Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!!

Just a quick post to wish everyone a wonderful New Year!! My prayer is that each of you will have a joyous and prosperous 2008. I pray for your good health and that you will experience God in every moment of every day.

God Bless you - from our house to yours!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Our Christmas

Well, another Chistmas has come and gone. Of course, the Spirit of Christmas is alive and well in our daily lives - PTL!!
Actually, I am glad that all the rushing around is over. I am so exhausted by Christmas day that I usually don't enjoy it as much as I could. Yesterday, at my parents house, I fell asleep on the couch. I was a bit embarrassed but I just couldn't help it. Thankfully, the family was very understanding and didn't chastise me for it. They were also very merciful and didn't do anything mean to me while I lay there. LOL But, we had been running for several days doing the family things. My little guy had a birthday last Friday (the 21st). He was 7 years old. I can hardly believe he is 7 already. So, we went out to dinner and then had family over for cake and ice cream. Saturday morning we headed to my sister-in-law's house (2 hours away) for her family get-together. We got home at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. Missed church. Then, I had to do some last minute shopping and hit the grocery store.
Monday, we had to drive to my aunt's house for lunch with my Dad's side of the family, back home for Christmas Eve with Frank's family. Of course, then I had to come home to fix things for the next morning (Santa). So, on Christmas morning, I got up early to start preparing my food items to take to my parents house. Meanwhile, the kids came over to open gifts with us and have breakfast. They don't go to my parents with us anymore - they have grown up and flown the coop. So, we were at my parents (45 minutes away) by 12:30 for lunch. I was in such a tizzy I forgot one of my Mom's gifts and the plate of deviled eggs I had prepared. See what I mean??

Now, don't get me wrong, we had a wonderful Christmas. Jacob really hit the motherlode in toys. Plus, Granny and Papaw bought him a new bicycle. Last year, they bought him a four-wheeler. I warned them about buying vehicle-type gifts for him - when he is 16 he will expect a new car. LOL
But, I am really glad that he enjoyed himself so much. He went to the jewelry store with his Daddy to buy me a beautiful silver bracelet. The links are hearts and each heart has a letter spelling M-O-M. I love it. But, what I really enjoyed about it was the excitement on his face as he gave it to me. He was so proud and could hardly wait for me to get it open. It was a very sweet moment, for me anyway.
My darling husband purchased himself a Christmas gift - well for both of us - a new truck. He deserves it - he works hard and the old truck was 12 years old. Definately time for a new one.
Well, that catches everyone up on the last few days. It has been a whirlwind of activity and personally, I am glad to have the next few days to chill. I received a couple of new books and a copy of the Archealogical Bible. So, I've got me some good reading ahead of me. Tonight, I am going to watch all three dvd's of the television epic - John Jake's "North and South." It just don't get much better than that.

Hope ya'll had a great Christmas!! Let me know how it went for you.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

We got elfed!!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours.

Check us out here.

Hope you enjoy!!

Guess I should start decorating for Christmas

I am so ashamed to admit this - but I have not started my Christmas shopping yet. Yes, I know how that sounds and I definately know what that says about me. Nevertheless, it is the truth. Sadly, I just haven't been in the mood. This is a very unusual thing for me - every year, I get so excited over Christmas and all the little details that surround it. But, this year, I just haven't been able to get myself excited over it.
Well, that is, until tonight. Tonight, our church had the annual "Secret Pal Dinner." Each year, the women of the church put our names into a basket, then draw one out. We keep it secret (hence, Secret Pals, duh)and send cards, remember birthdays, anniversaries or other special occasions and of course, the holidays throughout the year. It's really alot of fun. Then, on the first Saturday in December, we have our annual dinner. The men cook the dinner and we have a program, then reveal our Secret Pals and exchange gifts. It's a wonderful occasion.
Now, to be truthful - this morning, I was dreading the whole thing. I just didn't want to go. And, I had not purchased my Pal's gift until today. But, I did a quick trip to the mall this morning and found a beautiful red, silk pajama set and a soft robe to match. I bought her some fuzzy slippers and wrapped it all up in a pretty bag with a big gold bow. Yet, I still wasn't in the mood for Christmas.
UNTIL - during the program at the dinner - a friend of mine stood up and read the story of Christ's birth from the book of Luke. As Terri read, suddenly, my spirits began to lift and I began to look forward to preparing for Christmas.
You see, it hit me - the shopping, the decorating, the baking, the wrapping - all of this is a gift of sorts. It is my gift to my family. The things that I do every year to get ready are as much a gift as the presents I buy. These are the things that make Christmas time feel like Christmas time at our house. In doing all of these things, I can help make a way to bring the true meaning into the season.
Is it just me, or do you get the feeling that God is smiling down, saying, "Now you get it."
Maybe, I'm just crazy - but that's what happened. And, I feel more like getting ready for Christmas. So, tomorrow after church, the three of us are having a decorating party at our house. Frank and Jacob are in charge of getting the tree up and we will all decorate it together. I will bring out the Christmas linen and the Christmas dishes to use for the next few weeks. The lights will go in all the windows and the wreath on the door. My collection of Christmas carolers will come out of the closet and the stockings will be hung on the mantle. Then, tomorrow night, after dinner - we will all sit in the light of the tree and maybe watch Polar Express for the umteenth time (and love every minute of it.)
Another one of my favorite Christmas movies is The Bishop's Wife (with Cary Grant) so that is a possibility.
But, it all sounds so wonderful now. I am actually looking forward to some serious shopping this week.
God is so cool. I am always amazed at His ways. I am so blessed to have a Heavenly Father who loves me and never gives up on me.

Oh, by the way - what are your favorite Christmas movies?? I would love to know.
