She is honest about the most humiliating details, but it's not like a gossipy, tattle-tale story. It is full of feeling and her heart shines through every page. And, her life has not been an easy one. I just want to march myself down to Savannah and give her a big hug. She has literally pulled herself up by her bootstraps.
It really is a great book. I recommend it to everyone who loves a story with a happy ending.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
My Little Tiger Cub
Well, we've begun a new phase in our journey. J came home from school with a flyer about the Boy Scouts of America. He was all excited and ready to join. After a brief question and answer period- me questioning, J answering - I discovered that a representative of the BSA was at school giving out little tidbits to tantalize the boys. It seems there were promises of learning to shoot a BB gun, trips to a NASCAR race (we live within a few miles of a very popular track), fishing and camping. O.K.! All those things are good and healthy for a growing boy. Truth is, we've already done all those things with him. So, I dug a little deeper and asked J if he understood that those things would happen, but that there were other parts to being a boy scout that were just as important. He said, "yes." I have my doubts. I also informed him that there would be weekly meetings that he would be required to attend. Again, he said, "yes." And again, I have my doubts. So, we let it rest.
So, at the appointed time, we headed off to the "get to know you" meeting. There were three other boys there (with parents, of course) that J knows, either from school or church. I was happy about that - at least he could be comfortable with a few familiar faces. And, much to my very happy surprise, the cubmaster is a lovely gentleman that we know from a neighboring church. So, I was beginning to feel more at ease and actually thinking, this is going to be good. You see, my hesitation in all this is because, until this stage of life, J has not been a joiner. He has always preferred to fly solo. Sadly, his mother was the same way at that age - praise the Lord He brought me out of that or I be a very lonely girl about now.
Anyhoo - after learning a few details about the scouts, J joined up. Yep, he is ready to give it a try. The real beauty is that by signing up now, we are only obligated to December. Dues are prorated, so they will be due again in January if J decides to stay a member. We are not yet required to purchase a uniform and there will be a fundraiser so that each boy has the chance to earn a uniform. That's really nice.
I'm very proud of J for stepping out of his box in this manner. It may not sound like much to anyone else, but for J, it is a great thing. Actually, this is a real live answer to prayer. I have prayed over J for a long time that he would not be like me. As a child, I was so afraid to step out and do things. I was afraid of failure, of ridicule, just afraid. I don't want J to be that way - I don't want him to grow up and look back with regret. I missed out on so much because of fear, I desperately do not want that for my boy. So, I took it to God - and He answered. I just love it when He does that. I would have never guessed the boy scouts to be the answer - but, hey, it works for me.
So, off we go into the boy scout blue yonder. I think it is going to be quite an adventure - with many blessings attached. Thank you, Lord.
So, at the appointed time, we headed off to the "get to know you" meeting. There were three other boys there (with parents, of course) that J knows, either from school or church. I was happy about that - at least he could be comfortable with a few familiar faces. And, much to my very happy surprise, the cubmaster is a lovely gentleman that we know from a neighboring church. So, I was beginning to feel more at ease and actually thinking, this is going to be good. You see, my hesitation in all this is because, until this stage of life, J has not been a joiner. He has always preferred to fly solo. Sadly, his mother was the same way at that age - praise the Lord He brought me out of that or I be a very lonely girl about now.
Anyhoo - after learning a few details about the scouts, J joined up. Yep, he is ready to give it a try. The real beauty is that by signing up now, we are only obligated to December. Dues are prorated, so they will be due again in January if J decides to stay a member. We are not yet required to purchase a uniform and there will be a fundraiser so that each boy has the chance to earn a uniform. That's really nice.
I'm very proud of J for stepping out of his box in this manner. It may not sound like much to anyone else, but for J, it is a great thing. Actually, this is a real live answer to prayer. I have prayed over J for a long time that he would not be like me. As a child, I was so afraid to step out and do things. I was afraid of failure, of ridicule, just afraid. I don't want J to be that way - I don't want him to grow up and look back with regret. I missed out on so much because of fear, I desperately do not want that for my boy. So, I took it to God - and He answered. I just love it when He does that. I would have never guessed the boy scouts to be the answer - but, hey, it works for me.
