Sunday, October 28, 2007

A Tribute to Miss Grace

Every once in while someone will cross our path and truly impact our life. If we are lucky, we will have the opportunity to spend time with this person and get to know them.
In my life, there have been many extraordinary people. All of them have impacted me in some way - once or twice not necessarily for good. But, in recent years, there was Miss Grace. Miss Grace can only be described as a sweet, gentile lady. Her entire life revolved around her love for God and her family and friends. She is known as a matriarch, a pillar, a cornerstone and even and icon in our church family. My husband has known Miss Grace his entire life - she and his grandmother were friends from childhood. He can never remember a time when Miss Grace lost her temper, said an unkind word or raised her voice. She has taught Sunday School for so many years that nearly everyone in our church has been in her class.
Miss Grace lost her husband many years ago and her three children live away. But, she never complained and she never faultered in her dedication to the church and church family.
A few years ago, at the age of 90, Miss Grace gave up her driver's license. Not because she was forced to do so - she became ill and decided she didn't want to drive anymore. Over the last four years, her health became increasingly worse. She could only come to church on occasion and was bound to her home - mostly her bed.
Tonight, my husband and I visited Miss Grace for the last time - at the funeral home. She went home to be with the Lord, peacefully in her sleep two nights ago. She was home, where she wanted to be, surrounded by her family and friends. What a blessed way to be called Home.
I am saddened by the loss of Miss Grace - but I am so blessed having known her. I still have the little coat and hat that she made for my son when he was born. I will treasure it forever. I will treasure the lovely memories of Miss Grace - her smile, her dedication, her determination and her sweet, gentle ways.
There are just some people who pass through our lives that leave such sweet memories. Miss Grace is that person for me. I pray that you have someone in your life that will touch you in the same way. I pray that you have someone to bring only love and blessings to you simply by their presence.
May God bless and keep you, Miss Grace. I will see you again.

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