Friday, June 27, 2008

A big weekend

Tomorrow is going to be a very big day. Our little country church is having a one day Vacation Bible School. We begin at 10:00 and will end somewhere around 3:00. Afterwards we will have a picnic to celebrate. Since our church is so small - we will be lucky to have about 20 kids attending. I know it sounds very small in comparison to other churches - but even with our small numbers - our love for God is BIG!!
My job will be to direct the music. Which is completely hilarious to those who know me. I can't sing!!!! Oh, I love to try - but even my son tells me that he would rather listen to the radio.
So, tonight, my darling Frank brought a projector from his office for me to use with my laptop to project the words to the songs onto a large screen. Isn't he brilliant?
So, (and the kiddoes will thank us) all I have to do is put in the CD and point to the verses. Oh, the joys of technology!!
One of the songs that we will be learning tomorrow is called "Jesus Is"
Not the one you hear on the radio all the time. This one is part of the VBS material that the VBS director purchased.
Anyway - I just fell in love with this song. I pray that the kids will like it too.

The chorus is as follows:
Jesus is Messiah
Jesus is my Savior
Jesus is the promise of our God
Jesus is amazing
Jesus is worth praising
Jesus is the only perfect love
And I'm so glad I know who He is
And I want the whole world to know
Who Jesus is.

Isn't that beautiful?
I'd love to sing a little bit of it for you - but, well, you can thank me later.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Little on the Lonely Side

My little sweetie has gone to spend a few days with Granny and Papaw. Needless to say, it is a little quiet around here. Oh, I'm glad he loves to visit his grandparents. That is a very special time for them and I wouldn't take it away from them for anything. So, he can spend the next few days getting spoiled - having his way in everything - eating anything or nothing and having complete control of the remote. What more could a little boy want???
So, today after a visit to my doctor (blood pressure is still elevated), I spent the day window shopping. Well, I actually bought a few things - but mostly I just browsed. It was different - but nice.
I ran into a girlfriend from high school. I dearly love her and it was wonderful to see her and two of her four children.
A funny thing happened to me after I ran into my friend. Karrie has four children (the youngest is three) and is still a size six. I realized just how much I have neglected my health and the condition of my body. Now, I don't want to be a size six, I am much too tall for that (5'9") a size 10 is just fine with me. The problem is that I'm out of shape. Now, Karrie and her twin sister Kellie have always been very conscience of thier health. They have been very active and have always eaten a healthy diet. I have not!
So, I am on the road to a better body and a healthier lifestyle. It'll take a while but so far I'm enjoying it. I'm also hoping that it will help lower my blood pressure.
I guess it's just taken me a little longer to understand the consequences of what I do to my body. Oh, well, better late than never.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

There's No "I" in Steward

This morning in church, Preacher really hit some nails right on the head. What an awesome service. Sometimes I just come out of there with my mouth hanging open. All the sermons are wonderful and truly God-inspired, but sometimes they hit a little closer to home.

The message today was taken fom Luke 10:25-37, The Parable of the Good Samaritan. The difference is that Preacher adapted this much taught parable to The Parable of the Good Steward.
After reading the scripture, Preacher asked us "What makes a good steward?" He explained that Stewardship is: Using God given abilities for taking care of God given resources for God ordained results. Powerful stuff!!
He then went on to explain that good stewardship really boils down to two things - our heart and our attitude.
At this point in the message, I was beginning to feel it pretty deep. I kept thinking and asking myself "What is my attitude?" Am I a good steward or do I just do things because I know I'm supposed to?" I think I was beginning to squirm a little bit in my seat.
Some of the things that kept going through my mind were, my house is a mess, there are dishes in the sink, laundry that needs to be done, etc. Then, it really began to sink in - Am I the best parent that I can be? Do I truly lead Jacob in the way of Christ? Do I pray over him constantly? Wow - that really began to hurt.

Then Preacher moved over to the Book of Malachi in the third chapter. This passage teaches on tithing. He asked us "Are you robbing God?" Oh, right in the gut!!!
Here is how it ties in to the passage in Luke.

In the Parable of the Good Samaritan we see three types of people.

1. The Robber - This attitude is: What is yours is mine and I'm going to take it.

2. The Levite/Pharisee - What's mine is mine and I'm going to keep it.

3. The Samaritan - What's mine is yours and I will gladly share it.

These three represent each of us as stewards to what God has graciously blessed us with. How do we handle it? Do we give with the right heart and attitude? Not just money but our time, our prayers, ourselves?
This one really gave me alot to think about. I have so much to consider. Am I robbing God by being a poor steward over the many blessings He has given me?

First thing in the morning - we start cleaning. Not just because I know it's the right thing to do but because I really feel in my heart that I want to be a good steward. Now, don't get the wrong idea - my flesh is screaming "no, don't make me, the mess really isn't that bad - this is summer vacation, chill out." But, my heart is saying, "oh, how nice the house will feel and look - not to mention how pleasing it will be to God that you obey Him." So, which one do you think I should follow - my flesh or my heart? I choose to follow my heart because that is where God is.

As for being a good steward over Jacob - well that will take more than a few days to ensure. I can get the house cleaned in a few days - but Jacob will require the rest of my life - and I gladly give it. After all, he is the greatest resource God has entrusted me with. Oh, it's an awesome responsibility but I'm up for the job. It should be a grand adventure.