So, off we go into the boy scout blue yonder. I think it is going to be quite an adventure - with many blessings attached. Thank you, Lord.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Blessings in the classroom
Today ends the second week of school for Jacob. He is doing very well. We have already recieved glowing comments for Mrs. Ervin. She says Jacob is a joy to have in class. All his papers have such comments as "excellent," "great job," and "terrific." A parent can't ask for much more than that.
I did find out an interesting tidbit from Mrs. E. this morning. I went into the class with Jacob this morning to let Mrs. E. know that the Lord had spoken to me about praying a special prayer this morning. I couldn't have known (but of course God did) that she was having a conference with some parents this afternoon and was not looking forward to it. God had spoken to my heart to pray over Mrs. E. and each of the students this morning. Jacob and I pray every morning for his teacher and classmates, but this morning was a bit different. So, I obeyed. What I found out is that Mrs. E. comes to school early every day to pray over each individual child in her class. How awesome is that?? What a blessing to know that we are in agreement in prayer. It's going to be a great year.
Actually, Jacob is very lucky to be in this school. It is just a small county school with about 300 students. But, the principal, Dr. Ramsey is a beautiful, loving Christian woman who knows every child by name - yes, every child and most of the parents. The kids love her. She is so good to let the parents be as involved as possible in all aspects of the school. One of the most beautiful things about Dr. Ramsey is that she encourages prayer - although, in a public school we are not supposed to say that out loud - she still encourages us to pray.
We are so blessed for Jacob to be in a school with these wonderful people. Yep, it's going to be a great year!
I did find out an interesting tidbit from Mrs. E. this morning. I went into the class with Jacob this morning to let Mrs. E. know that the Lord had spoken to me about praying a special prayer this morning. I couldn't have known (but of course God did) that she was having a conference with some parents this afternoon and was not looking forward to it. God had spoken to my heart to pray over Mrs. E. and each of the students this morning. Jacob and I pray every morning for his teacher and classmates, but this morning was a bit different. So, I obeyed. What I found out is that Mrs. E. comes to school early every day to pray over each individual child in her class. How awesome is that?? What a blessing to know that we are in agreement in prayer. It's going to be a great year.
Actually, Jacob is very lucky to be in this school. It is just a small county school with about 300 students. But, the principal, Dr. Ramsey is a beautiful, loving Christian woman who knows every child by name - yes, every child and most of the parents. The kids love her. She is so good to let the parents be as involved as possible in all aspects of the school. One of the most beautiful things about Dr. Ramsey is that she encourages prayer - although, in a public school we are not supposed to say that out loud - she still encourages us to pray.
We are so blessed for Jacob to be in a school with these wonderful people. Yep, it's going to be a great year!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
It Is Finished!
I can hardly believe it - after all these years, and all that hard work, through the tears, the frustration, the late nights and gallons of coffee - it is finished.
I finally finished work for my bachelors degree. I can now recieve my diploma and be an official college graduate. I will soon be the proud recipient of that little piece of paper with the fancy writing on it. And, it only took 13 years.
But, I did it - with God's mercy and love, I was able to get it done! It couldn't have happened any other way. I am nothing without my God - I am not capable without my God - but with my God, all things are possible! Can I get an Amen!!?
So, now I am going to prepare for grad school. I hope to be accepted for the January term. Any prayers would be greatly appreciated.
In the mean time, my dear friend, Lezley and I are going to go through Beth Moore's "Breaking Free." I feel God has given me this break in school at this particular time so that I can reposition myself with Him. I am looking forward to some real "God time." I am very excited about this time with God - I am so embarrassed to admit that I have been a bit sluggish in my praise and worship here at home. So, to get things off to a good start - I cranked up the volume on my Travis Cottrell CD this morning and praised God all over the house.
Tomorrow - maybe I'll crank up Nicole C. Mullen- that sister can sing!!
It's a good thing we live out in the country - no close neighbors to complain about my loud music - just me and God singing and dancing!!
