Sunday, February 24, 2008

"Whatever you do for one of the least of these . . ."

I rejoice in the love of my Savior Jesus Christ yet my heart is heavy.
This burden on my heart is for the children I am blessed to work with each day at our school.
Here's the short version . . . our community is by no means a wealthy community. Our school is full of children with many needs. However, there are several children that have absolutely captured my heart and fill my prayers.
There are four children within our school - two are sisters, two are brother and sister and then there is the other boy. Three families living in one run down old house. 13 children in all living together. There is reason to believe the adults are into drugs and possibly prostitution. The kids come to school dirty, often smelling as if they have not had a bath in days. Thier clothes are pitiful and desperately needing to be washed. Several churches and other organizations in the area bought new clothes, shoes and coats for all the children at Christmas and provided groceries along with a special holiday meal. It is rumored that the shoes and coats were sold. There is no proof other than none of the children have been seen wearing any of the new items.
Authorities have been called - repeatedly. Reports have been filed - you name it - it's been done. But, no action has been taken. One of the kids came to school with still bleeding wounds from a bicycle wreck the day before - no one bothered to clean or bandage his wounds. His teacher did it - the next morning.
I desperately want to scoop these children up and bring them home with me. I want to give them a bath, dress them in decent clothes, give them a hearty meal and a clean bed. I want to love on them and let them know that someone really cares. But, I can't do that. So, I love on them as much as the law will allow while I'm in the classroom.
Now, those of you who have worked in the public school system much longer than I might have developed a tolerance for this type of situation. I beg you to let down your guard and let your heart ache for these kids. Love them like Jesus. Lift them up in prayer - intercede on thier behalf. If we, as children of God, do not, then who?
In Matthew 25:40, Jesus says, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
The law might limit what I can do physically for these children - but it can not limit how much I can pray for them.
Keep them in your prayers. An old song keeps going through my mind - some of you might remember it.
Bless the Beasts and the Children
For in this world
They have no voice
They have no choice.

Maybe they don't have a choice right now - but if they can begin to see the love of Jesus, then they will have choices they have never dreamed of.
Keep them in your prayers, siestas. Together, we can be thier voice.
God bless you.

Friday, February 15, 2008

A little catching up

I haven't posted anything in such a long time, I don't know if I can get caught up or not.
Yesterday, February 14, 2008, my darling Frank and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. What a wonderful 10 years it has been. What a blessing he is to me. He is absolutely the best person I know.
In honor of our anniversay and Valentine's Day, Frank sent me the most beautiful basket of roses to school. Now, this may not be such a big deal to many of you wives out there - but for me, it was a wonderful surprise. Frank isn't a flower-sender-kind-of-husband. He is far more practical and would rather buy me something useful. Which is o.k. with me - but it was a beautiful gesture and I absolutely wallowed in it all day long.
Over the last few weeks, we have all had "the crud." I can't really say it was one thing or the other - just cruddy, junk to make us feel awful. We've had the sniffles, the sneezes, the coughs, the headaches, the congestion, the runny noses, the watery eyes, the tummy aches, the nausea, the body aches and of course, all that is accompanied by the grumbles - not all at once, but any combination of the aforementioned on varying days or nights. But, we have all kept on keeping on.
It's not just my little family - the school is full of the same stuff going on with staff as well as students. Just that time of year, I suppose.
That is the "nutshell" version of what has been going on. A whole lot of nothing. I am looking forward to the coming month - I love the Easter Season. I love to read and re-read the story of the crucifixion and ponder the unfathomable love that my Jesus has for me. I will probably sit up late a night or two, or three, to watch The Passion of the Christ and cry until I can not cry anymore. I haven't allowed Jacob to watch that movie yet. I don't think he is old enough to understand besides, he can't read the subtitles well enough just yet. But, in a few years, I hope to sit with him and watch it together. I pray it touches him in the same way it does me and causes his heart to ache for more Jesus. I pray that he will yearn for Jesus and seek Him in everything he will ever do.
But, for now, we'll read together from the Holy Word. I just love the Easter Season. I love the spirit of renewal and rebirth. But, isn't it amazing that God's mercies are fresh every day - we don't have to wait for a season in the year. We can start fresh with God every day.
Oh, my Lord, You are amazing and I love you!