Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Sweet Sunday

When we left for church this morning, the temperature was 15 degrees! Needless to say, it was not a day for a cute skirt - it was a pants day!! But, I love cold weather for the simple reason that I love to be warm and snuggly at home with my family and all that God has blessed us with.
We had a great Sunday School class too. Our class is the adult group that doesn't necessarily fit in with the "young adults" nor do we fit in with the "older adults." The sweet little lady who keeps the attendance records handed us our book this morning and we noticed that she had written "Middle Age Group" on the front. Well, we all got a big kick out of that one. My best friend, Lezley is in there and she is only 29 years old. Then, there is Rosie, who is only 27. So, we teased them a little bit - saying that if they are "middle age" then they are only not going to be here on earth very long. Like I said, we were teasing, because in truth, none of us has the promise of the next breath. We all look forward to the moment when our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ returns to take us home - and that could be any moment.
Anyway, me, being me - decided that we need a different title for our ecclectic little group. So, we came up with "The Misfits." We like that title for it's humor value.
Then, during the sermon - our pastor delivered the second part of the sermon he gave last Sunday. This week the title was "What does God do with Dead Batteries?" It was so good. It really made me think about my walk. Am I doing all that I am supposed to be doing in God's Name? Do I witness as I should? Do I support my church family? Do I reach out to the needy? These are just a few of the thoughts I had as I listened.
After the service, we had our montly "Birthday/Anniversary Lunch." On the third Sunday of each month, we have a potluck lunch after church to celebrate that month's birthdays and anniversaries. It's a lot of fun. One good thing is, if it is your birthday or anniversary month, you don't have to cook - just enjoy!! During the lunch, I looked around the room at those people who have been serving in our church for many years. I thought about the sermon and those people that have certainly shown that they are not "dead batteries" for God. First, there is Miss Jean. She is 75 years old and has more energy than I do most of the time. She teaches Sunday School (my Jacob is in her class), she is the leader for the younger youth group (ages 5-11), she cleans the church every week, she attends committee meetings, she takes food to the shut-ins and the sick, the list is endless. But, she never complains - she never stops. Miss Jean is an awesome example. Miss Liz has hearing difficulties but plays the piano every Sunday. She directs the youth choir and all the plays. Miss Dorothy is the treasurer and can tell you how every single penny is spent. She is the most thorough book keeper I have ever known. Wayne can spend an entire day mowing and trimming the grounds. He loves to make everything look beautiful. These are just a few of the wonderful people that I look up to. But, they are "doing!" They are in God's service and they never tire. They don't ask for anything in return nor do they want any recognition. Aren't those examples of what we are supposed to be doing? Aren't we supposed to go out and "do" in God's name? As children of God, we are supposed to do everything in God's name. Isn't that how we show God's love by doing for others with love? I so want to be a light for God. I hope that God's love shines through me in the things I do for Him and His children. I try to always keep God in the middle of everything - my home, my family, my work, my friends - even mundane activities such as grocery shopping, running errands - everything.
My prayer is:
Dear Father, let me be a vessel for You. I pray Your Light will shine through me. Let me go out and do all things in Your name and for Your glory.
In Jesus' Name,

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Sledding Counts as Aerobic Exercise

We woke up this morning to a beautiful winter wonderland. Everything was white. It was magnificent. I snuggled into my warm bed feeling as if God had covered us in a white blanket while we slept. So cozy.
The schools were closed today, so Jacob and I had the day off. We just enjoyed the morning doing, pretty much, nothing. I just love sitting in my fluffy pink bathrobe drinking coffee on a cold morning. I love to have the moment to be thankful for all that I've been given.
Anyway, around noon, Jacob and I bundled up and headed out into the snow. We have the "perfect" hill for sledding behind our house. So, we climbed the hill about a dozen times and swooshed back down to the bottom. Before today, I knew I am out of shape - but today proved just how out of shape I really am. My treadmill will be my best friend from now on! I was huffing and puffing - my heart was pounding and, well, you get the picture. But, did we have fun!!!
Then, we had a snowball fight and ended our time outside building a cute little snow man in the front yard. He is waving to the traffic going by.
So, we came inside, changed into some dry clothes and headed to the library. What a wonderful day.
I am so blessed. I'm also beginning to get a little sore. But, that's o.k. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

A Fight for A Blessing

Ya'll - the devil was in my face this morning. But, it didn't do him any good. He tried so hard to keep me out of church - it isn't funny how hard he tried.
As if I haven't been dealing with enough over the last few days - but isn't that when he likes to try to get us. Too bad - My Lord and Savior won!! I was at church and I got my blessing!!