What fun!! Actually, maybe I won't wait until tomorrow - I think I'll just go turn up the volume right now.
I finally finished work for my bachelors degree. I can now recieve my diploma and be an official college graduate. I will soon be the proud recipient of that little piece of paper with the fancy writing on it. And, it only took 13 years.
But, I did it - with God's mercy and love, I was able to get it done! It couldn't have happened any other way. I am nothing without my God - I am not capable without my God - but with my God, all things are possible! Can I get an Amen!!?
So, now I am going to prepare for grad school. I hope to be accepted for the January term. Any prayers would be greatly appreciated.
In the mean time, my dear friend, Lezley and I are going to go through Beth Moore's "Breaking Free." I feel God has given me this break in school at this particular time so that I can reposition myself with Him. I am looking forward to some real "God time." I am very excited about this time with God - I am so embarrassed to admit that I have been a bit sluggish in my praise and worship here at home. So, to get things off to a good start - I cranked up the volume on my Travis Cottrell CD this morning and praised God all over the house.
Tomorrow - maybe I'll crank up Nicole C. Mullen- that sister can sing!!
It's a good thing we live out in the country - no close neighbors to complain about my loud music - just me and God singing and dancing!!
What fun!! Actually, maybe I won't wait until tomorrow - I think I'll just go turn up the volume right now.
Monday, August 6, 2007
One down - 179 to Go!
Praise the Lord! The first day of school 2007 is now in the history books and we are still here to tell about it. Again, Praise the Lord, it actually turned out to be a great day.
The nutshell version of the day is as follows: I only had to call for Jacob to get out of bed two times this morning! Praise!!
He came downstairs with a semi-smile and an appetite! Yet another Praise - this is the kid who usually likes to wait at least half an hour before he will even discuss breakfast.
After breakfast, he brushed his teeth and dressed. He left the hair combing detail to me - but, hey, I was happy!
On the way to school, he reminded me that he really didn't want to go since, after all - it's still summer!!!
Once we were there and in the building, he was happy to see his friends, but was disappointed that he and Makenzie are not in the same class this year. Makenzie is his "special" friend! Ugh - he's only six!!
I picked him up at 11:30 and found a very happy little boy. He told me (almost verbatim) everything Mrs. Ervin had said and what each kid in the class had done over the summer. Impressive!
He also said he thinks he is going to like first grade and Mrs. Ervin is really nice. So, we went to Pal's (a locally owned fast food joint which has THE BEST french fries EVER!) to celebrate!
I would count this day as successful! Thank you, sweet Lord!
So, since there is no school tomorrow (I know, I don't get it either) we'll visit Granny and Papaw. Then, we'll start again on Wednesday!
I just love happy beginnings!
The nutshell version of the day is as follows: I only had to call for Jacob to get out of bed two times this morning! Praise!!
He came downstairs with a semi-smile and an appetite! Yet another Praise - this is the kid who usually likes to wait at least half an hour before he will even discuss breakfast.
After breakfast, he brushed his teeth and dressed. He left the hair combing detail to me - but, hey, I was happy!
On the way to school, he reminded me that he really didn't want to go since, after all - it's still summer!!!
Once we were there and in the building, he was happy to see his friends, but was disappointed that he and Makenzie are not in the same class this year. Makenzie is his "special" friend! Ugh - he's only six!!
I picked him up at 11:30 and found a very happy little boy. He told me (almost verbatim) everything Mrs. Ervin had said and what each kid in the class had done over the summer. Impressive!
He also said he thinks he is going to like first grade and Mrs. Ervin is really nice. So, we went to Pal's (a locally owned fast food joint which has THE BEST french fries EVER!) to celebrate!
I would count this day as successful! Thank you, sweet Lord!
So, since there is no school tomorrow (I know, I don't get it either) we'll visit Granny and Papaw. Then, we'll start again on Wednesday!
I just love happy beginnings!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Back to School
Tomorrow, Jacob returns to school. He is in the first grade this year. He says he isn't looking forward to it and I agree with his reasoning. It's too dang early. I mean it is August 6th for pete's sake. What ever happened to going back after Labor Day? Not only is it too early to return, it's too stinking hot. And, get this, they go back for 1/2 a day tomorrow, out on Tuesday and then go back to a full day on Wednesday. What is up with that?
But, not one of those school board people asked me what I think and I doubt they will anytime soon. So, we go with the flow because, well, we have no choice.
So tonight we get back into the swing of our school routine. Bath at 7:00 and in bed by 9:00 - no later. Tonight we also have to get all those brand-spanking-new school supplies in that new camoflouge backpack. We have to put his name on everything and pack it just so.
I'm not really looking forward to sending my baby boy off to big ole first grade, but I have to admit that there is a perk in it for me. As you may know, until recently, I babysat for two little ones. Since I am no longer babysitting, I am going to have me some good God time while Jacob is in school.
I am looking forward to quiet time with God and His Word - real, honest to goodness quiet time. I can turn off the t.v. and everything. I can hardly wait.
So, if you guys think about it, keep my boy in your prayers for a good school year. And for me too. And, I'll do the same for you.
But, not one of those school board people asked me what I think and I doubt they will anytime soon. So, we go with the flow because, well, we have no choice.
So tonight we get back into the swing of our school routine. Bath at 7:00 and in bed by 9:00 - no later. Tonight we also have to get all those brand-spanking-new school supplies in that new camoflouge backpack. We have to put his name on everything and pack it just so.
I'm not really looking forward to sending my baby boy off to big ole first grade, but I have to admit that there is a perk in it for me. As you may know, until recently, I babysat for two little ones. Since I am no longer babysitting, I am going to have me some good God time while Jacob is in school.
I am looking forward to quiet time with God and His Word - real, honest to goodness quiet time. I can turn off the t.v. and everything. I can hardly wait.
So, if you guys think about it, keep my boy in your prayers for a good school year. And for me too. And, I'll do the same for you.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad
Today is my parents' 44th wedding anniversary. I just want to say "Happy Anniversary to the most wonderful parents in the world - not to mention the most loving grandparents. I am so blessed to be your daughter.
I love you Mom and Dad!
I love you Mom and Dad!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Thankful Thursday
Today I post my first Thankful Thursday! There are so many blessings, I hardly know where to begin.
I am thankful for my darling family, my husband, my son, my stepchildren, my parents, my brother, my aunts, my uncles, my cousins, my family list goes on and on. I am especially thankful that we are a very close family. We are so blessed. I see too many families who don't even speak, forget being close.
I am thankful for my home. God has given us a nice home in the country where the grass is green, the air is fresh (well, as fresh as possible) and the neighbors are few but friendly. There is plenty of acreage for Jacob to run and play. And a pond for fishing.
I am thankful for our sweet little church and all the godly souls within. This is the same church my husband's family has attended for generations. We have the most wonderful pastor; he is a burly, teddy bear of a man who smiles all the time. He has such a heart for God that he simply beams with His love.
I am thankful for the wonderful friends God has directed into my life. I have been so blessed to be surrounded with friends who have a heart for God. I am also thankful for my blogville friends, only one of whom I have actually met, Sweet Shelly!! She is awesome with a love for God that just blows me away.
I am most thankful for my God - my Father - my Friend - my EVERYTHING!! Who loves me so much I can scarcely comprehend it. I am thankful for my Jesus who died on the cross for me. I am thankful for His Word - so that I might learn and grow closer to Him. I am thankful for HIM!
My Thankful Thursday post could go on and on but I will stop here for this week. I am looking forward to knowing what you are thankful for - I'm sure your list is a long one, too.
May God bless and keep you in His loving care!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Time for a Change
Well, today marks the end of my babysitting days. I have been sitting for my niece, Jane Ann since she was twelve weeks old. She was two on June 29. Today is my last day.
This was a decision that I made - after much, much prayer and seeking God's guidance. I just didn't want ya'll to think I had been fired by my sister-in-law or anything.
Nope, God led me to this decision. You see, on August 10th, I will finally (let me stress f-i-n-a-l-l-y!!!) finish my bachelors degree. Yessiree, I'll be a college graduate with a real diploma and everything. Only took me a little over 13 years. So, the reason I won't be able to sit for Jane Ann anymore is that - drumroll please - I'm applying to graduate school!! Yep, that's right. Why stop now? I'm already in student mode - so why not go on for the next step up? Besides, what I really want to do is be a school librarian and that requires a Master's Degree in Media Specialist. So, I can stand to be a student for another 15 months or so. I'm really looking forward to this new adventure that God has for me.