Here's how it all happened -
Jacob has been sick (you knew that)so, this morning, Frank and I decided that he would stay home with Jacob so I could go to church. He's a sweetie!!
So, I got up, made the coffee, had to iron my clothes and then jumped in the shower. At this point, all is well - HA! So, while I'm in the shower, I dropped my sponge. I bent over to retrieve it before all the body wash was rinsed out of it when BAM! I smacked my head on the side of the shower stall and nearly knocked myself out! I hit that bone right under the eyebrow - you know, directly above the eye - OUCH!! But, I saved that sponge and the soap.
Once I got my senses back, I just looked heavenward and said, "O.K. Lord, I need a little help here." So, after my near death shower - I get dressed and head to the kitchen for a fresh cup of coffee. So, I got my coffee in my favorite "I Love Lucy" cup and I head into the bathroom to put on my makeup when my coffee splashes over the side of the cup on runs down the front of my shirt and my pants. I decided right then and there that I was not going to let the devil win that I was going to church even if I had a knot on my head and coffee stains down my front.
So, I finished getting ready and I head off to church. Now, our church is less than half a mile from our house but, I was late. I didn't care - I was still in time for Sunday School. I ran into our pastor in the hallway and I told him how I had fought to be there this morning. I also told him that I came for a blessing and I wasn't leaving until I got it.
Well, God is good!! Because the sermon our pastor gave this morning was just exactly what I needed to hear. It was awesome. He preached on "Recharging our Spiritual Batteries." I really needed to hear that for more reasons than one. And, let me tell you - the devil has pretty much left me alone for the rest of the day. Praise the Lord!! Now, I know he's lurking and he'll be back - but today's victory belongs to Jesus!!
Here are a few points that our pastor made this morning. I thought you might enjoy them, too.
1. We need to be honest with ourselves. We need to ask, "what is the problem?" "Am I not serving?" "Is something missing?"
2. Take a Spiritual Inventory. Make a connection with God. Have a Spiritual Cleansing - truly repent.
3. Make a committment. Find Christian fellowship and worship, truly worship God. Get involved in the House of God.
4. Express your faith through witness and ministry. Ask, "Am I just taking up space in God's House?" Even the "little" jobs are big in the eyes of God.
Go out in God's name.

Isn't that awesome? I think so. It was really what I needed to hear. I feel so much better. Praise God - His timing is always great!!

Well, Siestas - I hope you have received a blessing from this post - I know I certainly received my blessing today. Even if I did have to fight for it!

In Christ,

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The "Blah's"

For the last few days, I have had the "blah's." I don't have any energy - I just want to either just sit around or sleep. I have to make myself get up and go. Even my appetite seems to be gone. I just feel "blah."
I suppose it's the whole "after Christmas" time that is getting me down. I can't pinpoint a specific reason for feeling low. I did have the flu from Christmas until New Years but I'm over that. Jacob has walking pneumonia right now, though. He's in pretty good spirits considering he isn't allowed to do all the fun weekend things he usually does - like go to the farm with his Dad - ride his 4-wheeler - play with his buddy Samuel - you know that kind of stuff little boys love to do on the weekend. Bless his little heart, he has really been a trooper.

I've been entertaining the idea of continuing on with my education. Should I apply to Grad school or not? Should I just be happy to have a job in the school system? Which by the way, I love my job but the money is TERRIBLE and I only get to work part time - full time is not an option.
I don't know what to do. If I were to go on to Grad school and possible get a teaching job or even better a librarian job - then I would be able to earn more than three times what I earn right now. But, I would be obligated to things that would require much more of my time - such as lesson plans, parent-teacher meeting - after school meetings, just to name a few. Then there is the whole continuing education process that all teachers must maintain throughout thier careers.
Oh, well - I just don't know!!
Your prayers are greatly appreciated and desperately needed.

I hope everyone has a great week. Blessings to each of you!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

A Little Talk with Jesus

I had a wonderful time with God yesterday. The guys were at the farm all day, so I had some time alone with God. It was wonderful. There has been so much stuff going on lately that my "talk time with God" has dwindled. So, we talked, laughed, talked some more, I cried - alot - and we talked even more. It was the best day. I had some very deep issues that I had been holding on to. So, I just let it all out. I cried out to the Lord and He heard me. I felt His presence in a way that I haven't felt in quite a while. I've missed that feeling. I hope not to let so much stuff get in the way again.
I just wanted to share that!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Looking for a simpler 2008

You won't find any New Year's Resolutions here!! Let's just get that out there and on the table. Resolutions are fine for those of you who can actually keep them. As for me - resolutions tend to be short lived.
So, I decided to set myself some goals for 2008. Goals I can live with and possibly, actually, maybe achieve.

Here is the short list:

1. Clean out that front room that has served as storage for the past few years and make a beautiful sitting room.

2a. Clean out ALL the closets and give away (or otherwise get rid of) anything and everything that is not used, worn or in some other way useful.

2b. Get rid of everything that is not in use or hasn't been worn in the last year. (Even if it's not in a closet).

3. Drink more water - which really translates to Drink less Pepsi. Oh, how I love my Pepsi. Remember these are just goals - nothing is set in stone.

4. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. My doctor added this one. I don't remember asking him for imput on my blog post.

Like I said - these are goals - not resolutions. I give myself the entire year to work on these goals. I don't want to set myself up for failure.

I really love the idea of a new year - a clean slate - fresh, clean pages on a brand new calender just waiting for me to fill it in.
I love starting a new journal. There is so much to look forward to. God is so good to give us a fresh new year - just as He gives us a new day only on a bigger scale.

By the end of 2008, I hope to have a simpler way of living in place. I hope my home will be full of "less" and more focused on the really important things. With less things to distract me (us), there will be more room for God. That is what I REALLY want - MORE GOD.
Less stuff - More God. Sounds like a plan!!

Happy New Year!!