God has blessed me with so much - I really don't deserve anything more. But, since He is such a loving and merciful God, I receive His blessings with love and adoration.
I pray that He will continue to guide me through this new adventure and when I'm ready to step into my first job as librarian (which by the way, I will be a really cool librarian - not one of those stuffy types) I will give Him all the glory and praise. Of course, I'll just do that in the mean time, anyway.
Ya'll have a blessed day. And, praise Him, praise Him, praise Him.
This was a decision that I made - after much, much prayer and seeking God's guidance. I just didn't want ya'll to think I had been fired by my sister-in-law or anything.
Nope, God led me to this decision. You see, on August 10th, I will finally (let me stress f-i-n-a-l-l-y!!!) finish my bachelors degree. Yessiree, I'll be a college graduate with a real diploma and everything. Only took me a little over 13 years. So, the reason I won't be able to sit for Jane Ann anymore is that - drumroll please - I'm applying to graduate school!! Yep, that's right. Why stop now? I'm already in student mode - so why not go on for the next step up? Besides, what I really want to do is be a school librarian and that requires a Master's Degree in Media Specialist. So, I can stand to be a student for another 15 months or so. I'm really looking forward to this new adventure that God has for me.
God has blessed me with so much - I really don't deserve anything more. But, since He is such a loving and merciful God, I receive His blessings with love and adoration.
I pray that He will continue to guide me through this new adventure and when I'm ready to step into my first job as librarian (which by the way, I will be a really cool librarian - not one of those stuffy types) I will give Him all the glory and praise. Of course, I'll just do that in the mean time, anyway.
Ya'll have a blessed day. And, praise Him, praise Him, praise Him.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Charleston - Part 2
So, where did we leave off? Oh, yes, I believe it was at Day 3. To make this easier for ya'll, I'll try to make this post about Charleston more brief. I just hate the thought of boring ya'll.
Let me give you the nutshell version to conclude and then you can look at the pictures. On Day 3 we went back to the historic district. We just wandered around and looked at all the beautiful places. We walked the promenade - which is two hoops wide. For those of you who might wonder what that means - it was built to accomodate two ladies in hoop skirts to be able to walk side by side - i.e. two hoops wide. Is that cool or what?
Then, we rested at The Battery and watched the CBS people set up for the live broadcast of the CBS Morning Show on that Friday. No, I didn't see Harry Smith, but he was there somewhere.
Then, on Day 4 we went to Boone Hall Plantation. This is where the tv miniseries North and South was filmed, also, the miniseries Queen with Hallie Berry and The Notebook. If you have seen any of these movies, then you've seen Boone Hall. Check it out here for more info.
On Day 5, we stayed at the hotel and enjoyed the pool. It was fun to just sit and do nothing but soak up the sun and cool off in the pool. I read a book I picked up in Charleston - The Belles of Charleston. How fitting, wouldn't you agree?
So, there is the nutshell version. I just want to say that I give our loving God such praise for allowing us the time to spend together as a family. How precious it is to be able to be with the two guys I love most in this world in a beautiful place like Charleston. Also, I thank God for blessing us with His travel mercies.We travelled to and from Charleston in absolute safety and comfort. I love Him so much.
And, here are the pictures.
Blessings, Lisa!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Home from Charleston - Part 1
Well Siestas, vacation has come and gone. We had the most wonderful time. I really didn't want to come home (Jacob didn't either.) We had seven wonderful days to sleep late, sight see and simply have fun together as a family. It was heavenly to not have phones to answer, chores to do or being on a schedule. We should do this more often.
Then, after we toured the Yorktown, we took a ferry out to Fort Sumter. This is where the Civil War began. (This is more my area of interest, so we were out there for a good while.)
This first picture is a view of Fort Sumter as we approached. The Atlantic Ocean is just beyond the Fort. It was designed to protect the Charleston ports. It was held by Federal troops until April 12, 1861, when the newly seceeded state of South Carolina began bombing the fort and took it over for what would become the Confederacy. (Sorry if I sound like a history teacher, I just can't help myself.)
Charleston, er, I mean, Chahlston, is absolutely breathtaking. There is so much to see and do. It is a magical city filled with lots of history and plenty of activity.
The first day we walked over to the USS Yorktown, which is docked on the Cooper River. It was an active aircraft carrier in World War II.

Then, after we toured the Yorktown, we took a ferry out to Fort Sumter. This is where the Civil War began. (This is more my area of interest, so we were out there for a good while.)

The second picture is of the parade grounds and the remains of the soldiers quarters on the left. Those archways are where the cannons were housed.
The third picture is a better view of the same.

Day 2 took us to the historical district. (I was so excited.) We started with a horse and buggy tour. Ms. Sherry, shown here with her horse, Chief, knows her stuff! She is a 14th generation Charlestonian and loves the city. Check out the eighteenth century home in the middle. Can you imagine living in this house? I would love to give it a try. The third picture in this row is of crepe myrtles covered in spanish moss. The picture just doesn't do it justice.

Day 2 took us to the historical district. (I was so excited.) We started with a horse and buggy tour. Ms. Sherry, shown here with her horse, Chief, knows her stuff! She is a 14th generation Charlestonian and loves the city. Check out the eighteenth century home in the middle. Can you imagine living in this house? I would love to give it a try. The third picture in this row is of crepe myrtles covered in spanish moss. The picture just doesn't do it justice.

This building (pic. 1) really haunted me. This is called the "Open Air Market." Although with the heat index at 105 degrees, I didn't find much open air. Anyway, these buildings (there were about four) were where slave traders brought slave to be held before going to be sold. It now serves as a place for various vendors - but the iron gates are still in tact. Very sad.
Then, there is a very old graveyard - some of the grave dated back to the 1600's. And here is a beautiful cobblestone street (aka, wharf).
So, this is just a little bit of our vacation. I wanted to share some with you tonight with the intent of posting some more tomorrow. I'm really tired from the trip - funny how that works, we go on vacation because we need a rest but then when we get home, we're pooped.
So, I thank our Lord for the wonderful time in Charleston with my two guys and I praise his name for my own bed waiting for me upstairs.
Blessings to you, siestas. Until tomorrow . . .
Sunday, July 15, 2007
We're Here!!!
Hello Siestas!!
Just to let you know that my posts may be few and far between this week. I am here for the week, so as you might well guess - I'll be a bit busy enjoying myself.
Keep us in your prayers and I'll be in touch.
Just to let you know that my posts may be few and far between this week. I am here for the week, so as you might well guess - I'll be a bit busy enjoying myself.
Keep us in your prayers and I'll be in touch.
Monday, July 9, 2007
We're going to Charleston
This coming weekend we are off to Charleston SC. I am so excited, I can hardly wait. We have never been there, so everything is going to be new.
We have been searching the internet and have some travel books that have given us some really great ideas on what to do and see.
What I would like to know is where are the best places to eat?? Can I get some suggestions, please?
I would love to know what ya'll think.
Looking forward to your ideas!!
We have been searching the internet and have some travel books that have given us some really great ideas on what to do and see.
What I would like to know is where are the best places to eat?? Can I get some suggestions, please?
I would love to know what ya'll think.
Looking forward to your ideas!!
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Fourth of July
Here we are, back home from a fantastic fourth of July week. Jacob and I travelled to Roanoke, Virginia to visit my aunt and uncle for the fourth. Then on Wednesday, we went to Lynchburg to the lake. The weather was beautiful, the food was terrific and we had a blast with the family. The only thing that was missing was Frank. He opted to stay home and work on the farm to get ready for our vacation to Charleston next week.

This is Jacob with his cousins, David and Christopher. The other one is Jacob on his hammerhead shark float. Notice the yellow gizmo on the top - it is a water squirter. How cool is that?

Jacob had a blast in the lake with David and John. They were in there almost all day. I tho
ught they were going to grow gills.
This is me and my cousin Ginger. We grew up like sisters. And here is my sweet, darling, Aunt Gay. She is my second Mom.
This is D.J. and Sissy - then, Sissy and Kelly chillin' in the hammock. And, me with Sissy.
So, here are some pictures from the fourth. Enjoy

D.J. and Sissy are such terrric people. They live in Charleston, so we are going to catch up with them next week. We are looking forward to having some fun with them. I haven't known them long, but D.J. is Kelly's brother, and Kelly is married to my cousin Mark. (see the connection?) So, I am really, really looking forward to building a long and wonderful friendship with Sissy and D.J.
I really just adore Sissy - she is so much fun and we have tons in common. I hope we will be close.

Finally, here are some pictures of the lake and a few of the locals - you might say that we had our "ducks in a row."
Saturday, June 30, 2007
A Day at Dollywood
We spent yesterday (Friday) at Dollywood. What a blast!! Just me and my two favorite guys. For those of you who don't know where or what Dollywood is - it is an amusement park set in the Smoky Mountains near Gatlinburg,TN. It is owned by Dolly Parton (hence Dollywood). It's a mountain theme park - you know, a country fair, white water rapids, mines, lots of beautiful trees and flowers, country and gospel music, cotton candy, candy apples, homemade ice cream, you get the idea.
Dollywood is only a little over an hour from our house, so we can make a day trip of it.
What a blessing it was to spend the day having fun with my husband and son. We rode rides, some of them multiple times, we ate, and there was lots and lots of laughter. What a blessed day.

This is Jacob and Frank on the River Rampage (for the fifth time). I rode the first two and decided I needed to dry out for a while.
I'm not very good at this picture thing - so, tips are not only appreciated they are hope for. So, bear with me and at least you can see some of the fun.
I'm not very good at this picture thing - so, tips are not only appreciated they are hope for. So, bear with me and at least you can see some of the fun.
And, VICTORY!!! I'm the "King of the World".

And, one last picture of my little guy - we were just goofing off at some of the booths.

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